377lb to 215lb

Originally Posted by Time4Change

I just read your story, and just like everyone else, you INSPIRED me! Your story is so touching and even though I never felt the loss of a parent, a lot of my issues with weight are family related. You are such a strong person and you have given yourself a new life! It is so inspiring, I can't even believe it! Just seeing that you lost around 200 lbs, makes me feel that I can absolutely without a doubt change myself. I find myself feeling some days that I will ALWAYS look this way, but today, my eyes are opened because of you. It may not be easy, and it may not be over night, but CHANGE is achievable! Thank You!!!!!

That's one of the greatest things about having lost all this weight! Not only has it saved my life, but it may also inspire others to save their own and/or help them change from living in misery due to weight-related problems.

I can't really describe how good that makes me feel and reading comments like yours just makes it so much more worthwhile. It really touches me emotionally.

Yeah, losing a parent is emotionally devastating to say the least. It was one of the main factors that contributed to my depression, which was the main cause of my weight gain. I didn't think I'd ever be able to get a grip on it and that I'd just eventually eat myself to an early grave. I really had nothing to look forward to in life after a while and I didn't care. It was a very dark pit to get out of.

Anyway, I don't like to dwell on that time of my life too much. It's in the past, but I am grateful for the lessons it provided me. Even though it's important to be open about your history on the forums so you can get the best support, I'm noticing I have a tendency to be rather verbose at times, hehe :p

I'll just say that I'm glad I finally found purpose and, possibly, my true calling in life: to help others live healthy! :biggrin:

I wish you all the best, Amanda! I read and posted in your initial thread in the Newcomers section back when you first signed on btw! :biggrin:

I'll have to keep on eye your diary and keep up with your progress too!
Yeah I wouldn't consider it dwelling too much, you definitely learned from it and it makes you who you are today! I'm a pretty open person all the time and I encourage people to do the same, it really makes you feel better to talk about it. :biggrin:

You inspire everyone because you've had such an amazing success and you show everyone that it's possible to lose any amount of weight! I mean just knowing that you have lost almost a whole me is crazy, and it really motivated me! I have this little fire burning inside of me after reading your diary yesterday!

I actually never saw that reply until I went to look yesterday, and I would loveee if you kept up on my diary as well. I need more friends on here. :p
I know I am late but HAPPY NEW YEAR :biggrin:

@ frogged...

I want to say thank you for all of the support you gave me last year, you are such an amazing guy with such a good heart, not to mention caring and incredibly modest.

You deserve to be really happy and I hope you are very proud of yourself.

Well done on yet another successful year of weight loss, you are doing awesome and again you are my inspiration and have been the biggest (excuse the pun
) support on here throughout this past year.

I had to show my friend's and family your progress and they were so amazed at how much you have been through and how you still managed to not only get through such difficult times but to then completely change your life around...it's funny how I have never met you but you have such a positive impact on me.

Thanks again.

Here's to another successful year for us all.

You're story is so inspirational. You've gone through so much and you're coming out the other end with strength! Congratulations on all your progress, by that I mean your weight and emotional progress too. To put it simply: you are doing something amazing and should be so proud of yourself!:hurray:

And finally, not to sound crude, but you look super hot, and I'd most definetly advise against the hair cut, It really suits you :santa:.. and did I mention you look hot?
Thank you so much, diamond! :blush5:

I'm still so humbled by such wonderful comments and compliments about my story. It was tough to write and share, but I always kept in my mind that if it can help others, it's worth it.

I plan on submitting my weight loss story to People magazine next year in the hopes of being selected in the 'Half Their Size' annual segment they run. It would be quite a thing! :biggrin:

lol, and I still get so timid when I hear those "crude" types of comments ;) I do appreciate it and I accept them graciously, but it just makes me very shy. Thank you though! hehe :blush5: I don't plan on cutting my hair, although I don't want it to get too shaggy and long - which it's getting close to now actually. I may get a small trim here next week.

So yeah, thanks again! tehe :biggrin:

I suppose I'll post this here in my main thread, even though I posted it in my diary not long ago. It's a picture I took for Christmas that I gave to my Uncle. He wanted it for his wall in his home gym to use as inspiration when he worked out. He has pics of various family members, but he really wanted one of my weight loss, so that's what I did this year!

Basically, it's another 'Before/After', but I had located my original clothes from my first 'Before' photo at 377lb. So it's the exact same shirt (2x) and pants (60x32) in both photos, but now with a 197lb difference! :p

I plan to upload more items of weight-loss interest, including some videos from when I was heavier, when I hit my 200lb mark - which should be soon!
Hi, I havent read the thread, cause im to lazy, but i just wanted to say awesome job, you look amazing, congratulations.
You look great man.

I went from 330 to 174 in about 2 years. The only thing that I got now is a bit of extra skin that is kinda annoying. Do you have allot of extra skin?
Originally Posted by chubfree

Hi, I havent read the thread, cause im to lazy, but i just wanted to say awesome job, you look amazing, congratulations.

Thanks chub! Yeah, I have a lot of info logged on this forum, so no worries :p

I appreciate the kind words! :biggrin:

Originally Posted by nlguy

You look great man.

I went from 330 to 174 in about 2 years. The only thing that I got now is a bit of extra skin that is kinda annoying. Do you have allot of extra skin?

Wow! That's awesome about your own success, nlguy! Congrats to you! :biggrin: Any chance of posting your story/pics sometime? I'd love to hear about it!

Yes, the excess skin is something I'm definitely struggling with. There's a bit around my midsection - belly/thigh area. I'll probably look into options and costs of contour surgery soon as I approach my goal weight.
Originally Posted by Frogged

Thank you so much, diamond! :blush5:

I'm still so humbled by such wonderful comments and compliments about my story. It was tough to write and share, but I always kept in my mind that if it can help others, it's worth it.

I plan on submitting my weight loss story to People magazine next year in the hopes of being selected in the 'Half Their Size' annual segment they run. It would be quite a thing! :biggrin:

lol, and I still get so timid when I hear those "crude" types of comments ;) I do appreciate it and I accept them graciously, but it just makes me very shy. Thank you though! hehe :blush5: I don't plan on cutting my hair, although I don't want it to get too shaggy and long - which it's getting close to now actually. I may get a small trim here next week.

That picture I absolutely amazing, you really do need to be so proud of yourself! :hurray:

You should definetly submit it, when people hear your story and see what you've done you'll be an inspiration to so many people and as for the 'crude' comments, they'll keep coming from me and others because, like I said, you're looking absolutely Amazing ;)

Keep up the good work and it wont be long till you reach your 200lb mark :biggrin:

P.s. Be sure its only a 'small trim' :coolgleama:
Originally Posted by diamondapple

That picture I absolutely amazing, you really do need to be so proud of yourself! :hurray:

You should definetly submit it, when people hear your story and see what you've done you'll be an inspiration to so many people and as for the 'crude' comments, they'll keep coming from me and others because, like I said, you're looking absolutely Amazing ;)

Keep up the good work and it wont be long till you reach your 200lb mark :biggrin:

P.s. Be sure its only a 'small trim' :coolgleama:

Thanks diamond! :biggrin:

I am proud, and I will be sure to submit. Haha, 'crude' comments.. I like them though! ;)

It'll only be a trim too. I like having longer hair, just not too long

Originally Posted by SuperMommy

You are a handsome dude;)

Thank ya, Super! :blush5:
i am so proud of you!! what an amazing transformation you went through! you look so happy in your recent photos now, which is such an inspiration. good luck on the submitting the photos to people magazine... oh, and your crazy hair is adorable. nuff said!

im still getting to know the website but will do some snooping to see any other things you've posted too. get my stalker on. lol.

i'm on my way to trying to lose about 80 lbs this year. i see you like to chew extra gum about as much as i do! i'm on pack #4 for this week..lol :)

again, WAY TO GO!!! =)

Originally Posted by Frogged

Thanks chub! Yeah, I have a lot of info logged on this forum, so no worries :p

I appreciate the kind words! :biggrin:

Wow! That's awesome about your own success, nlguy! Congrats to you! :biggrin: Any chance of posting your story/pics sometime? I'd love to hear about it!

Yes, the excess skin is something I'm definitely struggling with. There's a bit around my midsection - belly/thigh area. I'll probably look into options and costs of contour surgery soon as I approach my goal weight.

I have a very similar weightloss story as you do. Also I giggled when I saw you also consumed tons of chewing gum haha. I did cardio 7 days per week for 45mins. I also did weight lifting 4 times per week for about 1hour. My main problem now is that I look great when I am clothed but not so much naked. Especially when I have a new girlfriend I need to explain my whole story first, to not freak her out. I will see if I can even find any fat pictures of myself. I did not like when people wanted to take pictures of me.
I did not want to go work out tonight....and then I read your story and you have motivated me. You look amazing. It's strange because even though it is just picture, in your current shots I can tell that not only the physical has transformed. Much more than that has happened.

Thank you for sharing!...and now I am off to work out. Can't wait to keep up with your continued success.
frogged Everytime I post on your page it literally gets lost in all the others on here (you must be in such high demand haha) if you get time, check #140.

Anyway- Thank you for your message, as always I appreciate your kind words.

I absolutely love your latest picture with the clothes on that you had in your heavier photo..truly amazing and you look so happy :biggrin:

I read that you have submitted your story to a magazine? I hope they choose it, you deserve for the world to see how hard you have worked and what amazing progress you have made.

I have 2 weeks till my official year ... you never know, I might even show my face ... or maybe not haha :blush5:

I look forward to reading more updates from you, good luck with the rest of your goal.

Originally Posted by elizrawr

i am so proud of you!! what an amazing transformation you went through! you look so happy in your recent photos now, which is such an inspiration. good luck on the submitting the photos to people magazine... oh, and your crazy hair is adorable. nuff said!

im still getting to know the website but will do some snooping to see any other things you've posted too. get my stalker on. lol.

i'm on my way to trying to lose about 80 lbs this year. i see you like to chew extra gum about as much as i do! i'm on pack #4 for this week..lol :)

again, WAY TO GO!!! =)


Thanks, Elizabeth! :biggrin:

Yeah, fingers crossed on the magazine. A few friends on here have requested an autographed copy if it does happen, hehe :p I mean, I'd be happy to, but it's just a bit surreal for someone to want me to sign something. We can all be successful in the end as long as we maintain the focus and don't give up, as I say all the time!

Also, thanks about the hair! It can be a bit annoying to work with as it's so curly. After running, good lord. I look like a crazy person!

Yep, the gum is a staple for me. I chew it constantly! Pretty much after every meal and often in between. It really is just amazing for cravings.

Thanks again for your kind words! I always appreciate such lovely feedback! Good luck to you on your lifestyle as well

Originally Posted by nlguy

I have a very similar weightloss story as you do. Also I giggled when I saw you also consumed tons of chewing gum haha. I did cardio 7 days per week for 45mins. I also did weight lifting 4 times per week for about 1hour. My main problem now is that I look great when I am clothed but not so much naked. Especially when I have a new girlfriend I need to explain my whole story first, to not freak her out. I will see if I can even find any fat pictures of myself. I did not like when people wanted to take pictures of me.

Nice, nlguy! 7 days a week is pretty intense for sure. If you feel the need to rest, please make sure you do. To be honest, sometimes I have trouble listening to myself some days, but you really have to in order to avoid injury.

I know exactly what you mean about looking fine clothed, but when nude.. yeah, not so much. I dread having that conversation with any future women I meet - especially if they have no experience with someone who used to be overweight and/or no idea how it can effect the human body. Let's be honest: it looks scary. Like a mutant, just without the super powers (lol).

Seriously though, it is a big hurdle for those of us who have lost significant weight. There are options, of course, but I know I'll never have a 'normal' looking body. Even if/when I get contour surgery and all the excess skin is removed and tightened, I'll still have scarring from that as well as the stretch marks.

So, yeah. Just have to take it one day at a time and hope for the best I guess.

Good luck to you, nlguy, and thanks for stopping by
I also hated having my pictures taken as well. I only think a handful exist of me from the age range of 15 through 26'ish - and most of them are license/work related :\ Any family functions, I'd hide, or sometimes my family just new I was uncomfortable with it and never took one of me.

Originally Posted by AvaTea

I did not want to go work out tonight....and then I read your story and you have motivated me. You look amazing. It's strange because even though it is just picture, in your current shots I can tell that not only the physical has transformed. Much more than that has happened.

Thank you for sharing!...and now I am off to work out. Can't wait to keep up with your continued success.

That's so great, Ava! I love that my posting helped! :biggrin: That's all I ever hoped for when making this thread. If it can help people, then it really lifts my spirits and pushes me to do even better as I go along! It's a win/win for both of us and it's such a great feeling!
I guess that feeling can be demonstrated in the smiling I do in my 'After' shots - it's just much more positive in my life now

I've had enough of the depressed, angry, sad person. Now, it's all about being happier!

Best of luck with your workouts, Ava! Kick some ass! :hurray:

Originally Posted by minimee

frogged Everytime I post on your page it literally gets lost in all the others on here (you must be in such high demand haha) if you get time, check #140.

Anyway- Thank you for your message, as always I appreciate your kind words.

I absolutely love your latest picture with the clothes on that you had in your heavier photo..truly amazing and you look so happy :biggrin:

I read that you have submitted your story to a magazine? I hope they choose it, you deserve for the world to see how hard you have worked and what amazing progress you have made.

I have 2 weeks till my official year ... you never know, I might even show my face ... or maybe not haha :blush5:

I look forward to reading more updates from you, good luck with the rest of your goal.


Heya mini! Yeah, this forum has a tendency to move pretty quick! That, coupled with the craziness of the holidays, can create a little chaos in my attention span :biggrin:

I went back and read your post and it's so lovely! I hope you had a wonderful New Year as well and I'm so glad I can aid you with your motivation!

I haven't officially submitted anything just yet, but I will. The segment is an annual thing, so if I do get accepted, nobody will see me until next year. If I do get in, I'll definitely let everyone here know! :biggrin: I certainly hope it gives the people that read that publication the same inspiration that some of you all get from me!
I can't really ask for anything much awesomer than that! :biggrin:

Congrats on your upcoming year anniversary!! That's awesome and I'm so proud of you for sticking with it! That's the key and you're well on your way, mini! Your most recent shots were just phenomenal and I can't wait to see more! :hurray:
Thats truely inspiring, Theres a sparkle in your eyes in the newest pick that makes it seem unreal from the SW picture; That must surely come with the proudness you must feel from seeing all your hard work pay off! :)
AFrogged, hope your doing well.I'm still inspired by you and your positive attitude! Keep it up and remember how awesome you are! And trust me I know how it is to feel self concios and ackward around women! Best wishes from your friend kevin
Thank you so much for having the courage to post your story. It really touched me. I'm so glad you were able to overcome and triumph over your past. You have such strength and courage. :hurray:

I've lost 40 pounds, but still have 80 to go, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Stories like yours help me feel grounded and determined! Thanks!

P.S. You look FANTASTIC! I saw your after photos and did one of these ----> :eek: I'm hoping I have a super hottie under all this fat, too! You look like a different person!!