abears aug-sept training log

day 9

3:11pm - 3:53pm

speed rope, sled pulls and farmers walks. made some changes from last week. added 10 more jumps, 5lbs to the sled and doubled my distance for farmers walks

so i did 40 jumps (34 the first round), then pulled sled forward with 110lbs with chain around waist for 50 feet, turned around and walked backwards then grabbed 38lb dumbells and farmers walked them 300 feet. did this twice resting 60 seconds b/w

then did 40 jumps, then pulled sled forward holding chains in hands 50 feet, turned around and walked backward then grabbed 25lb dumbells and did overhead farmers walks for 300 feet. did this twice resting 60 seconds b/w

was tough for me, didnt think i was gonna make it the last 150 feet at the end. felt good though, gonna repeat this tuesday and thursday afternoon

so far i'm 100% on my success rate, meaning i've hit my goals each day so far. :)
day 10

4:24am - 5:00am

after warming up did 3 sets of planks and side planks holding position for 35 seconds then did the ab wheel for 3 sets of 10 reps.

did HIIT on the bike for 4 minutes with 30 second intervals going at 27-28mph on the intense cycles
day 10

3:11pm - 4:07pm

after warming up did

squats 215lbs 3X3
bench press 145lbs 3X3
shoulder press 105lbs 3X3
bent over row 115lbs 3X3

i'm planning on going for personal records on these lifts friday afternoon.
day 11

4:28am - 4:54am

speed rope. warmed up with 2 sets of 15 jumps followed by 2 sets of 30 jumps then did 5 sets of 60 jumps each. didnt mess up at all. there was a frog on the patio next to me, he may have brought me luck :p
day 11

3:13pm - 3:55pm

repeated saturdays workout of speed rope, sled pulls and farmers walks

did 40 jumps, then pulled sled forward with 110lbs with chain around waist for 50 feet, turned around and walked backwards with it then grabbed 38lb dumbells and farmers walked them 300 feet. did this twice resting 60 seconds b/w

then did 40 jumps, then pulled sled forward holding chains in hands 50 feet, turned around and walked backward with it then grabbed 25lb dumbells and did overhead farmers walks for 300 feet. did this twice resting 60 seconds b/w

rough stuff. was 95 degrees and i think i felt all 95 of them and then some. LOL

cooking up with some family coming over tonight. :)
day 12

4:26am - 5:00am

after warming up did planks and side planks for 3 sets for 36 seconds each, then did the ab wheel for 3 sets of 10 reps. followed with 4 minutes of HIIT on the bike with 30/30 second intervals getting the bike up to 27-28 mph.
Abear, you're pretty hardcore for getting up that early and being so active. What changes to your physique have you noticed?
visually i dont notice any difference as of now. i take my measurements every two weeks so i'll see saturday morning if anything has happened thus far.
day 12

3:08pm - 3:45pm

deadlifts - done the way i described last wedneday. placed a 45lb plate on a 2x4 and did 6 reps. then added a 25lb plate for 70lbs and did 6 reps. then did two 45lb plates for 90lbs for 6 reps. then added a 5lb plate for 95lbs for 6 reps.

good mornings 50x8 - 70x8 - 80x8. tried 100lbs last week and was too much so i dropped. got good reps, will add more weight next week

pullups 4 sets of 2 reps each
dips 4 sets of 6 reps each
pushups 4 sets of 8 reps each

nothing fancy, just honest hard work. :)
day 13

4:28am - 4:54am

speed rope. warmed up with 2 sets of 15 jumps then 2 sets of 30 jumps. work sets were 6 sets of 60 jumps each, same as sunday and tuesday. had zero restarts, same as tuesday.
day 13

3:11pm - 3:53pm

repeated sunday and tuesdays afternoon workout with speed rope, sled pulls and farmers walks. wasnt as intense but i dont feel i'm ready to add more to this, so i plan to repeat this again on sunday maybe even on tuesday if i still feel i havent adapted to it.

was 97 degrees out there today. so that was an increase over last workout. :cool:
day 14

4:25am - 5:01am

did planks and side planks holding each position for 3 sets for 37 seconds each. then did ab wheel for 3 sets of 10 reps. finished HIIT on bike for 4 minutes with 30/30 second intervals. kept bike b/w 27-29mph on intense cycles.
day 14

3:08pm - 4:02pm

after warming up and warm up sets, work sets were as follows

squats 200X1 - 220X1 - 250X1 (new personal best)
bench press 130X1 - 140X1 - 170X1 (new personal best)
shoulder press 90X1 - 100X1 - 130X1 (new personal best)
bent over rows 100X1 - 110X1 - 140X1 (new personal best)

more than happy!!! on the squat and the bench press i felt i could have done more, but i'm in no rush. the shoulder press and bent over row were tough, but i got the bar up and down without losing form. i had tried 170 on the bench and 130 on the shoulder press back on june 17th and couldnt do them.

plan right now is to try and beat this in two weeks. kinda excited that i may be in position to hit 300 on the squat and 200 on the bench next year if all goes well. at least then i would have some decent numbers. :)

measurements tomorrow
week 3

day 15

off day today. took measurements this morning. waist was 34 and 3/4th, arms were 14 and 1/4th and calves 14 and 2/8th. bodyweight 172lbs.
day 16

6:21am - 6:48am

speed rope. warmed up with 2 sets of 15 jumps then 2 sets of 30 jumps. then did 7 sets of 60 jumps each having to restart one time.
day 16

1:09pm - 1:48pm

did the same workout scheme from the last sunday, tuesday and thursday afternoons with the speed rope, sled pulls and farmers walks. was rough but not as intense so i am adapting. decided i will repeat same scheme on tuesday and then make changes for thursday.

was 95 degrees out there today. had three windows to workout: at 1pm, 3pm and 6pm but with a good chance of rain today took the first opporunity and got it done
day 17

4:23am - 4:59am

abs and HIIT. held plank position for 37 seconds, rested 20, then did left side planks for 37 seconds, rested 20, then right side planks for 37 seconds, rested 20. did 3 circuits of this. then did the ab wheel for 3 sets of 10 reps

did HIIT on the bike for 4 minutes total with 15 second intervals keeping the bike b/w 28-30mph on the intense cycles.
day 17

3:11pm - 4:10pm

after warming up did

squats 215x3 - 225x1 - 235x1
bench press 145x3 - 150x1 - 155x1
shoulder press 105x3 - 110x1 - 115x1
bent over rows 115x3 - 120x1 - 125x1
day 18

4:26am - 4:54am

did speed rope. warmed up with 2 sets of 15 reps and 2 sets of 30 reps. then did 7 sets of 60 jumps having to restart twice
day 18

3:11pm - 3:52pm

repeated same workout from sunday afternoon. now i feel i'm ready to add to it and will do that come thursday. was 94 degrees out there today, but the humidity was bearable

18 days into this and i havent missed one meal or workout. i've hit my goals each day so far. never got off to such a great start before. :)