Alligatorob's Diary

A decent day, ate well, exercised, and feel good tonight. Bright sunny, but cold day here, picture from back
That's often the best we can wish for with chronic conditions. Slowly building an arsenal of things that at least help a bit and just accepting the times nothing really works.
Thanks Llama, that really is a good thought, a chronic condition, not curable just manageable. I spent many many years hoping it would go away, that I could find a way to stop it, and the best I have been able to do is live with it. It is time to just accept it and move on as best I can. Do you see your bingeing the same way? Or do you continue to search or hope for cure?
I bought an advent beauty box calendar recently...
What a great story Emily! Thanks for sharing it. Very insightful. I suspect my box would not have lasted as long as yours, LOL. I will remember it, and maybe use it in the future. You are a bright lady!
It's good to read that you do feel that you are progressing, Rob
Thanks Cate, sometimes I have to think about to remember... its slow and I am not very patient with such things...
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That view is spectacular, Rob!
G is not at all patient with himself & sets a high bar. I don't think you are any less patient than him.
So far so good today, ate my usual breakfast and a fish sandwich for lunch. Calories low so far. Did an hour and 40 minutes in the gym, and about the same in PT. My victory today was getting on the tractor and plowing a little snow. I was not sure I'd be able to climb up and down, or operate the clutch but all went well. My knees continue to surprise me. Did not really need to plow, but more snow is forecast later in the week and I had to know if I could do it.
Sounds like you're not extending your hips fully while walking, which is a pretty common problem after people have walked a bit bent for a long time. If your hips don't straighten properly your lower back will be inclined to hyperextend instead. That could explain the soreness. Maybe ask your PT if they can have a look at your posture next time?
I did that today and the therapist thought my hips were ok, but that my problem was back extension. He gave me some extension stretches to do and said we can work on it. He said it would probably take months, not weeks to be able to comfortably walk more upright, but that I was correct in trying. Thanks for your help, it helps to have some basis for the question asking, I think they take me a bit more seriously. I always tell them the suggestions are from an Austrian PT friend, and they are always open to listening, more than if it were just me...
That view is spectacular
Yes I love the snowy mountain scene!!
It really is gorgeous
Thanks all, I do like our view, and I think the fresh snow really draws out the shapes in the mountains. Those are the Wellsville mountains, north and east of the house. We have others closer, to the east, but really too close for good pictures.
G is not at all patient with himself & sets a high bar. I don't think you are any less patient than him.
Maybe not, funny I think I can be pretty patient with most others, but not with myself...
Let's say I continue to search for better strategies and I secretly hope it'll some day be enough.
My secret hope is for the urge to binge to go away, but I realize that is about as likely as my secret hope to win the lottery. And I don't buy tickets... Looking for better strategies is about all we can do, and I think talking about it here and sharing ideas helps.
Nice to hear another good day for you
Thanks Liza, always good to hear from you!
My victory today was getting on the tractor and plowing a little snow. I was not sure I'd be able to climb up and down, or operate the clutch but all went well. My knees continue to surprise me. Did not really need to plow, but more snow is forecast later in the week and I had to know if I could do it.
Wow that's impressive to already be out plowing! Your recovery sounds like its going really well--so good to hear!
I always tell them the suggestions are from an Austrian PT friend, and they are always open to listening, more than if it were just me...
:rotflmao:That kind of makes me sound like a mysterious Canadian girlfriend. But I'm in favor of anything that empowers patients to ask questions so have at it. Good thinking trying out the snow plow before it becomes truly necessary.
I was late in posting the above, failed to hit the post reply button last night. Fortunately it was still here.

So far so good today, breakfast as usual and a cheese sandwich for lunch. And I spent 3 1/2 hours in the gym, got pretty tired, but ok now. Not much time I'm headed out soon to get my truck serviced.
:rotflmao:That kind of makes me sound like a mysterious Canadian girlfriend.
Apparently we have been so good at keeping it secret that even I didn't know I had one... LOL!
Today was a good day, ate well, exercised and feel good tonight.I never knew I was Canadian either: life is full of surprises
I never knew I was Canadian either: life is full of surprises :D
It is! However, I do believe I had detected a Canadian accent in some of you posts...
Miss a day in your diary, Rob & look what you get up to!
Cate, you just gotta keep up, LOL!
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Another late post, guess its a good thing they aren't deleted.

Struggling a little this morning, busy and I had a Snickers Bar and some bread. Calories are ok, even if the food isn't. If I can hold off eating much more before dinner I will be ok.

Did an hour and 45 minutes in the gym, and an hour and 40 minutes of Physical Therapy. Got more snow overnight and did some plowing and shoveling, not a lot but it felt good to be able to do it. Now thinking about doing a bit more snow removal, not sure if it is really needed though. Feels good to be able to do it.

Talked with the Physical Therapist about how much more PT I should have. He said it really was up to me, some people stop at this point and some stay a lot longer. I know I am progressing but I feel like a few more weeks would help. I have learned to do most of the PT exercises on my own, but some I can't, don't have the equipment. Also I am trying real hard to get full active knee extension and train myself to walk upright. That will take time, and now that I have asked for help the PT folks are paying attention to me for it. Right now I plan to keep at it a while longer.
I think it's great that you can continue with PT for as long as you like. You are giving yourself the best chance at increased mobility. I'm sure they're surprised & impressed with your enthusiasm.
I don't know how many times I have thought I had posted in someone's diary but saw my post still just sitting there. Mostly it's obsolete & I have to delete it, but sometimes it's a long post in my diary & I'm relieved it's still there. I get sidetracked looking something up usually.
Shovelling snow must be such hard work! Don't overdo that please.
Not a terrible day, my food could have been better, but calories were not too high. And I did not binge!
I think it's great that you can continue with PT for as long as you like. You are giving yourself the best chance at increased mobility. I'm sure they're surprised & impressed with your enthusiasm.
It does seem that my insurance will allow me as much time as I can justify anyway. And both the doctor and therapist are behind doing more. The therapists are all good people, I hope they like me. Though I suspect what they like most about me is that I rarely ask for help, do most of the things on my own. I know they do watch me, and make suggestions from time to time. I am happy with it, I get all the help I need, and they are quite responsive when I ask questions. They also check off the exercises as I do them.
I don't know how many times I have thought I had posted in someone's diary but saw my post still just sitting there. Mostly it's obsolete & I have to delete it, but sometimes it's a long post in my diary & I'm relieved it's still there. I get sidetracked looking something up usually.
Yeah, that happens to me more than I'd like to admit.
Shovelling snow must be such hard work! Don't overdo that please.
I did a lot more plowing than shoveling today, so it wasn't too bad. Hardest part was climbing up and down from the tractor, my knees did not like it, but I got it done.

I don't like plowing, but I like the snow, we really need it. Things are looking good, our snowpack is at 25% of what we need for the winter to have an average year. Snow melt doesn't start until early April, so we are ahead and have a lot of time yet. It will take several years of average or above snowfall to fill our reserviors and break the drought.
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now that I have asked for help the PT folks are paying attention to me for it. Right now I plan to keep at it a while longer.
Excellent. That's why it's so important for people to say what they need.
Not a terrible day, my food could have been better, but calories were not too high. And I did not binge!
That's the main thing. Especially when the day started with a snickers bar.
The therapists are all good people, I hope they like me. Though I suspect what they like most about me is that I rarely ask for help, do most of the things on my own.
If US therapists are anything like European ones (and it sounds like they are) they like you because you're motivated, dedicated, and nice, and don't waste their time and energy with conspiracy theories or racist rants.
Sounds like you are in a really good groove right now Rob...with the food choices and exercise--nice work!
Today is going well... so far anyway. Did an hour and forty minutes in the gym this morning. Most of the time was in a cycling class, that is supposed to be good for my knees. I am standing up more and more of the time, hurts a little but a whole lot less than before surgery. Also did some leg extensions, leg presses and a few other things, felt good. Less time than on a week day, but enough for Saturday. No PT yet, I will at least do the stretches tonight. No planned exercising tomorrow, but I will try and do at least one round of PT. Food has been fine, but we are having a late dinner, out at a Mexican Restaurant. It will be kind of hard to wait and then moderate, but I will try...
That's the main thing. Especially when the day started with a snickers bar.
Yeah, don't suppose a snickers bar would qualify as a Breakfast of Champions...
If US therapists are anything like European ones (and it sounds like they are) they like you because you're motivated, dedicated, and nice, and don't waste their time and energy with conspiracy theories or racist rants.
I'm holding the conspiracy theories and other rants back for a while... LOL I have noticed that some of the patients like to talk, some a lot and loudly, I don't much listen. I engage the therapists but mostly keep it to therapy related things. However this is a small town, everybody knows everybody so there is some talk about other patients, mostly ones who were liked and made good progress. Not sure how ethical that is, but it seems harmless enough. I also talk with other patients, mostly ones with similar knee problems, good to exchange war stories.
Excellent. That's why it's so important for people to say what they need.
And having your input has given me a better understanding of what I should be asking.
Sounds like you are in a really good groove right now Rob
Sometimes, LOL. Thanks for the nice words Liza!
Most of the time was in a cycling class, that is supposed to be good for my knees. I am standing up more and more of the time, hurts a little but a whole lot less than before surgery.
Cycling while standing up and/or going as hard as you can against high resistance is 100% not what people are talking about when they say cycling is good for your knees. But if it doesn't hurt afterwards (your knees, not just tired muscles) you should be ok.
Not sure how ethical that is, but it seems harmless enough.
I don't know about ethical: you could argue they worked under the same circumstances and would therefore have known their privacy was not guaranteed so if they wanted their medical data to stay a secret they should've taken steps to ensure it... but that's quite a slippery slope. Unless physical therapists aren't legally considered healthcare providers or they have permission from the people they talk about it's at least a clear HIPAA violation.