Starting at 300lbs/136kgs at 5'8/170cm tall - Tykes weight loss diary

It took me about 2 months to get over covid totally, so it's good that you're recovering well. I love your AI work & have followed your YouTube channel. I haven't watched them all yet :)
It took me about 2 months to get over covid totally, so it's good that you're recovering well. I love your AI work & have followed your YouTube channel. I haven't watched them all yet :)
Hey that's great thanks Cate :) I'm enjoying doing it, have learnt so much. Yeh I know I'm lucky in getting over this bug quite quickly (about 1 week), could have been much worse.
Haven't checked in for a long time, haven't been watching what I eat, I'd 247.8 lbs this morning down from a recent maximum of 252.4 lbs from a few days ago. Have successfully eaten low carbs only for 2 or 3 days and can feel the difference already.
Thanks for the update, Tyke. Well done getting back on the bike. I am trying harder too. It does feel better. We can do this!
Time to update, I haven't been dieting whatsoever for a good while, I weighed myself today, I'm 250.2 lbs, not as bad as I expected but bad enough! I have a new goal, to reach 236 lbs by 23rd July 2024. I've set this goal because I am going for my annual health check up then where I will be weighed. I think I was about 223 lbs when they weighed me this time last year, I won't be that low this time, so they'll be disappointed I've gained but if I can weigh in at 236 or lower, well that's a whole lot better than 250!
Hey Tyke, welcome back!! Good to hear from you again.

You can do this, I know it! Hope to see more of you.
Hey great to see you back Rob, I was hoping everything was ok, it wasn't the same without you here.

Hi, Tyke. I have wondered how you're going. Good to see you back.
Hi Cate! I just haven't been dieting at all so had nothing to post really, but pleased that my weight didn't change much between the last time I posted and now. Have a really solid goal to work towards now, great to see you here, still offering support :)
Hi Cate! I just haven't been dieting at all so had nothing to post really, but pleased that my weight didn't change much between the last time I posted and now. Have a really solid goal to work towards now, great to see you here, still offering support :)
Thank you!
I think we have a good thing going in the forum :)