Weight-Loss Two Week Challenge - Round Three

Wow, another one? Sorry to hear it. Luckily I can say that all of us "Sexy Sixes" are here full force!!! Hope eveything is going okay for everyone else though.
I have been doing so good on my diet. I have been super busy, but I think it is easier when you don't have time to think so much about food! I hope all teams are doing awsome!!
vicki has been taken off of group five's list so you only have 15 lbs to achieve...

oh girls... i'm doing so great!!! now if I can only keep it up this weekend... good luck everyone - just about halfway there!!!!!
TurtleMomma said:
we have another one that hasn't checked in for 4 days,,.,,,hope we haven't lost her too

geez, ANOTHER one from group 3? would be a shame if u lost another.
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Thanks to everyone who is still participating! This is just what I needed to motivate me and keep me from slipping up. I hope everyone has a good (not fattening) weekend! = )
It's a shame that so many have chosen to not check in, but I'm glad that the rule to be able to remove them was set up. It's not fair that the others in the group should have to suffer for it. Even though we've lost quite a few, I proudly cheer all of us who are still in it, and working hard. 3 cheers to everyone in all 6 groups! (4 cheers for the Sexy Sixes!)
we have one more off our team, newbride02 has decided to drop out. so now we are down to 3 people and a 15 pounds goal.

so team 4 is now:

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Oh no, not NewBride??? Well, I'm afraid we may have lost one too. We haven't heard from Jaidor in 4 days so we are giving her until tomorrow and if she hasn't made an appearance we will have to remove her from our group. Hope to hear from her, but she was pretty frustrated last week, so I'm not too hopeful about it. Crossing my fingers!
Sorry guys for dropping out...I felt so totallly torn by it. I've been going through a pretty rough time in my life right now, and I'm burning out tring to juggle everything. I need some time to get things straightened out. I'm not saying I'm giving up on weight loss...not at all! I just don't think I need the stress of the competition right now...hope you understand!
newbride, the important thing is that you take care of you. Do what you need to do, and know that we are here for you. Hope it all works out for you. All our love is going out to you!!!
And I think you are a good sport for being able to come forward and speak... Telling us that you wouldn't be able to finish... no matter the reason.... It's alot better than dissapearing!
oooooo how pretty!