My Before and After Pics (after 3 months and 6 months)

you look great! but shouldnt you eat more than 1800 calories, espcecially if you're working out?

Thanks for the advice and info - its really appreciated.

Ill do some research around diets to suit my calorie needs whilst moving to more meals that are smaller.

Yes its challenging to get the sleep with a 1yr old! but hey im going to make the effort - sick of making excuses!

ill post a message on here to let you know how im getting on in a few weeks.

many thanks - take care!

Please keep in mind to create a goal, a plan to reach that goal and a prize/reward for reaching your goal. This is key to your success and what will drive your motivation as you travel on your journey.

Looking forward to hearing from you again and let me know if you have any further questions...:sifone:

you look great! but shouldnt you eat more than 1800 calories, espcecially if you're working out?

Actually, I do...Since I'm pretty active throughout the week, my daily intake is suppose to be 2200(to maintain), so I 'try' to get no more than 1800 calories a day to continue a caloric deficit.
I agree with everyone,Nice transformation!

so What is your goal now?

thanks Fitnessmom :)

The goal now is to prove that I can sustain my current physique till June 15th 2010(which will be the last daily post on my blog), as this date will mark 1 full year since I started.

This will be the ultimate test to see if I can continue with the healthy lifestyle without having a "real goal/target" in mind (e.g lose 25 lbs or reach x% fat).... With the warm weather fast approaching, this journey will be a breeze... :p

Reward for passing this test is a trip to Las Vegas in July. (back to Vegas baby!! Chyaaaaa!) :sifone:

You're look'n smokin' hot yourself!! Saw your blog - very impressed and I really like your determination...very cool and very inspiring! :beerchug:Keep it up!

Little Riddick
thanks Fitnessmom :)

The goal now is to prove that I can sustain my current physique till June 15th 2010(which will be the last daily post on my blog), as this date will mark 1 full year since I started.

This will be the ultimate test to see if I can continue with the healthy lifestyle without having a "real goal/target" in mind (e.g lose 25 lbs or reach x% fat).... With the warm weather fast approaching, this journey will be a breeze... :p

Reward for passing this test is a trip to Las Vegas in July. (back to Vegas baby!! Chyaaaaa!) :sifone:

You're look'n smokin' hot yourself!! Saw your blog - very impressed and I really like your determination...very cool and very inspiring! :beerchug:Keep it up!

Little Riddick

That sounds like a good plan you have!:) I am sure you will reach to that 1 year of hard work!

And changing your body is a lifestyle you have to stick with
For me, I can't live without my workout lol, I am so use to it, but of course
sometimes I hate to train, but I force myself and I feel always good afterwards

You should be proud of yourself! :) keep it up!

And thanks for the compliment:)

good luck!!!
Wow! What a transformation! This is so inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing!