Alligatorob's Diary

Given how regimented your eating is (which I assume helps you think about food and binging less because everything is already set?) would it help to add some standard stuff to each meal? Cup of fruit with breakfast. Cup of veggies with lunch. 20g of nuts with dinner. That kind of thing?
:iagree: with LaMa. Adding a bit more of the standard stuff sounds like a good idea. You'll still lose some more, but slowly.
Yesterday was a good day, I ate well, a few more calories than usual, but not many and not bad. The only exercise I got was yardwork, but I did a lot of it, weeding, mulching, fixing irrigation leaks, etc. I have pretty much decided to take weekends off from the gym, gives me more time and energy for work in the yard now that spring is here, and probably good to get the break. Even with it I got 13 hours in the gym, so I think I am good.
would it help to add some standard stuff to each meal? Cup of fruit with breakfast. Cup of veggies with lunch. 20g of nuts with dinner. That kind of thing?
I am trying. Right now I am eating a lot of the frozen or canned fruit from last year, maybe not as good for me as fresh but I want to get most of it gone before this year's season. I have avoided most nuts since starting this diet, seem like a lot of calories for so little food, but will give them another look. Thanks Llama, transitioning to a more normal diet is hard, for me anyway.
Adding a bit more of the standard stuff sounds like a good idea. You'll still lose some more, but slowly.
Yeah, you are right of course. And losing slowly is ok for me right now.
Just wanting to say you are doing great with your exercising and your diet!
Hey Vic, great to hear from you! And thanks for the kind words. I have a hard time thinking of myself as "doing great". It helps to hear it from someone else, someone who's opinion I trust, like you, makes it feel even better!
I think 13 hours in the gym in one week is just about acceptable Rob! ;)

I have a hard time thinking of myself as "doing great".
You have to change the record on this one Rob, because you have achieved what I would say millions probably struggle with. You must give yourself credit!!!
Today was a good day, no gym but I spent most of the day working in yard and garden. That has to count for something! I also ate well, have been trying to transition away from the very high volume low calorie diet I've been on to something a little more normal. The full fat yogurt I had today has twice the calories of the zero fat low cal stuff, so I ate about half as much. So far ok, but I am not sure it makes a lot of difference. More fat and carbs in the diet I guess.
Truth... the lines between regulated, obsessive, and out of control are so thin they sometimes seem non-existent...
Thanks Llama, that is very true. I suspect I will always be a bit obsessive about tracking food and my diet, it seems the only way I can avoid weight gain.
I think 13 hours in the gym in one week is just about acceptable Rob!
Hey Emily, good to hear from you! Yeah, I guess you are right, but doing it doesn't feel like anything extraordinary, just what I do.
You are doing very well, Rob & will continue to I'm sure.
Thanks Cate, and I sure hope to continue, but I am well aware of my history. If I do continue it will be an anomaly for sure.
You ARE doing great! Going from decades of obesity and regular binging to a healthy weight and rare binges is amazing progress.
You have to change the record on this one Rob, because you have achieved what I would say millions probably struggle with. You must give yourself credit!!!
I think you're outnumbered here.
I appreciate it y'all and objectively I can see it, but what we feel is different. The last time I was anywhere near this weight I was a teenager, now I'm... well an old man. I keep expecting things to look and feel like they did back then I guess, and they just ain't going to. Guess I need to refocus and compare to where I was just 3 years ago, not 50.
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The full fat yogurt I had today has twice the calories of the zero fat low cal stuff, so I ate about half as much.
Y'know that's not how that works... You still need the protein and you were trying to up your calories :rotflmao:
The last time I was anywhere near this weight I was a teenager, now I'm... well an old man. I keep expecting things to look and feel like they did back then I guess, and they just ain't going to. Guess I need to refocus and compare to where I was just 3 years ago, not 50.
That's 100% understandable. You could try comparing yourself to your peers as well. Any cousins/friends your age who are as fit as you are?
I have been a bit slack reading your diary however maintaining a small deficit around the 250 cal mark should put you in the re-comp calorie range where you should still loose fat and have the possibility of improving your muscle. As for the damage to your metabolism I will likely be more help after my next semester of uni when I will be diving deep into exercise physiology.
Yesterday was a good food day, but that was about all. I have developed a very itchy rash over much of my body, first time this has happened to me. Also have a low grade fever and don't feel great. I went to the doctor he put me on prednisone and told me to come back in a week if it did not go away. So no gym yesterday, and I am not going today. @Llama , I know you have had similar problems, now I can feel a bit more empathy.
Y'know that's not how that works... You still need the protein and you were trying to up your calories
Ok, yesterday I went back to the low fat stuff.
That's 100% understandable. You could try comparing yourself to your peers as well. Any cousins/friends your age who are as fit as you are?
Good idea. I have two brothers close to my age, one is and always has been slim and looks fit. He talks about exercise but I don't know what he does, doubt its in a gym. The other brother is closer to what I used to be, so maybe I have moved from one to the other. You can tell by looking at people if they are much overweight, a little harder to tell how fit they are.
I have been a bit slack reading your diary however maintaining a small deficit around the 250 cal mark should put you in the re-comp calorie range where you should still loose fat and have the possibility of improving your muscle. As for the damage to your metabolism I will likely be more help after my next semester of uni when I will be diving deep into exercise physiology.
Thanks Tru, nice to here from you, and your advice is always welcome. I think you know more about this than anyone I know. My trainer is very good, I like her, but she is very focused on muscle building. I would be happy to build muscles, but my first objective is getting into good physical condition, if muscle comes with that so much the better.
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I have developed a very itchy rash over much of my body, first time this has happened to me. Also have a low grade fever and don't feel great.
Covid? Whatever it is: steroids are basically a miracle cure for one-off rashes.
Ok, yesterday I went back to the low fat stuff.
:rotflmao: Because of course you did.
You can tell by looking at people if they are much overweight, a little harder to tell how fit they are.
Very true. Do you ever do things together where you'd notice? Like hike?
Today was another down with the rash day. Not sure the rash is any better, but its no worse and the fever is gone. I did eat well, and except for being covered with red itching skin I feel ok tonight.
That looks unpleasant. Allergic reaction maybe?
That was what the doctor said too, if it is it will be my first ever allergenic reaction to anything. Prednisone not doing much, but I only started yesterday. Not sure how long it is supposed to take.
Maybe it is covid?
Took 2 of the home tests tonight, both were negative...
It doesn't look like any other rash I have had, like allergic reactions
The distribution is odd, everywhere the shirt I wore is covered with rash and a little beyond but not much. It was a older shirt, and no change in laundry detergent or anything to point at... a mystery.
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It doesn't look like any other rash I have had, like allergic reactions. Maybe it is covid?
It looks like general inflammation - like Rob said, a sunburn - which does sometimes happen to me with allergic reactions. But to have it almost exclusively under a shirt that's neither new nor washed differently is strange. The location would make sense for a heat rash, maybe, but those don't look as even. I'm stumped.
Prednisone not doing much, but I only started yesterday. Not sure how long it is supposed to take.
Should help within 48 hours, easily, and usually within 24.
Hope you're feeling better alligatorob.