Vic’s Weight Loss

My sleep is much better, thanks, Vic. Friday night was bad but that was because we had unsettled dogs in the house. I have slept well for 5 out of the last 6 nights I think.
Yay for you being back in the 140s 👏
148.8 lbs

Midnight I had some white rice and a couple gen tso chicken.

Still up. Now watching tv movies.
148.3 lbs

Planning on exercising later today. This morning I’m taking a break.

I had a salad late lunch. I had a piece of banana bread. I made an over easy egg and a slice of bread.

I want to lose 2 lbs this week

I walked for 10 min.
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149.0 lbs.

45 min treadmill AF video. Did another 45 min treadmill AF video. In the evening I completed another 45 min video AF.

Have to take the twins to school.

Had a Greek yogurt. Then for lunch I had a burger with 2 keto bread slices. Can’t remember when I last had a burger. Burger was 420 cal!!! Dinner I had a little linguine and 4 jumbo shrimp.

It looks like another sleepless night. No naps today.
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148.0 lbs

Did a 45 min treadmill AF workout

Have to take the twins to school early this morning.

Did not sleep again last night. Hope I can take nap in the afternoon. Tomorrow I can sleep in. My sis I is coming back this evening so I no longer have to get the twins to school in the early morning.

Breakfast was smoked herring and Johnny cake (fried dough)I made it. Bro liked it. Lunch will be the same. Dinner was the same.

.Took a nap in the afternoon. It’s 4 pm and I’m feeling tired. Hopefully means I will fall asleep early.

Sis I still not here. I have to take the twins to their soccer practice.
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Thanks for the article, Cate. Yeah, I’ve tried everything. If I can just get into a nice routine and follow it then I’ll be fine. Tonite I’ll go to bed at 945 pm. My body is fighting me. I can sleep in the morning But I want to get up early. I like mornings.
146.5 lbs!!! My new low in 2 years!!!

I slept great last night. Before 10 pm and I woke up at 5 am.

I did a 45 min walk treadmill workout AF. I did a 10 min core work and 5 min upper body strength AF video. In the evening I walked on treadmill on YT for an hour.

Breakfast was Greek yogurt. And drinking a coffee with almond milk. Lunch was an egg sandwich with mayo. Then I had a little brown chicken thigh. Midafternoon I had some brown chicken with a little rice. Early Dinner was little brown boneless chicken and salad with cranberries and beets, lettuce, red onion, tomatoe, and cucumbers.

Had a little rice beans and chicken late.
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Thanks, Cate! Just have to keep at it. Llama, I’m so happy that I don’t need to wake up early to drop them off to school!

147.2 lbs.

Watching DOOL this morning. Took my bro to dispensary.

Made an egg sandwich. Had sardines with 2 slices of keto bread. Dinner was 2 small potatoes and stew chicken. Had a glass of milk.

Walked for an hour doing AF video.

Tomorrow I’m going with my sisters to get a mani.

I had a long nap today.
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Yesterday I had a mani done over in Lynn. So a long drive with my sisters. My pedi I’m doing it myself. I think that I can do a better job. Plus a lot more hygienic. Then with A we went to brunch. I had a short rib empanada and did have some app of seared tuna with seaweed. I also had a rum punch with a flask. Going to use it for hot sauce.

Then later we went to sis I for dinner. It was pasta with turkey and pork sausage I think. Then blacked salmon with sweet and reg potatoes. And a nice salad. With my sg poppyseed dressing. Had some fruit custard with strawberries and blueberries. They were really sweet. Haven’t had fruit in awhile. Stayed by my sis for a long time. Well long after it got dark.


Slept great!

147.5 lbs

Got my bro a big breakfast with hotcakes and coffee from McDonald. Really wanted some hotcakes with coffee but denied myself because I’m really trying to lose weight. Didn’t want the cal.

Breakfast. Had a coffee with almond milk and Splenda. And a slice of keto bread with half a pat of butter.

Lunch will be some of the leftover pasta and salad. Made my own ranch dressing it was good.

I’m making turkey breast in the slow cooker. Should take 4 hours on high. So I guess for almost dinner time.

After dinner I had some rice brands and turkey.

I walked for 47 min on treadmill watching TLC.

This week I’m going to try and stay under 150 lbs.
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Yes, Llama. Both my sisters are amazing cooks. Maybe because they have their own families and have to cook for them all the time.

I did good, Cate, on eating good food and of course sleep which is so important.
148.0 lbs

Breakfast was 2 slices of keto bread and 2 slices of thin Swiss cheese. Lunch was one slice of bread and cheese. Late afternoon I had some rice with beans and baked turkey breakfast.

Walked this morning for 25 min AF video. Did 25 min walking AF video
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147.0 lbs

Had a vanilla cone from McDonalds.

My nephew here right now. When my sis gets him I’ll go for a walk.

Went to the dentist for an exam and a cleaning.

Did a 45 min treadmill workout on AF. Did another one for 15 min. I also walked outside around my complex for 30 min listening to time to walk.
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145.9 lbs!!! Yay, new low. Want to get under 145.0 by this weekend.

Today I had a mug of coffee and tea. Had a slice of keto bread with butter. Dinner I had a little rice and some Gen Tso chicken. Late night I had a Swiss cheese on keto bread and almond milk with Splenda. Late late night I had keto bread with pb and almond milk.

Did 5 min of treadmill AF and then my iPad died. So have to charge it. This evening I did 2 30 min treadmill AF workout. Then walked for 30 min watching YT. Also I’ve been doing some upper body strength training using my dumbbells. During commercials.

Hot and sunny today. So we went to the Hampton Beach. Well after 90 min it had a thunderstorm. Just went home.
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Congrats on the new low!