Weight-Loss Two Week Challenge - Round Three

Well, Juliew, 1 day, and I agreed to give Jaidor until noon today, but we still haven't seen her. There's been no word from her since Friday, so it looks like we are down to 3 now. We all agreed that even though we hope for the best for J, we had to make a decision today. So, I guess we are officially stating the removal of Jaidor from our group. Hope everyone else is doing well! Friday is just around the corner!!!!!!!!!!!
dont remind me! LOL
alright... this is what I have for our lists so far... if there need to be any more changes let me know...

Group One - Goal 20 lbs
4 me

Group Two - Goal 20 lbs

Group Three - Goal 20 lbs

Group Four - Goal 15 lbs

Group Five - Goal 15 lbs

Group Six - Goal 15 lbs
1 day at a time
good luck girls with the final push!!! hope all of you other groups eat lots of halloween candy and dessert and sit around watching television... =) As for group two - we are out to kick some butt!!! we'll be eating veggies and lean meat and drinking lots of water - and TOTALLY walking off any extra calories we have lying around =)

Good luck everyone!!!
halloween candy? but the challenge is over on friday and halloween isnt until the monday after that! :p
hehehe... true - but if you are like my parents they have already purchased their bags to hand out... I'm trying to find something besides candy to hand out, but i don't have any ideas yet...
How about those little single packs of fruit chew things! The actual name escapes my feeble mind at the moment! Fruit snacks, fruit roll ups.
Katie, how dare you try to curse us in such a way. And after the sweet things you said on my post card!
hehehe... I'm just kidding sweetie!!! I know that I haven't done as well as I would have liked this past weekend and I don't have alot of time to make up for it... so I guess I should be ENCOURAGING the rest of you since I probably don't have a shot at losing the most weight...

i gave out juice drinks one year in tube like squeezy things. i dont know what they are called but the juice was blue. got them at dollar store! i think they were like 6 for a buck...
my final weigh in - FRIDAY

6 pounds for me. thats it so far i guess from group 4.

oh was i supposed to put starting weight and ending weight?

start: 132
end: 126
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missjellybelly from my group 4 just posted on our thread she lost 6 pounds but i guess she forgot to put it here so i'm posting it. also, last i heard from Missr (from pm's) was that she had lost 8 from being sick. if she doesnt check in and post it then what happens?
I would say that people have until mon morn at the latest to post their weight... either in their group threads or here... the rules and timeline has been posted for a long time, so anything after that just isn't fair.

By the way, my group has only one person left to report... so far:

amomono 3.5 lbs
cappuccino 2 lbs
luvdby3angels 7.6 lbs
coastergirl4 - ?
Actually - it might be better to keep a running tally, which I will do here. I noticed alot of people are posting on their group threads, so I'm going through to read them. I'll keep updating this posting as more people post their results.

group one: 14 out of 20 = 70%
sandy - 6 lbs
skinnysomewhere - 5 lbs
4me - 3 lbs
cmsstewart - ?

group two: 16.1 out of 20 = 80.5%
amomono - 3.5 lbs
capuccino - 2 lbs
luvdby3angels - 7.6 lbs
coastergirl4 - 3 lbs

group three: 11.5 out of 20 = 57.5%
honeybee - 3.8 lbs
turtlemama - 0lbs
ali - 4.2 lbs
totallyscrappy 3.5 lbs

group four: 24 out of 15 = 160%
wonderwoman - 6 lbs
missjellybelly - 6 lbs
missr - 12

group five: 5 out of 15 = 33.3%

christina - 0
runforfun529 - 3
danita - 2

group six: 18.5 out of 15 = 123.3%

2bigfortexas - 7.5
juliew73 - 7 lbs
1 day at a time - 4 lbs
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oh sweetie... don't feel bad! we all have off weeks... I think that even maintaining weight is an accomplishment in our lives!!! So don't get bummed out about it - and just keep your eye on the goal!

sometimes I wonder if these challenges are good or not. when we succeed then they are great, but for the people who don't or who just maintain and can't get to 5 lbs it feels like failure... I'm not sure quite how to make it better, but I think that any progress we are making, is good...
anything new to report? from anyone? wow.. this forum has been really quiet today!