Ryan's Journal

Yes, but at least you have the ability to communicate. Time spent with recent US HS grads has indicated they have the attention span of rabbits, cannot write/edit to get themselves a job, and have a difficult time speaking without use of the words "um" or "like".

Well I am ENTP personality type. When I google imaged that, there was a brilliant t-shirt saying ENTP I'm awesome, you're not. the fact I thought that was great and that one of the main fictional characters of my type was the Joker from Batman was cool says a lot. The summation of the type when read past the subtleties was arrogant, argumentative, know it all, with no consideration for the feelings of others, to which I thought, like I didn't already know that or would care anyway.

I think there is a lot within the school system that takes confidence away. I remember being made to feel lower valued by peers and teachers even though I was one of those bringing up the grade average and had some of the best mock exam results in my year. I was terrified of being inadequate after that, it took a few years of living close to death to become this arrogant.

One of the most nerve racking early interviews was walking in, not being told to sit down just to explain in 5 minutes why I was the best person for the job. It was deliberately to put the interviewee on the back foot and see how they responded under pressure. I was knocked for a moment stumbled for a few moments then hit my stride. I got one of the three jobs, despite being the least qualified for the role, a few weeks in I realised why when we had a major brown fan moment and I was one of the only people who didn't go headless chicken. The guy who interviewed me made it clear I was on lower income than the other 2 but this would increase as I learned the skills their qualifications gave them.

I have also been selected for interview because the interviewer wanted to meet the person who had written my CV to see if I really was as blatantly arrogant as it suggested. I was totally under qualified and under skilled but had written it to imply that this would be easy for me to do. I didn't get the job, they needed the skills, but he did go to their HR asking for the budget to get me in as a junior, and apologised that he hadn't been able to convince them. He was fairly sure that I would be able to achieve the standard if I set my mind to it. I am now a couple of levels above that so he was right.
I say "um" a lot :(

It is a bad habit. We all do it on occasion but the trick is to minimise it.
I know one thing that has helped me a lot, certainly did getting this job, is not giving a positive weakness when asked for a strength and weakness. My current boss considers doing so a sign of trying to hide mistakes or vulnerabilities rather than accept them and be aware enough to do something about it. Mine was to declare openly that my epilepsy meds hammer my immunity so I end up off ill a few days most years now. that meant when there was an office plague knocking others out for a couple of days and me for 3.5 my boss simply said I had warned them and shrugged it off. Employers and others like to know what they are getting, and I have always found being open to be more useful than talking bull.
I'm on the borderline between ENFJ and INFJ (I can't remember the exact numbers, but N and J are both about 10%, F is about 30%, and E is a measly little 2%, so I can see myself having gotten INFJ just by being in a different mood at the time of doing the test). According to the celebrity/character examples given, I'm basically the illegitimate love child of King David and Obi Wan Kenobi. In the past, I've gotten introvert results in personality tests, but as I become more emotionally and socially healthy, my score has consistently moved away from introversion and towards extraversion. Notably, introverts are supposedly drained by socialising, whereas I light up through socialising, provided that there's content I engage with and care about. Small talk ruins me; philosophy and learning how messed up a person is from their own mouth is the best thing. Deep connection I love, shallow connection I loathe. My introverted characteristics have really been a fear of me acting on my natural extraversion, so I suspect that as my mental health improves, I'll become more clearly extraverted according to the personality tests.

When it comes to telling potential employers my weaknesses, my usual strategy is to show how I'm working on improving something, or at least acknowledge that it is something to be worked on (although if I had something uncontrollable like epilepsy, well I guess that would be different). So, my first PT job, I openly told the fitness director: "Look, I've done a 2 year diploma of fitness, I know my stuff when it comes to training people, but when it comes to the actual sales side of things, I have no experience and will need a lot of help." I got the job, although I didn't get the help (I was supposed to, but the manager spent the remainder of his time there avoiding his managerial duties), and then a year later I lost the job (just after the manager lost his job, and someone willing to actually do managerial work stepped in).
Most of my relationships have been very shallow, and in truth though I often give the impression of being very tolerant, I am actually quite the opposite, just so used to having to control the hyperactivity fuelled aggression that it doesn't always show. My wife is ISTJ, so the opposite to me in every way but thinking. When we google imaged that most of the stuff was quite dull compared but there was picture of a woman and the caption 'I'm sorry sir, you seem to have a problem, what with your brain being missing' and that is so my wife.
Percentages on mine were quite decisive, especially on the extrovert, no surprises there. One of the images was a picture of the Joker from the latest batman film series and a caption 'I'm not crazy, I'm not' which is cool too.
Where others seem to fear rejection a lot and stay to some extent within a comfort zone, I have often aimed high and been pleasantly surprised when the unattainable was suddenly mine for the taking. Rejection rates were of course incredibly high, arrogance and reaching alone doesn't have a high success rate, but it does tend to find you people willing to give you the chance to prove yourself eventually. If you fail to you get dropped like a hot rock, so then it becomes time to work like heck to ensure you live up to the hype.
I honestly think that tolerance is overrated. It's good, up to a point, but only inasmuch as it establishes peace where disagreements exist. But in a pseudo-postmodern culture, it gets bolstered to being a moral absolute (the absoluteness being proof of the "pseudo" factor), to the extent that no one seems to notice the irony or hypocrisy of being intolerant towards those identified as intolerant. By all means, if something is offensive, object, but to do so on the grounds of it being intolerant is self-defeating, so I'm left giving bertstare.jpgs. There are some things I'll tolerate in one context but not another, and some things I won't tolerate at all, because it would be unloving to tolerate. I would like to suggest that if this makes me a bad person, then we have a dodgy standard of good (there's plenty I can say about myself to assert that I really am a bad person, for which it's fair to judge me against, but I won't tolerate having my moral fibre judged against my tolerance!).
I have a couple of things that I tend to say regarding the whole tolerance and over PC world.
I only accept the term positive discrimination from someone with a blind chauffeur.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone.
If you think you the world has it in for you, time to realise the world has better things to do with it's time.
Equality means the best person for the situation, job, relationship etc. If that is a man, woman, unsure, black white, green, gay, straight, undecided is totally irrelevant unless it this is relationship then gender could be key.
I tolerate one type of ignorance, not knowing, refusing to learn I will never accept because that is enforce ignorance.

If that doesn't explain why I don't have friends nothing will.
Rather than maintain my cardio bunny ways, I've spent the last 6 days mostly down in Canberra, eating McDonald's, lollies, chocolate, muffins, chips, and occasional traces of food-like substances. In that time I've dropped 1.5kg and my systolic BP has dropped about 6 points. I knew healthy eating and exercise guidelines were a scam!

The little exercise I did do over the week mostly consisted of walking between locations (which I don't really consider exercise). On Monday I got stupid, though. I did an hour of trampolining, which involved jumping off walls (yay), and using my skull to break my fall when failing a back flip (not so yay -- in fact definitely right up there in the top 3 dumbest things I've done this week). But I like to look on the bright side, which, in this case, is that effectively I got a free chiropractic treatment on impact. Later that night, as she was getting into her car, a girl I like announced that if anyone can beat her to McDonald's by foot, she'll shout them soft-serve cone. In hindsight, I missed a golden opportunity to tell her that if she wins I'll take her some place good and buy her a meal (that's how dates work, right?), but I did get a good sprint in, plus super healthy ice cream when I made it to the door before her.
Ice cream is a good start! Progress from there and all will be cool.
I do remember a bus driver getting in a strop with me because it was very evident that I was getting to his destination far faster than him on foot. Think it was the fact passengers were commenting on it that made it worse.
Motor vehicles are restricted to roads, feet aren't, often no contest.
Looks like you are enjoying your time out of training anyway.
Highest my BP has ever been was when I was competing in dangerous sports. Apparently adrenalin causes release of a blood clotting agent, and having this for extended durations is bad for the heart, explains why more adrenalin junkies die of heart failure than activities. Mines was around 140/90 good average for a 15 stone couch potato, not expected in the 9 stone athlete I was.
Health fanatics will always be fitter than fitness fanatics are healthy. Because health fanatics will keep fit as part of maintaining health while fitness fanatics will sacrifice anything to be more capable, including their health.
I've been too lazy to update this journal since getting back. Paper journal is in my car, and I'm also too lazy go out and check what's in there. Something along the lines of this happened:

Friday or Saturday:
- Bench Press 75kg, 3 sets
- A lot of pull ups
- DB shoulder press 12.5kg superset with cable rows

- Squats 115kg, half a set, then I was like "Yeahno, that's not happening."
- Goodmornings 3x12x70kg
- Leg press/calf raise 3x6/3x12x120kg

- OHP 45kg, 3 sets
- Lat pull down, 6 sets between 43 and 61kg
- DBBP 2x15x15kg
- Standing Calf Raise 3x12x80kg
- Cable row 3 sets

- Front Squats 2x10x60kg
- Back Squats 2x12x80kg
- Deadlifts 2x10x135kg
- Glute bridge 3x10x90kg, which left the skin on my shoulders feeling quite raw.