My road back: the sequel where things hopefully go better


Active member
Hello fellow weight-fighters! I'm back!

It's been roughly a year and my life has undergone a few changes since my last, ill-fated attempt at changing for the better.
I've moved back with my parents for the last few months while I renovate my new apartment, which I'll hopefully be moving into in about a month or so.
I've changed my work situation, now working fewer hours as I work on this apartment renovation, and think it's time for a personal renovation too!
I'm a wee bit heavier than when I last attempted to lose weight, first weigh in will come tonight with my first journal entry lol.
You can do this !!
Day 1
Morning weigh-in: 149.2kgs (328.9lbs)

Well, here goes nothing!
I must first specify that my goal before the year is out is one of harm minimisation; I'm living with family until my apartment is ready, and then the festive season hits... it's not realistic to aim for rapid weight loss or hardcore fitness in this time. So I guess my mantra until January is "don't do anything stupid".

Started a very non-physical day with four plant-based burger patties with cheese. Had some peanuts over the course of the day, and later on will probably have a berry smoothie with almond milk! It's a pleasant substitute for a pudding that I really enjoy! The less almond milk the more like sorbet it eats after a good blending!

Work tomorrow, a physical day, so I want to pour as much energy as I can into sensible food choices!
Guy, I think it is great that you are back. Just being more aware of what you eat will make a difference. Just making sensible food choices whenever you can will make a difference. You will get there.
Guy, I think it is great that you are back. Just being more aware of what you eat will make a difference. Just making sensible food choices whenever you can will make a difference. You will get there.
Indeed! And I did well last night! Sat there while my family ate delicious Turkish Pide and only ate my plant-based schnitzel.
Then I had some fresh berries and went to bed!
A good motto for life in general - unless the stupidity is fun enough to be worth any potential regret :p Looks like you caught yourself just before crashing into the 150 mark: motivation indeed.
Lol yep. Wisdom to carry me through that one!
But once I’m in the new apartment I can really incorporate fitness (which has always helped me stick to my diet).

Weighed in today at 147.9!
I hope your schnitzel was high-protein, delicious and came with some veggies but either way well done on the self-control.
I hope your schnitzel was high-protein, delicious and came with some veggies but either way well done on the self-control.
I can't say it was... just zapped from frozen in the microwave lol. But it was a victory to steer clear of the pide! It's one of my favourites!
Day 2
Morning weigh in: 147.2kgs (324.5lbs)

A super-physical work day today... but my alcohol consumption was a problem, and it fostered silly eating, sadly.

In fact, the eating today was a mess.

I awoke at 4:30am to head to work, and nothing of any nutritional merit was available for breakfast. So I pushed on, hoping to get something a bit later in the day. Unfortunately, it didn't eventuate, as I was non-stop busy until about 7pm. I sat and had about seven pints of low carb beer with some mates before taking the train home... I hadn't eaten anything all day, a disastrous proposition.

All told, I ended up eating four sushi rolls with tuna and avocado and a 400ml tub of passionfruit yoghurt (which is only slightly better than ice cream).

I've done a lot worse after a massive work day, but still, not ideal!
Those 7 beers probably had twice as many calories as the 400 ml of yogurt and yogurt at least contains protein and calcium (way more than icecream so even if the calories aren't much lower the nutritional value is definitely higher). No idea about sushi rolls though: I'm on my way to get some salmon nigiri and avocado maki and would never have thought to feel bad about them!
I'm glad you ate the sushi & yoghurt. 7 pints on an empty stomach- eek! A bag of nuts first would be a good idea if that situation arises again, Guy. I always have a small zip-lock bag of jerky(15g) with me, just in case. That stuff is amazingly filling.
Those 7 beers probably had twice as many calories as the 400 ml of yogurt and yogurt at least contains protein and calcium (way more than icecream so even if the calories aren't much lower the nutritional value is definitely higher). No idea about sushi rolls though: I'm on my way to get some salmon nigiri and avocado maki and would never have thought to feel bad about them!
We have a beer here called Pure Blonde which is very low carb! It's 150 calories per pint... but I make so many dmb decisions while drunk!
Oh yes, the sushi is healthy and nutritious! But the rice is something I have to be careful with!
I'm glad you ate the sushi & yoghurt. 7 pints on an empty stomach- eek! A bag of nuts first would be a good idea if that situation arises again, Guy. I always have a small zip-lock bag of jerky(15g) with me, just in case. That stuff is amazingly filling.
That's a good idea! Something to quell the apetite!
Day 3

Okay, no morning weigh ins at the moment; I have another relative in town (along with the rest)... I have hidden the scales as I don't want to answer awkward questions... and I'm eating a lot due to the many family dinners. I love them, but they amont to diet death lol.
The best I can say is that while I feasted on carbs, I didn't indulge in blatant junk food...
We have a beer here called Pure Blonde which is very low carb! It's 150 calories per pint...
That's what I estimated. 7x150=1050 kcal. 400 ml of fruit yogurt is generally around 400 kcal here, and 400 ml of icecream (which has a much lower density) probably 500 or so.
Hope you can enjoy your company and the delicious food without veering off into binge territory!
Welcome back Guy, I remember you. Looks like you're off to a reasonable start. I am sure you can make this work.
We have a beer here called Pure Blonde which is very low carb! It's 150 calories per pint... but I make so many dmb decisions while drunk!
We have Budweiser 55, just 55 calories in 12 ounces, so about 70 in a pint. I think their secret is to start with normal beer and add lots of water. It's awful. And does not improve on the decision making thing...

Best of luck to you!
Day 7

Well, the relatives have left and there's really no way to put a positive spin on it... I absolutely shattered my rule of "don't do anything stupid".
For three nights in a row there was abundant drinking, and long, long tables of food with all sorts of things I should be avoiding. It was a lethal double-blow of things that are sure to destroy my progress: hangovers and food.

But, as previously stated, my objective isn't sbstantial weight loss at this point, but harm minimisation.
So all I can do now is concentrate on tomorrow.
The scales will come back out in the morning and I'll start from there.
Welcome back Guy, I remember you. Looks like you're off to a reasonable start. I am sure you can make this work.

We have Budweiser 55, just 55 calories in 12 ounces, so about 70 in a pint. I think their secret is to start with normal beer and add lots of water. It's awful. And does not improve on the decision making thing...

Best of luck to you!
Our one still has the same alcohol content of a standard lager over here (about 5%), but yeah, it still fosters the same stupid decisions.
Although I had kind of set myself up for failure by going the whole day without eating.

I simply must do my best with the festive season imminent!