Weight-Loss Simple Weightloss Challenge

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9/28: 324.8. Not happy about that. First week will be the challenge since I'm not supposed to do any "real" exercise the first week after my procedure, so I'll be doing daily walks and doing my best not to gorge.

Good luck everyone!
Starting weight: 199.6
Just in case my first post was missed;

AthalaRanger said:
My weight for this morning (Saturday, September 28) is 97.9 Kg, but we'll have to use lbs, otherwise the % would be different.
According to an online calculator, my weight is 215.8 lbs.
Alright, sorry about that Athala. I started my post below yours and got pulled away from the computer before I finished it and never read the posts before it.

So now I have everyone except MrVee.

Good luck to everyone this week!

Feel free to stop in here and share your struggles and triumphs.
Is it too late to join Q? I weighed myself at the week-end &, instead of seeing a loss I had gained! Am 86kg or 189.597545lbs. GULP! Vee's 5.3% goal would have me losing 10lbs in that time. Cheers, Cate
I wasn't planning on it, but I had quite a Friday night and didn't weigh on Saturday. So put me down for 222, which was today's weight.
Thanks Q :D I think this is the 1st challenge I have entered in the forum! Righteo then!! A challenge hey- should be fun!
That was quite a Friday night Vee!

So everyone is accounted for. We have a very nice showing. I hope everyone has a fruitful first week.

This morning found me at 329.2 (-.6 since Sat). My waist is at 53 inches which is a rebound of 4 inches off my lowest measure, but still 7 inches lower than late last year @ 60". I did some houserork and shopping this weekend and some slow walking. I am easing into the exercise, but I will be up to decent daily exercise soon if the back will cooperate.
So glad to hear you're feeling better Q. I really hope you're on your way to getting to 100% :)

Question. I'm not sure if I misunderstood or not. Are we supposed to post what our goal is or are we just focusing on the % weight loss?

Either way, I'll set a goal for myself. I don't normally set goals for myself. Maybe that's been part of my problem! So, I weighed in at 204lb at the start of this challenge. By the end of October I'm shooting for 199lb. End of the challenge I'm shooting for 194lb. That's a total of a 10lb loss / 5% (if I did my math correctly) over the course of 8 weeks. That's a pretty big goal for me, but I'm determined to right the ship and really go after it. :)

Good luck to all!
In the spirit of keeping it simple there are no goal requirement. I think making a goal is a great idea. I've aimed high with my unofficial goal, but that is with the realization that I will be happy to keep on track for 8 weeks, regardless of where I end up.
TBH my goal is not to have gained weight by the time this challenge is over.
Off course I would like to loose a lot of weight, and loosing big winning big.
But that's probably not realistic.
Taking my starting weight into account, my 3.5% target should take my down 10 lbs, which is hopefully going to be achievable. So I'll put my goal weight at 279.0 (just to get a round number). We'll see how it goes!
I'm aiming for about a 10lb loss too. It is doable :) That doesn't mean necessarily that I'll be able to do it, But I sure am going to try, xo Cate
I chose 10lbs as it's a 5.3% loss for me. :)
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