Straight Leg Knee Lunge

Matelas de gym Fessiers Adducteurs Ischio-jambiers Hanches Quadriceps

This exercise is great after a warm up. It helps stretch the glute muscles as well as the quads, and thigh muscles.


  1. Start this stretch having one leg bent in front with your foot flat on the floor. Your other leg should be bent behind you with your shin resting on the floor. Your torso should be straight, and your hands resting on your knee.

  2. Inhale, as you slowly push your hips forward, stabilizing your leg with your hands.

  3. Hold for 3-5 seconds, return to start position, and switch legs.

  4. Suggested reps: 2-3 per leg. ne peut être tenu responsable des blessures qui pourraient survenir à la suite de ces exercices, conseils ou recettes affichés sur ce site. N'entreprenez aucun programme d'exercice, régime ou traitement fourni par le site sans supervision professionnelle ou qualifiée.