Weight-Loss Matrons Of Honor Post Here



New member
You know what to do girls. Post your starting weight and all that jazz!!!
Maybe give everyone a little insight on what you may have problems with.
Such as eating at night....not drinking enough water....
Although we are playing against each other....we really want to kick some newbie butt!!! It will help us weed out all the bad "green"apples and see who is for real...lol
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Okay..after I come back from the gym tomorrow I will post my starting weight.
Ughh ..I get to see how much I gained since my last competition.
I cant let that happen again!!!!.....I am ready to feel good again!!!!

Lets show them what we got my fellow Matrons Of Honor!!!!( Yes!!!..Thats us in the purple..lol)
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Heck yes that is us!!!

Woooo hoooo... Yeah, I'm kind of bad on the weight, I gained like 5 pounds over the weekend... 148.. but you guys are going to kick my butt if I don't lose :p.


I'll tell you this much, my weight fluctuates a lot... like.. I can lose 2 pounds a day sometimes then gain 3 the next day... kind of annoying.

By the way, I'm Tori if you don't know. I'm 15 years old and I live in Ohio. Um.. I love to run, it's my passion, and thats one of the main reason I'm losing the weight.

I'm so happy with our group.
good morning everyone!!!

height 5'4"
cw 137
goal 135... and maybe a bit below that...

plan - eat around 1300 cals each day
- work out at gym 3x week (30 min cardio, 30 min weights)
hehehe... I just realized that NONe of us are married yet... so we aren't TECHNICALLY Matrons =) hehehe... but it does give me some inspiration to kick butt so I never will be!
Im so glad to see that both my girls have already posted in!!!!!
Okay..my starting weight is 306...that is a 5 lb weight gain!!!! :eek:
But there is one way to take care of that....MOVE IT AND LOSE IT!!!!

My plan is to do weight watchers, drink at least 64 oz of water a day, exercise a MINIMUM of 3x a week..( I am shooting for 5 x w/ my walking),
No eating after 8 pm....Only salads and grilled chicken sandwhiches going through drive throughs.....meaning NO FRIES WHAT SO EVER!!!! :p

Lets do the best we can in this challange..but also..lets have some fun and get to know each other better!!!!!
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Alright, so My goals are:

Walk 5x a week, now that I can (run once I get released)

Drink at least 50 ounces of water a day, 3 days- 64+

Eat between 1200 and 1400 Calories a day

*hopefully* lose 5 pounds...

It's so nice to have an active group!
Well...there is one thing I am going to start doing that will really help me these next two weeks...( and then in the long run)...The night before, I am going to plan as much as I can ,what I am going to do that next day,what I will be eating..to what I am going to wear. Having a plan scheduled out is going to help me with temptations, allow myself not to get too hungry....and not second guess myself .
Plus I love making list of "things to do"...and crossong them off..lol....hope ya are doing good!!!!! GOOOOOO TEAM MATRONS!!!!!!
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hehehe that was great! I didn't have a good night last night... I didn't make it to the gym and went to the bar instead... BLEH! So that means that tonight I need to go to the gym instead and make up for it... kick my butt and make me do it!!!
Katie..please bend over so I can give you a good kick....lol...Yeah..just go to the gym and work out alittle extra hard to make up for yesterday....Just get at LEAST 3 exercises in a week...How is the water everybody???....
Also....something I do for motivation....I got to nbc biggest loser web site...and look at the contestants that got kicked off..and what they look like now....Suzanne Is my role model!...She look beautiful..and I love her size!!!...Also they have actual Pics people sent of their on before and after!!!.....Very Encouraging!!!....I might make a post and tell people to go to that site if they need some motivation. I want everyone to succeed. Also to let you know...Even if our team not the winning team..I am still going to send ya a card or something!!!...
hehehe... thanks sweetie!!! I need a kick!!! I'm going to try to do extra cardio tonight to make up for being such a slacker... I normally go to the gym sun, tues, thur...

I am doing great on my water intake... I carry my water bottle everywhere, so it's a huge reminder... the sooner I drink it, the less weight it adds to my backpack!!!
I stink with the water. In school its hard to carry it around especially since I can't carry my own stuff.. any suggestions?
ooo I bet that would be hard on crutches... Do you carry a backpack with you between classes, or just what you need for each class?

I have a water bottle with a loop at the top - and my backpack has a caribeener (one of those D shaped clasps) and so I just hook it on and away I go.. when I don't have so much stuff in it, I keep it in my bag.
I carry a backpack usually but sometimes only my stuff for class. When I get home I feel as if I haven't drank water at all so far so I'm a failure and I don't even try.
oh girls.... i'm so proud of us for resisting food temptations today!!! whee!!!

kc - did you get any exercise in?

run - hows your leg doing?

*sigh* its shower and then bed time for me!!!
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Nope..no exercise today. :( .which means I HAVE to go tomorrow...( which I am in the morning)..and I will go friday and saturday....might go walking on sunday....I dont know.....Because I have to be real careful with my feet..
I feel really swollen and bloated right now..I ve been drinking water all day.........except for the coke at dinner...THATS probaly the culprit.... :rolleyes:
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Hey Team!!!
You two must be at your studies!!!!.....Well this morninig I made fench toast......I had 2 slices of w.w. bread...( 10 grams of fiber)....I used one egg to dip both pieces....had some lite syrup with it..( because it was kinda dry..but the syrup was wayyy to sweet....)...8 oz of chocolate milk.( fat free)......
I feel I have no energy. ....and my tummy is still hurting...) I think I am ovulating..and sometimes that is painful for me.......
Andreas and I are about to go grocery shopping. Money is short so we wont be buying to much....he is gonna cook tonight...which I am kinda scared.....He is a wonderful cook...just not always the healthiest recipies.....lol
I still have yet to go to the gym.....I know how good it makes me feel once I do it...its just making myself go....( plus when he is off I want to spend my time with him..)..
Ill talk to ya later!!!!!
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Leg is doing alright, still not really allowed to walk more than 400 yards :( I should be running soon though!