Gyms in Vienna


New member
First of all sorry for not speaking german, aber mein deutsch is schlecht :).

I will be staying in Vienna for studies from the end of Semptember till July so like 9 months. I've been looking for local gyms online but I couldn't find anything that would suit my needs.
I don't need fancy machines, all I want is power rack, squat rack, bench, dumbells and a rubber surface where I can drop them barbells or dumbells on it.
I stick with compound excercises (bench, squat, dead's) and try to get familliar with power cleans and hopefully snatches in future, I use machines only I'd say I'm powerlifting/bodybuilding oriented trainee.

Can anyone give any advice? I don't mind if the price would be a bit higher :)
Any useful tips about supplement shops or shops where one can buy "healthy" food?

Vielen Dank :)


Re: Gyms in Vienna
I train in a gym called "fit21"
It's in the second district.
They accept you as a real trainee.
I can do my powerlifting stuff and use liquid chalk.
They don't say anything against heavy deadlifts. The heaviest dumbell is 40kg. That could be pretty bad if you like dumbell stuff.

Another alternative would be the "trillerpark" my powerlifting team trains there, so you have a professional eleiko bench/rack, and a tournament bar.

Another alternative would ne the new HIGH5 gym. But I don't know anything about that...
I train in a gym called "fit21"
It's in the second district.
They accept you as a real trainee.
I can do my powerlifting stuff and use liquid chalk.
They don't say anything against heavy deadlifts. The heaviest dumbell is 40kg. That could be pretty bad if you like dumbell stuff.

Another alternative would be the "trillerpark" my powerlifting team trains there, so you have a professional eleiko bench/rack, and a tournament bar.

Another alternative would ne the new HIGH5 gym. But I don't know anything about that...

Danke für deine Antwort :).
Ich weiss noch nicht wo das werde ich bleiben, aber meine Schule ist BOKU und es ist neben U4, so ich wurde auch in diese Bezirk suchen. Aber wie ich sagte es hängt davon ab meine Unterkunft Ort. Kennst du Top Gym?

Enough...I try my best with german, but it isn't optimal nor useable yet.
FIT21 looks best out of these 3 and I use usually 25-35 DBs, so 40s are fine enough and the place isn't far enough of probable place of accommodation.
Again, thanks for your response, I will do more research :)