🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

I saw this shared by ExRx as humorous look at jazzercize in the 80s. I find it as horrific now as I did in the 80s when mum would drag me to the classes, she was obsessed. so either a good laugh or to experience the horror, here is a jazzercize compilation from the 80s

That study sounds depressing but super interesting. The jazzercise would KILL me with cringe - so glad my mom wasn't into that kind of stuff.
Today I have spent time working on my think health stuff for uni. This PDF is a good 1 page representation of my field of study and where it fit into the "health" system. I think we will be assigned to our interdisciplinary groups in our tute. I am a member of ESSA having just completed my renewal for the year.


  • Who are you in the team_Sport and Exercise Science-1.pdf
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I have two assessment quizzes to do this week, I was planning on doing one today but I can hear thunder as a storm is beginning to roll in, so I think I will put it of until the storm passes as it is not fun having internet drop out in the middle of an assessment. It is super hot and humid outside so this storm could be a doozie so time to just chill out till it is all over.
It must be so annying to not be able to trust your internet connection when you need it for your studies. But I guess at least in your part of the world the profs would understand.
It must be so annying to not be able to trust your internet connection when you need it for your studies. But I guess at least in your part of the world the profs would understand.

for one of my subjects task one is 10 quizzes through the semester but only the best 8 will count towards final mark because as the tutor said they understand that poor internet and off days happen.

the other subject is not quite so understanding.
Well internet is back made it through flood water (RFS was guiding traffic) to pick up little miss before the second wave of storms hit and the road is probably closed by now. Have seen posts in some local groups saying there is a lot of trees and powerlines down in town and power is out in a lot of places that only just got power back after the major floods. hopefully hubby can get home ok shortly.
I just had a look at the BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) website, forecast is for the Mary River to exceed minor flood levels tomorrow night, people are still doing flood cleanup from the last one (second largest on record) and will be the 3rd flood in 3 months, the ground is soo saturated any rain and storms in the catchment flows straight into the river causing flooding.
It would be so hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. Volunteers must be absolutely worn out. I really feel for the people who have lost everything, but especially those who have lost loved ones.
completed quiz this morning, had 1 hour to complete 10 questions, was seriously expecting it to be harder than it was, took 6 minutes and nailed every question which all seemed to be common sense. I had read the article the quiz was based on 3 times, highlighted specific information and made notes. The instant feedback on a quiz grade is one benefit of online assessments.
Well done, Tru! I think doing a course online would suit me better than face to face classes & quizzes or tests online would be much less stressful for me.
Well done, Tru! I think doing a course online would suit me better than face to face classes & quizzes or tests online would be much less stressful for me.

It almost feels like I over prepared lol

If it wasn't for unstable internet here I would agree with you for most subjects, some subjects do require the hands on face to face learning but theory subjects like these not so much.
made it through uni yesterday. My biltong was not ready so I did not take food with me, survived the first 2 hour tutorial got drenched with rain walking to the supermarket near the Uni purchased some macadamia nuts and the last umbrella in stock, walked back to uni and the drenching continued with the fun addition of wind. survived the second 2 hour tutorial as we were arranged to work with students in our own course of study, the others in the exercise science group were ok 50/50 m/f splits and all from different cultures and backgrounds including a south Sudanese triple jumper an Indonesian volleyball player and a Maori woman who I met in the previous tutorial. I thought I was in luck for the drive home as it had stopped raining, it didn't last about 30 minutes into my 1 1/2 hour drive it pelted down rain could hardly see on the highway, hit a shredded truck tyre which was in the middle of my lane with no chance of avoiding it. looks like my car is ok.

Stood up out of bed this morning and my knee collapsed and I fell over , like WTF it was fine last night and it is my good knee, now I can't take weight on it, medial pain similar to my bad MCL on my bad knee.

hubby is back out hosing out houses today, the cleanup is never ending.

Thursday our *&%%!# PM helicoptered into town with his 20 bodyguards to only visit the meat works owned by millionaire LNP donors who received millions in grant money they were not eligible for. I cannot wait for our corrupt federal government to be fucking voted out. The shit stain is a coward.
Ouch on hitting the tire and your knee collapsing :oops: I hope both you and your car wll be ok.
I think I have probably eaten too little today, I am about to cut a few pieces of Biltong to bring up my protein and sodium. I always seem to struggle with consuming enough sodium, one of the drawbacks of not eating any packaged processed foods.