Weight-Loss Team DETERMINED.

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New member
Team Determined
Meshellibel SW: 143 EW: 140
Tamschro SW: 200 EW: 196
Beaver SW: 137 EW: 131
Tempest SW: 215.5 EW: 211
jelly_belly88 SW: 170 EW: 166

TOTAL LOST: 21.5 pounds!

Okay Team, I'm getting motivated, so I came up with a banner for us. :)

If you want, you can add it to your signature by copy and pasting this:


I'll post my initial weigh-in tomorrow morning. Lets do this! :D
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Hey there! My starting point is 200. (since I've gained 2 this week). Hoping to lose at least 3 or 4... Ooo Valentine's day this week too.

Good luck everyone!!! :)

I like the banner, I'll put it in my sig and update my own weight chart for tomorrow~

Very excited, I'll go ahead and post my weight, I am at 143. I want to get to 135-139. I'm so excited!!! See you all tomorrow on here. WE CAN DO IT!
Hey Team!

Hi everybody! I had a huge, fattening weekend so I am so ready for this!!
Good luck to us all!


A good morning this morning. I am feeling ready to go. Last night my kids decided to try and relocate my bathroom to my living room downstairs, and they got my scale soaking wet. Well it's not water proof. So last night I got out the spring scale version and it says I am 3 pounds smaller than the digital read scale says. So this morning the digital says 143, the spring one says 140 :mad: . To be safe I am going to stay with the scale that I have been using the whole time. But it still is frustrating.
Good luck everyone!!!:)
Okay Team! Once we get Canada Girls' starting weight, we'll be all set!

I know we're going to do great. I can tell you personally that I'm going to be working my butt off for this challenge. We can totally win this! :D
Totally agree with working my butt off. My kids and I are going to do some yoga this afternoon, the like to do the poses, :). Then some eliptical tonight. I feel the same way Tempest, I am going to work my butt off! mostly to win but also to prove to myself that I can get past 142! Eliptical is in the living room, I am ready!!! GO TEAM, :p
Thats awesome Meshellibel, good luck tonight. I'm headed to the gym after work. I'll probably do the eliptical, some weights, and then maybe a walk later on with my wife.

Remember, we're having fun! :D
Good luck everyone. I'm going to get my butt into gear this week. I want to get a good work out on the rower and the bike every day this week. As soon as I get this assignment submitted I'll get on it. :)

Drinking lots of water too!

I do have the Valentine's dinner looming over me though. The plan is lobster, so I'll have to watch my calories for the day tomorrow. Dinner will probably be over 1000 cal itself!

Gonna get my butt in gear!
Yeah, we're going out for Valentine's as well. That'll be my first cheat meal in a few weeks though. I'm gonna make up for it by going to the gym tonight and the rest of the week. :)
For V-day I am goingto make chicken and dumplings in the slow cooker with salad. My hubby is really into eating salad with every meal now. I am very excited he is being so supportive! He told me last night that he was proud of me for doing something for me. :D It felt very good to hear him say that.
Yes, having that kind of support is really helpful! I'll tell you guys, I've been stuck at 137 for at least a couple weeks now......and getting a little frustrated at that. I think I might have set my goal a little steep, but I would really be happy with it.
Last week I started SlimFast Optima for breakfast and lunch, yougurt for morning snack, banana for afternoon snack and my "sensible" dinner is just smaller portions of what I fix for my boys. My workout pretty much stays the same everyday. Here at my office we have our own fitness center to use as we like....for FREE! I just started doing 15 minutes on the elliptical then move onto running on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 6.0mph. I only started that last week, so maybe that will be beneficial for me in this quest! I'm excited and look forward to getting to know you all! :)
good luck!
Wow. Running for 30 minutes at 6.0. I could never handle that, so rock on! 20 minutes on the elliptical is about all I can handle, I get bored too easily. ;)
Thanks.....it's tough and when I first started I could only run 5 minutes at a time, so it's a gradual process. I'm gone for the day......everyone have a great evening and we'll chat more tomorrow!!
Beaver, maybe try adding weights. Muscle burns more fat. If only you do like 12-16 reps with lighter weights it won't build bulk but will help you tone and slim down. Cardio is definitely good though, keep up the great work!
V-day!! Woohoo

Well today has been great so far. I woke up this morning and I am back to 142. I was 143 so one pound,. I'll take! :D I hope you all are doing great. I doing doing the house cleaning exercise, isn't easy withy 2 kids rooms to clean:eek: . Check back soon, put down one pound lost for me!!!:p
Thats awesome Meshellibel! :)

Tonight's our Valentine's dinner, so I'll probably be cheating a little, but that'll be my only cheat night for quite a while. I made it to the gym last night, and I'll be going for the rest of the week (after tonight).

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's day! Talk to ya'll later
A little about me.....I live in the Twin Cities area, will turn 36 this summer:eek: . I have been divorced for almost 8 years now and happily, I might add. He and I get along better now than when we were married so it was the right decision for us both. We have 2 boys, they are 11 and 12. They are so much fun, like little men you know? You can actually sit and have a conversation with them and have it make sense! They race quarter midget cars in the summer so we are anxiously awaiting April to come so they can start practicing again. I work at an insurance company full time then I have a part time job at a tanning salon to help make ends meet. It's a busy schedule between work and the boys, but life is good. I'm glad I found this board. There is so much information and more importantly there is so much support. I love it!
I would love to hear about you guys......
oh, and p.s.....Happy Valentine's Day - - too bad there is SOO much chocolate to be eaten! Well, I just look at everyone else eating it and am thankful they are getting those calories, not me!! I've been good so far, but I did forget to bring my afternoon fruit, so I might have to find a little piece of dark chocolate to get me thru til dinner!
Have a great night!
Hey guys!

Yesterday was a good day, I did well with my food, and got moderate amount of excercise. I was spent most of the day working on assignments, so I didn't have much time. Today was horrible however with both food and exercise. Tomorrow as soon as my 2 exams are done I'm hitting the gym.... make up for today! I am getting plenty of water though on the plus side!
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