Ryan's Journal

I used to pursue meaning through art, and idealised the creative and expressive element of it. Then I started learning how to legitimately, meaningfully interact with people, and lost a lot of my artistic inspiration, because I had been trying to fill the holes in my life with artistic expression, and suddenly some gaping holes were no longer anywhere near as holey. A lot of my artistic endeavours were about having a voice and feeling accepted, ultimately. When I started to feel accepted by God and people, and started to experience people validating my need for a voice by genuinely listening and coming back for more, I acknowledged what I'd always known at some level: that I had been pursuing connection and intimacy through a means that could never deliver it.

My inclination is that when marriage --> child/ren, being a husband/wife and parent become equal roles. But inclination is also that as a single, childless, 26 year old I probably shouldn't be thinking I know how to do marriage and parenthood better than people who are actually married and parents. I do agree, though, that as we enter marriage, we're choosing to put the role of spouse and parent ahead of the role of "me" -- willfully putting our spouse and child/ren's needs ahead of our private passions. On another forum, a man with a wife and children is thinking of making a career change from his current, safe profession to full-time personal training, but is rightly hesitant to do so because his family's needs trump his enthusiasm for fitness. Another trainer mocked him for not going with his passions, so I came down on this guy like a tonne of bricks. Something I learned too late to save my last relationship is that it's more important that my job support the ones I love than that my job be something I love. If you can have both, great, but the former precedes the latter.
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Good to see you're back to training again. Your 11th on bench is why I always bench in a rack, sidling out sideways is so much nicer than rolling a bar down you.
Mmm, if I had the option of benching with safeties set up, I would. I don't know why neither of my gyms have safeties set up for benching. Incidentally, I didn't go for a 9th rep today.
Chemistry - ugh! Never ever could grasp the concept of moles. Given that the man I've been with for the past 30 years (he recently pointed out that we have been together for 30 years - it never occurred to me) has a PhD in Chemical Engineering, he tries to explain the idea every few years. One might think he would have given up by now...

So you are off for summer holidays? I hope you can enjoy some downtime.
1mol = any number equivalent to the number of atoms in 12g of Carbon-12 = 6.022x10^23. Those arbitrary numbers. Temperatures in Celsius and Kelvin seem a little less arbitrary (although all measurements are ultimately arbitrary): Celsius = consistent scale operating around 0 = freezing point of water and 100 = boiling point. Far more commonplace than measuring out 12g of Carbon-12. Kelvin = same scale as Celsius, but beginning at the theoretical point at which the volume of a gas would reduce to 0L (which is impossible). Seems I learned something this semester after all.
Chemistry good. Now you understand what is going on inside your cells that enable you to be awesome in the gym.

No biochemistry this semester. All my biochemistry knowledge is from my Dip.Fitness days; most of which I've forgotten. I remember carbohydrates having carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in them; calcium removing inhibitors in the muscles; seratonin and epinephrine being things; and salt being important in critical moments of not dying. Oh yeah, and some correlation between lactate and lactic acid.

I've gotten a kickstart on physics so that next semester is easier than this semester was, and have learned a little about the charges of up quarks and down quarks.
Cecius missed a detail. It only works at sea level, the higher up you go the lower the boiling point of water. Arbitrary or what.
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 = 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + energy to convert ADP back to ATP.
Sad part. I carry this sort of rubbish around in my head all of the time. Even sadder, I am less qualified than a U.S. high school graduate. GCSEs then sodded of doing stupid things.
Sad part. I carry this sort of rubbish around in my head all of the time. Even sadder, I am less qualified than a U.S. high school graduate. GCSEs then sodded of doing stupid things.

Yes, but at least you have the ability to communicate. Time spent with recent US HS grads has indicated they have the attention span of rabbits, cannot write/edit to get themselves a job, and have a difficult time speaking without use of the words "um" or "like".
I say "um" a lot :(