Bella's diary

December 23rd and 24th: nothing major has happened. I've started logging my waistline size and intend to stay aware of my size and weight from now on, even after I reach my goal.

Haven't started any physical activities yet.

Good news is cravings for junk food have disappeared completely. I hope it stays like this forever.
December 29th, disappointed and depressed, haven't lost any weight. stress level has been too high this week. just don't know what else I can do.
Stress alone can stop you losing weight. I think that is part of my problem as well & am going to explore ways of minimizing my stress. This article(not spam) will explain it better than I can- Why Does Chronic Stress Make Losing Weight More Difficult?.
Don't give up. Starting some exercise will help boost your mood. Look on it as improving your general health & wellbeing & take your focus off the weight for a week or two.
It's excellent that your cravings for junk food have disappeared. Your body will love you :)
Stress alone can stop you losing weight. I think that is part of my problem as well & am going to explore ways of minimizing my stress. This article(not spam) will explain it better than I can- Why Does Chronic Stress Make Losing Weight More Difficult?.
Don't give up. Starting some exercise will help boost your mood. Look on it as improving your general health & wellbeing & take your focus off the weight for a week or two.
It's excellent that your cravings for junk food have disappeared. Your body will love you :)

Happy new year dear Cate :grouphug: May the new year bless you with happiness, peace, and laughter.

I tried to visit the website several times but unfortunately, I couldn't. I'm glad I can be here again.

Thank you for sharing the article with me. You are right about stress stopping the weight loss, I haven't lost any weight recently. I know the source of my stress but I don't know how I can eliminate it. The meditation sessions I use are very helpful for short time, I feel good for a couple of hours after meditation but not in general. I guess I should start studying how I can be calm. Have you found a new way of dealing with your stress?
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I've skipped IF for two weeks now. On fast days, instead of not eating, I mostly have had raw vegetables, pumpkin seeds, nuts, and dates. Dunno why but I just couldn't do IF. I used to enjoy IF but these two weeks my body was like Nah I don't wanna fast.

I haven't started any exercises yet. Thinking to try yoga this week.

Meditation is going on strongly, haven't missed a day.

I don't count my calorie intake anymore. Maybe I'm scared to find out it's more than what I need.
Happy new year dear Cate :grouphug: May the new year bless you with happiness, peace, and laughter.
I tried to visit the website several times but unfortunately, I couldn't. I'm glad I can be here again.
Thank you for sharing the article with me. You are right about stress stopping the weight loss, I haven't lost any weight recently. I know the source of my stress but I don't know how I can eliminate it. The meditation sessions I use are very helpful for short time, I feel good for a couple of hours after meditation but not in general. I guess I should start studying how I can be calm. Have you found a new way of dealing with your stress?
You are sweet. No. I haven't found a way to deal with my stress at all. Today was one of the most stressful in a long while. No-one else can take away your stress, unfortunately. I have to try to find a way to reduce it, even if it means making some drastic decisions. My health is suffering for it. I have contemplated meditation too, but if the major problems still exist it's like putting a band-aid on a bleeding main artery.
The website was down for a couple of days again but I think it should be ok now.
Hang in there, Bella & concentrate on being as healthy as you can. I think our world has tipped a little bit arse up & we are prioritising unimportant things. "Happiness, peace & laughter" you wished for me. I wish them for you too :grouphug:
You are sweet. No. I haven't found a way to deal with my stress at all. Today was one of the most stressful in a long while. No-one else can take away your stress, unfortunately. I have to try to find a way to reduce it, even if it means making some drastic decisions. My health is suffering for it. I have contemplated meditation too, but if the major problems still exist it's like putting a band-aid on a bleeding main artery.
The website was down for a couple of days again but I think it should be ok now.
Hang in there, Bella & concentrate on being as healthy as you can. I think our world has tipped a little bit arse up & we are prioritising unimportant things. "Happiness, peace & laughter" you wished for me. I wish them for you too :grouphug:

Thank you, dear Cate, for your beautiful wishes. Today I feel much more at ease. As you said it, we are prioritizing unimportant things. It might sound simple, but sometimes we don't really know "what" is important. At least I'm not sure that I know it.

Good news, I've started IF again *big smile*
I have lessened my stress considerably & am also more at ease. Nothing about life is simple.
I hope to get back on IF after seeing my cardio.
January 19th, Started another fast day but with a difference, started the day without any food.

I've realized my eating behavior is based on inertia; If I start eating, I wanna keep eating, but if I don't start eating I wanna keep "not eating". sounds weird but the evidence is showing me it is true.

Another good news is I'm finally back to losing weight; although it's slow, I'm hoping in six months I can get to my goal :hurray:
i think eating ... at least at my age... has a lot to do with life-long habits. when i started IF, the worst times for me were late night. i had always ignored the adage of not eating before bed and i thought it was why i was never really hungry in the morning. well, i still have some hard times in the evening, but even on my normal days of my eating window being about 11am - 3-4pm, i get up in the morning and i'm still not hungry even though it's been a lot longer than 12 hours since i've eaten.
February 13th, have lost about 1.5 kg since January 19th. That doesn't sound fast at all.

I hate how everyone around me is saying I shouldn't diet. They're just so unsupportive. Before I started losing weight, everyone had a comment about me becoming overweight. now they're all experts on how good I look just the way I am. I just wish they would think before talking. I also wish I had friends and family who were happy for me.

Two weeks ago I managed to eliminate one important stress factor from my life. :hurray: All I need to do now is finishing my studies on time and take a real deep breath.

Something really puzzles me, as I lose weight, I don't see much difference in my waist size. Has anybody had a similar experience?
People just like to criticize. I remember seeing a skit somewhere about a reporter with nothing to write about and an older colleague telling them how it´s simple: they just take this new picture of *insert famous woman here* sitting in the sun, find a spot to zoom in on and depending where you zoom you can write at least 5 different stories:
- Salad on the table: OMG, X has an eating disorder!
- Salad on the table: X is finally getting her life together!
- Fries on the table: OMG, X is totally letting herself go, Y must have left her!
- Fries on the table: X is such a brave rebel, ignoring Hollywood´s demands!
- Skin fold showing because X is leaning forward: OMG, X is getting SOOO fat!
- Skin fold showing because X is leaning forward: Look what happens when you are underweight like X, you get all wrinkly!
- Chair pushing into flesh on thigh: OMG look at that cellulite!
And so on and so forth.

Yay on eliminating stress factors!
Something really puzzles me, as I lose weight, I don't see much difference in my waist size. Has anybody had a similar experience?

Most people don´t lose weight at the same rate in every spot. Losing from the top down seems typical, at least for women. Meaning your boobs often deflate first and your thighs tend to be very stubborn. Belly fat especially is also harder to shift when you´re stressed.
People just like to criticize. I remember seeing a skit somewhere about a reporter with nothing to write about and an older colleague telling them how it´s simple: they just take this new picture of *insert famous woman here* sitting in the sun, find a spot to zoom in on and depending where you zoom you can write at least 5 different stories:
- Salad on the table: OMG, X has an eating disorder!
- Salad on the table: X is finally getting her life together!
- Fries on the table: OMG, X is totally letting herself go, Y must have left her!
- Fries on the table: X is such a brave rebel, ignoring Hollywood´s demands!
- Skin fold showing because X is leaning forward: OMG, X is getting SOOO fat!
- Skin fold showing because X is leaning forward: Look what happens when you are underweight like X, you get all wrinkly!
- Chair pushing into flesh on thigh: OMG look at that cellulite!
And so on and so forth.

Yay on eliminating stress factors!

Most people don´t lose weight at the same rate in every spot. Losing from the top down seems typical, at least for women. Meaning your boobs often deflate first and your thighs tend to be very stubborn. Belly fat especially is also harder to shift when you´re stressed.

Thank you for your reply, dear LaMaria. I guess I need to avoid people who criticize a lot. There was actually a positive side to this, now I try more to think before I talk and I try not to focus on what others might be doing wrong.
March 4th, losing weight slowly but steadily.

These days I've been snacking on almonds, walnuts and red dates (ziziphus jujuba). I didn't think the red dates would be flavorful, but amazingly they're very satisfying.

The other thing my body naturally goes for is a mixture of cumin seeds and black pepper that I crush and put in greek yogurt.
Losing weight slowly but steadily is a very good thing. I think I'll mix up some yoghurt with savoury things more often. That sounds yummy!
A year ago I was always tired, my mind was foggy and my body was numb. I was frustrated because I didn't know why I felt so awful and out of breath. Doctors kept saying my tests were normal and all they did was giving me a bunch of supplements.
Back then I had no clue that sugar is ruining me. Today I'm truly grateful for getting an understanding of what was happening to me and quitting sugar for good.
so why am I writing this now... I wanna remember that there is a solution to everything and I shouldn't give up. If I have a problem today although all test results are normal, I'm still capable of solving the problem.
unfortunately got the flu three weeks ago and didn't fast for more than two weeks. now I feel very down and lightheaded. I don't feel like eating today. had one boiled egg and an apple because I was dizzy but I didn't enjoy eating. last night I cooked fish, the aroma was so tempting but I couldn't make myself start eating, just put it in the fridge.
April 9th; Breakfast: one orange, one red apple and a cup of Turkish coffee that I make almost every morning.
I feel much much better today, my mind is sunny and clear.
An old friend of mine been callin and offerin me a job. It's a good position but I keep avoiding a meeting. Today morning I realized why I'm avoiding it; deep down I'm scared of going back to a stressful life that would make me sick again. It's not good to be scared. I know my priorities though. I have to finish my studies first and find a good Ph.D. position on another side of the planet. But working was always important to me too. My experience says having a full-time job and a full-time academic pursuit at the same time is gonna ruin my health again. tough decisions.

Things I think I should work on now are:
1- Sleep one hour earlier than usual for a week.
2- Meditate at a certain time each day.
3- Stop watching TV at nights. I wish I knew why I'm so addicted to watching TV before I go to sleep. Has anyone had the same problem? :confused:
Hi Bella,

I spent a few years doing a lot of travel for work - I'd go back to the hotel room at night and would just watch tv. It's amazing how hard that habit is to kick!

We just started (last night!) turning off the tv and reading outloud together for an hour and then going straight to sleep.
I'm not sure how long this will last but we both had a great night sleep!