🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

Each assessment quiz is worth 5% of my final mark and 30% overall for all the quizzes combined, the first 2 I scored 90% and 95 % so if I can keep on top of the small quizzed it takes some of the stress out of the 2 big exams.

In my scientific research methods subject the marks are split 30% for the quizzes, then the remaining marks come from a research project and a final exam. again I have perfected the quizzes so far and part A of the group research project was submitted today (Research proposal to be approved) part B is gathering the Data followed by Part C statistical analysis and reporting. Our group is looking at the proportion of people bringing re-usable bags with the going shopping in 2 separate areas of south east Queensland. The maths has been a nightmare the last couple of weeks but the tutor has said it returns to understanding concepts and less maths in the second half of the semester. I expect in a couple of weeks I will be sitting outside Coles counting people.
Ah, statistics... Wonderful as long as you don't have to do them yourself. Best of luck for Son 3 and I hope you enjoy the testing battery.
Could the brain fog have to do with seasonal allergies as well?
Son enjoyed the talent ID session, testing was all low tech to cope with the numbers they were testing, It was good to see him with a big smile on his face, with his ASD socialising with new people can be a challenge. He will get results in email in a couple of months.

Little miss is in her room enjoying her new sleeping bag, I just need to get her a sleeping mat and I also need to pick up some methylated spirits for the camping stove and we will be all set for her first overnight hike.

Head feels a bit clearer today and I have been able to get some study done.

I am also bidding on a second hand Trangia cooking set on E-bay, I use a Trangia spirit stove for camping but only have a cheap cook set, the Trangia set is much better quality, lighter and should heat up quicker but $160 for a new set is just a bit much, If I can get the secondhand set for under $50 I will be very happy.

I have also dropped a few kg over the last 2 weeks of cutting out the caffeine and being more consistent with my own training outside of coaching and study.
Good to hear you're taking time for your own health and fitness even when things are busy and even better when it's paying off.

Son 3 enjoying the session is a great thing regardless of the official outcome. And enjoying the people around you generally means you're going in the right direction.

I'm going to guess a lot of good camping gear sits unused in a basement after one trip so buying second hand makes sense. Looking forward to hearing about Little Miss' first trip!
The brain fog may be seasonal allergies, Tru as I know that I have been reacting badly lately. The wattle trees are out in bloom all around us. Camping will be so much fun with little miss. Lucky little girl :)
I'm going to guess a lot of good camping gear sits unused in a basement after one trip so buying second hand makes sense.

There is not a lot of second had gear locally, lots of homeless and families still living in tents after loosing their homes in the flooding. The Trangia stuff doesn't come up secondhand very often due to the quality and not being a common mass market camping item. Most campers have little to no experience with them and those that do usually don't sell.

I will know the result of the auction in 1 1/2 hours.

I have not noticed seasonal brain fog in the past but it is a viable reason, the weather this year is very unusual

time now to do some exam study.
Finished reviewing 6 weeks of lectures and notes, still need to revise textbook readings but I think exam prep is going ok.

went to the camping store today, got little miss a sleeping mat to insulate her from the ground and they happened to have a cheaper brand of the cooking set I wanted and it was on sale as well so I also purchased that. Son 3 having decided he will come camping with us got himself a new sleeping bag and tent. The rest of the gear he can share and I have a spare pack he can use. Also found a couple of freeze dried camping meals that are wheat free (Lamb with vegetables and a mint sauce), so got a couple of those for myself.

Time to do some rowing before I need to take little miss to martial arts and do some textbook reading tonight.
We will do the overnight camp probably the Tuesday night of the last week of September. The camp is on the Noosa trail network.

Assuming it all goes well there are a good number of longer overnight hikes we can do in the national parks. Son 3 and I would like to make another attempt to do the Cooloola Great Walk, the first time we attempted it when he was a kid the trail to the first campsite was flooded and our gear choices were too heavy, especially as I was carrying almost all of it. With some ultralight gear choices and both being able to carry a fair share of the load it may be feasible.

https://parks.des.qld.gov.au/parks/great-walks-cooloola it is 102 km long with 4 hiker only camps and is usually completed over 5 days but I know people who have done the whole thing as a single overnight trip and a couple of ultra marathon runners who run the trail non stop for fun.
That'll be lovely to have Son 3 coming along as well.
it is 102 km long with 4 hiker only camps and is usually completed over 5 days but I know people who have done the whole thing as a single overnight trip and a couple of ultra marathon runners who run the trail non stop for fun.
Some people have a perverted idea of fun :D
45 minutes to exam time, I get sooooo nervous before exams, I will check in in a few hours when it is all over.
all finished, a little early but I had almost all the answers covered directly in my notes if I didn't know them from memory. Very confident I done ok. now to tidy up the mess of notes I have spread out around the room in easy reach of my desk. I didn't even need to furiously look up stuff in textbook even though I had all the relevant pages marked with sticky notes.
I don't think the people writing the tests are prepared for someone as organized and diligent as you are. Having a bit of life experience definitely comes with benefits.
The Five P's: “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.”

Relaxing a bit today, first up I will hit the gym for some deadlifting then into town to pick up a couple of craft items little miss has run out of before I sit down and play some Dune on the computer. Back to study tomorrow.
Mark was just released 93% for the mid semester exam