Weight-Loss No binge, no purge - one day at at time.

I did not binge today. The next two days I´m spending on my backside in a classroom with easy access to loads of snacks. I don´t anticipate a true binge because I won´t be alone but keeping the amount of snacks I eat contained may be difficult. And snacking too much for two days could lead me to binge the day after. So the goal is to have no more than two chocolate chip cookies during our morning break and no more than two cheese sticks for afternoon break. Less would be even better but that´s the upper limit. Now off for an evening walk.
Well I did end up bingeing. I had seasoned rice and oxtail. I ate about 3/4 of rice and all of the oxtail plate.

But most importantly I did not purge. I did not even have the urge!!! I did gain weight but it’s not a huge deal since I’m still under 140 lbs.

I hope you guys are doing good on not bingeing today!!!
I did not binge today, and had no strong cravings, it was a good day!

Vic, I am happy to hear you didn't purge, that is important! I am not sure how big your portions were, but eating 3/4s of the rice and all of the oxtails on a normal plate doesn't sound bad. Only you would know. Maybe just too many calories to lose weight.

I did not binge today.
Good for you!

I had a couple more choc biscuits last night . It’s official for me I cannot have them in the house . So be it.
Hey Petal you are doing great, and not having chocolate biscuits in the house sounds like a good plan. For the best no doubt, however I am sure you know a couple of biscuits don't make a binge, so congrats on no binge.

Rob, if you are reading this consider joining us.

Let's do it again tomorrow.
Rob they are all gone now I can't have them around . It's the way I eat them is a binge because I just shovel them in be it 300 cal worth or 1000 cal worth . I know why as I had a little upset Thursday, messes with my head a bit but they are gone now and I just won't buy anymore. Good luck today LaMa
Well done Rob no cravings is great . Vic well done to you too.
Well I had lunch yesterday at chipotle. Then I skipped dinner! Worst mistake ever!!’ I ended up getting out of bed because of a bad dream!!! So I went to ihop and had breakfast. Just something light.
I also had one macaroon yesterday because I was craving it!!!
I hope I don’t binge today. And I think I’m really finished with the purging. I think that my stay in the hospital cured me. Maybe I could not purge there since I had a roommate.
No binge and no purge? Well done Vic!
It's the way I eat them is a binge because I just shovel them in be it 300 cal worth or 1000 cal worth .
I wouldn´t call 300 kcal a binge but I see what you mean.
No binging today, not even tempted. Would´ve been a great day if it hadn´t been for the skin disaster. Hope it passes soon because being in pain for extended periods of times weakens my no-binge resolve.
Today I binged on apple cider doughnuts (sugar and cinnamon) at an apple picking farm. About 4. I was there with my sis and her family. So I just got greedy around them.

Also I did not purge but I did feel like I should do it. Since I had so much calories.

NEways I won’t be seeing them until next weekend.

Tomorrow and this week I will do better.
No binge here, and I feel good about it. I was tempted, when I finished dinner I sure wanted to go back for more, a whole lot more. Instead I ate a pear and things settled down a little.

Vic, not purging is progress. I suspect in the past you would have. I am no expert, but I suspect gaining a pound or two is healthier than purging. And I don't think you need to worry about next week, just don't binge or purge tomorrow and you'll be fine. Did you get to pick a lot of apples, that's what I did today, got about 4 bushels, tomorrow we juice.

LaMa, that sounds good, no binge always does.

Petal, I am sure ridding yourself of the chocolate biscuits is the best thing. Good for you.
Ok I have to fess up I got rid of the chocolate biscuits by eating them . I will probably pay for it on the scales . I was ashamed to write it but it’s out now . But they are gone and I won’t buy them again . Had a good day yesterday no binging at all . Few bits off plan but manageable .

I binge when I get upset. Something really upset me Thursday. I have told that person ( my husband ) yesterday that I was upset on Thursday . I’m not sure if he heard me really but it’s out there now .

Vic I’m glad you didn’t purge . I have never done that so don’t really know much about it .

LaMa yeah I suppose a few biscuits might not seem like a binge but it’s the way it’s done in secret and shovelling it in. Glad you had a good day

And you too rob . Good on you stopping after dinner .

Happy binge free Sunday everyone .
I´m out of the binge danger zone for today. Had two chocolate cookies both yesterday and today but those were planned so I´m fine with it. Also had two unplanned (small) beers today but had the calories for them because I only had a sandwich for lunch. Had been a long time since I drank beer and I was kind of drunkish afterwards so extra proud I didn´t go on to overeat. Tomorrow´s Monday again and Mondays are always challenging but I´m going to try my best. I´ve planned breakfast and lunch, leaving only dinner open to spontaneous (bad) decisions. Need to come up with an appealing dinner plan as well so I won´t be tempted. Any ideas?
What about something in your air fryer , some nice chips as a base . You just reminded me I have the 2 teeniest little cookies that we got with coffee last night in my purse .
Today I did not b/p at all! I did not have cravings. My weight is up from yesterday. But I don’t care. Just taking it one day at a time seems to be more simple than thinking about a whole week.

So tomorrow I’ll try to do better than today. So for me it’s eating all meals at home. This includes coffee and my diet soda. I’m drinking almond milk and no creamer in the coffee and tea. So I’ll also have less calories and save a lot of money for the week.

On Thursday I have a cleaner who will also clean my fridge, microwave, and oven. I feel too overwhelmed to do those. And my guest bathroom that my brother was using.
Thanks Petal that sounds rather nice. Maybe with a bean salad on the side.

On Thursday I have a cleaner who will also clean my fridge, microwave, and oven. I feel too overwhelmed to do those.
That sounds like an excellent idea. When I'm overwhelmed already feeling like I'm a failure because things aren't getting done makes things worse and having a nice clean living space sort of resets things and it feels so much better.
I did fine today. Fall weather is here and the feel and change in color are a bit of a distraction. It's nice.
Well done!
Not yet 9 am and already feeling the urge. I think it´s because this is my only free day this week and I associate overeating with freedom and decompressing. Like I´m making good use of my day off. So I need to find something else to do that´ll give me the same or at least a similar feeling. I may be on here a lot today though. Write don´t bite!
Yay Lama write don’t bite does work . I did it yesterday and got through really well . Feel good and motivated today . I like feeling slimmer more than eating I think i need to remember that . “ nothing tastes as good as feeling slim”

do you need some winter clothes ? If so go have a browse about and see what’s out there . I always leave it to late and can never find stuff . Just an idea in case you need an activity !
Vic you sound like you doing ok . One day at a time is perfect way to do it .