Weight-Loss Simple Weightloss Challenge

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I made a very basic table. I'm happy to take feedback and advice on it. I had trouble with formatting which is why it is basic, but as far as content goes let me know. If someone wants to make a pretty one for us I can paste it into my first post.

I posted everyone in order that they signed up, but I will rank everyone during the contest and rearrange based on ranking at the end.
It's not too late to join if anyone else is interested!
I'm in! The more people watching my progress, and the more people I'm trying to keep up with the better I think. Hoping it will help my motivation :)

For those interested, little_star, CloudMuffin, me, and whomever else wants to join are doing a challenge as well. Involves 2 abs and 1 cardio a week from Sept 30th until November 3rdWe need a name for the challenge and will then post it in the Challenges section, but take a look here at the colorful post for the details right now, and please let us know a good name if you think of one!

Also...if I stay on track with my goals, my starting weight should be 141 (though I doubt it will be) :( but my ending should be about 125 which would give me a loss of 11.35%, yikes!
MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm first! Even if for a little while :blush5: I would just suggest putting the "% lost total" at the end, because that's what counts overall for the challenge.
Agreed. The total % loss should be the last column so it's easy to see who is winning.

And I think I will track my progress like this:

SW=starting weight
PWW=previous week's weight (not applicable the first week)
CW=current weight
%Change= (PWW-CW)/PWW
Total % Loss: (SW-CW)/SW
Icychic welcome aboard and you're on the board. I'm not able to exercise at the moment icychic or I would join the challenge. That's why I made this specifically weightloss only.

Belinda I changed the columns per your suggestion.
Not sure we really need a PWW column. When we post with our new weight, the PWW would be the CW according to the table, and by the time you do the calculations it isn't really needed on the table. But some might like the see the PWW for frame of reference, just wondering if it would make the table too big?
I will try it! This will be my first challenge! So, we will see! :) so i just come back to this thread every Saturday and post my current weight?
Basically, yes. This is what I plan to log:

Agreed. The total % loss should be the last column so it's easy to see who is winning.

And I think I will track my progress like this:

SW=starting weight
PWW=previous week's weight (not applicable the first week)
CW=current weight
%Change= (PWW-CW)/PWW
Total % Loss: (SW-CW)/SW

Then your #'s will be posted on the first post into the table by Quercus.
Welcome aboard br!na! Like icychic said I will record the stats each Saturday. You can calculate the % lost and % change with the calculator in the first post.

The injection went well and so far I feel much better. I'll be updating tomorrow.
Well, since this really is a "simple" challenge, I'm in. Much easier to just worry about weight without having the mini challenges to stress about. I weigh in daily so recording my Saturday weight will be no big deal for me at all. :)
What a start, I failed to weigh in this morning. I just got up and started my morning with a run.
So I'll be weighing in on sunday.
My weight for this morning (Saturday, September 28) is 97.9 Kg, but we'll have to use lbs, otherwise the % would be different.
According to an online calculator, my weight is 215.8 lbs.
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329.8 for me. Yuck! It's bad, but I was afraid of being over my old start weight of 349.2. 3.5lbs per percent is going to make it hard to win this. I have not been a rapid loser in the past, but starting from 100% sedentary maybe this will be diferent. On that hope I am chosing 299.8 as my end goal which will be 30 lbs and 9.1%. At 3.75 pounds a week that is too high, but I'm keeping it that high. I will do things the healthy way I just want to be optimistic and get below 300.

I woke up with the back still feeling fine despite being overdue for my pain medicine. I'm pretty bulletproof with my mood today. I'll update everybody elses as they come in. There may be a gap as I am getting out of the house!
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