Weight-Loss Postcards On The Way!

sweetie - I sent mine... but i guess you haven't gotten it yet =( I sent it to all five girls... so I hope that you all recieve them!!! If not - I still love you - and I was thinking of you and sending you all the good vibes you deserve from winning!
I now have 8 plus an e-card. Rose I got yours Thursday It's beautiful thank you. Kim I got one from you too! Thank you Love the picture
I had to take stuff off my fridge to make room for them. I love to look at them and see all the support and love from you guys.
Hey all,

I just sent the postcards out for the last challenge. You should get them soon. Let me know when you get them.

a big thank you!!!

i got 2 more post cards today from sandy and juliew73!!
and last week i got one from Christina and Cora (turtlemama) which i have already thanked them for in their diaries, you girls are awesome!