Marsia's Diary

Also I am now viewing the work I need to do as helping myself.
That's a good way of looking at it.
So I will experiment more with doing nice things for myself, but I am also trying to make sure we get out of here soon.
Thanks Cate, I think part of it is that I am pretty future-oriented. I think about the long term goals and forget to make little happenings for myself along the way that are memorable and fun. I do think I really want to sketch and get out the paddle boards and explore the vast waterways around here!
Taking a little time each day to do something nice for yourself, however small, will help you get through all of this.
The last few days were really productive. The dining room got a second coat of paint and looks great. The overly bright blue bathroom is prepped and taped. We found a good gluten free banana bread recipe and happily ate a bunch, and weight is down a little, and I don't feel like snacking or even thinking much about food. We're eating pretty well with a lot more veggies in our diet this week. Also painting seems to help my frozen shoulder and it can lift upward a bit more now.
Good for you, M! I would love to see the GF banana bread recipe please xo. No hurry.
That's a good way of looking at it.

Taking a little time each day to do something nice for yourself, however small, will help you get through all of this.

Good for you, M! I would love to see the GF banana bread recipe please xo. No hurry.
Thanks Cate. I will keep reminding myself to do things just for me - it's hard to remember, but I need to!! This gf banana bread recipe is a bit thinner - between pancake batter and normal banana bread batter, so it took longer than normal to bake than it says, but came out nice. I used half tapioca flour (because I find that when I use half starchy flour things hold together better) and half millet flour because I love the taste, and gf flour is so expensive, so I grind my own millet flour in my high speed blender from a big bag of millet I bought and I get the tapioca flour from the Asian market where it is inexpensive. I also added 3/4 cup of chopped walnuts (and sorry everything is in cups, I know that's a pain!). Oh, and I always butter and flour the pan with tapioca flour so the gf stuff doesn't stick to it. I also have a really good gf pizza crust recipe I should post for you - remind me if I forget.
For good or for bad: our childhoods never fully leave us. But it's lovely that K didn't inherit this particular trait (because you didn't make her; good for you!) so maybe you can observe and learn a bit. About the house: I understand what you mean. Can you chop the work into lots of self-contained little projects where no matter how things go you only ever need to finish that one little project before sale? Like more time is good but a surprise cut-off won't send you into a stress spiral like it did with the sale of your old house. Plus in between the small jobs there's always time for a rest!
I always feel funny complaining about my childhood. My dad was also fascinating and my mom took me on the most amazing canoeing vacations all over the place, and there was a lot of good stuff that many people don't have in their childhoods. I agree about chopping the tasks into little steps where I don't do too much at a time. The house is ok as is, anyway, I just really want to be sure it sells quickly because there are a lot of builder houses on the market here now, and they can do deals with the banks that a private owner can't do, so they have the advantage. And yes - I must remember to rest in between jobs!
That all sounds great. Always so nice to look back on a paint job-always makes such a difference and it's nice that it's one of those jobs that doesn't get messed up right away (like your yard work that can get undone with a storm!) Good to hear your shoulder is feeling a bit better.
I've been going to look at the dining room, and now the bathroom and admiring how better it looks. It's so nice not to look blue-tinged while in that bathroom. Now that I go out each day and weed the driveway a little, I feel less stressed about the yard. I think having a long, winding driveway that's full of little weeds that take forever to pull got me feeling like the yard is a big mess, but now that I see that I just do a few minutes a day and it really looks nice in the little spot, I feel better. So funny how little things like that help.

I'm feeling good about food. My weight has stayed down for a couple of weeks, and I am not turning to food. I think having a project to launch into really helps!
I think having a long, winding driveway that's full of little weeds that take forever to pull got me feeling like the yard is a big mess, but now that I see that I just do a few minutes a day and it really looks nice in the little spot, I feel better. So funny how little things like that help.
That's good that you are starting to see that difference in the yard. It is nice when you can get sections like that tidied up.
I'm feeling good about food. My weight has stayed down for a couple of weeks, and I am not turning to food. I think having a project to launch into really helps!
Thanks Em and Liza! It's nice doing little projects that I can knock off fast like painting some smaller rooms in the house. It's great to have a sense of accomplishment. I lost another pound yesterday in my makeshift sauna. I had to open windows while painting the upstairs bathroom, and since the living room downstairs is 2 story, all the heat rises quickly up to the second floor, plus the air from outside was very hot and humid and seemed to come rushing in, so I painted the bathroom in weird positions on the ladder trying to get above the tub with the ladder half in the tub squished almost against the glass shower doors, and similar for above the vanity and around the toilet. It was like Twister and a sauna all in one! So I am down 5 or 6 pounds from my highest weight, and I am still feeling neutral about food, which is so nice.

The other day it rained, and when the rain hit the pavement, clouds of steam came up off the ground! We really wanted to go to the beach, but it was Memorial Day and our beach had a waiting list of 95 people I read later, so I am glad we didn't try. There's another county beach I really want to visit that is really far because the islands here are like fingers sticking out into the ocean and there are no bridges between them, so you have to drive all the way up one finger and down the next to get to most of the interesting beaches from our house. But it's supposed to have fossils and shark teeth on the beach, and there are a bunch of farm stands I want to check out. The further islands have a lot of farmland, which is so so beautiful. I really have to make a list of must visit places to see before we leave.
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A fossil-hunting beach would be amazing, even if it's a bit of a drive! Good thing you didn't go to the beach: even if you'd got in it sounds like it would've been overcrowded.
A waiting list for the beach? How does that work, haha? I hope you get to explore a bit more before you have to move again.
A waiting list for a beach? Wowsers! I have never heard of that either. Is there a toll gate or something? I hope you do get to explore a little more before you leave but I'm also looking forward to when you move & hearing about your explorations in your new home.
Thanks guys! In towns where there aren't many nice beaches on both east and west US coasts there are often beaches in county, state, or national parks to protect some coastline from being completely privately owned. Here it's mostly county park beaches, and they are very nice. There are really nicely maintained outdoor showers, bathrooms, boardwalks to get to the beach through the swamps, and sometimes even visitor centers with nature dioramas and historic displays. The rivers here have a lot of free very nice boat launch sites and free hiking trails, but the beaches do cost a lot for a one time visit, but it's affordable with the county park pass. Also the beaches have parking lots by them and almost no parking in the residential neighborhoods usually here, so once the county park parking lot fills up, they make a waiting list and text you when it's your turn. You can avoid this by parking at the little mall a few miles away by our beach and biking in, but if it's really hot, when you bike through the heat after the beach, you don't feel refreshed any more. (Sorry for the long-winded explanation!)

Today the time got away from us. K was really sad last night, and we didn't get to sleep until 3am, and then she realized some important college stuff was due this morning, so we worked on that, and by then the day was gone. I really only got an hour in weeding the driveway and some puttering done today. So I'll meditate, do dishes and fold laundry and wake up early tomorrow and finish the bathroom painting. It feels nice to pause and tidy up the house before painting the other bathroom. Also there are now 4 :pumpkin::pumpkin:volunteer:pumpkin::pumpkin: pumpkins on the vine!
Thanks for the explanation, M. It's so different over there. I have never paid to go to a beach. In Tassie, we often have the beach to ourselves. Sometimes I think we live in an alternate world.
Poor K. I had to stop typing then. I feel sad hearing about young people being sad. *hugs* to you both xoxo
I'm used to beaches being communal as well. But then I never go to the beach in summer because I belong to the dark side and think beaches are for gathering shells, leaning into the wind, and warming up with a hot beverage in between. Rarely get crowds for that.
all the heat rises quickly up to the second floor, plus the air from outside was very hot and humid and seemed to come rushing in, so I painted the bathroom in weird positions on the ladder trying to get above the tub with the ladder half in the tub squished almost against the glass shower doors, and similar for above the vanity and around the toilet. It was like Twister and a sauna all in one! So I am down 5 or 6 pounds from my highest weight, and I am still feeling neutral about food, which is so nice.
This made me laugh :) The sauna and twister all in one--a great weight-loss program!
I really don't do well in hot and humid--good for you getting the work done in those conditions!
Thanks for the explanation, M. It's so different over there. I have never paid to go to a beach. In Tassie, we often have the beach to ourselves. Sometimes I think we live in an alternate world.
Poor K. I had to stop typing then. I feel sad hearing about young people being sad. *hugs* to you both xoxo
In a lot of places I've lived, most of the beaches are communal. It is just in some wealthy urban areas where I've had to pay for entry or if it's a spectacular federal park or something like that. There are a couple of beaches where you don't have to pay here, but they aren't anywhere near as nice. Tasmania sounds so wonderful. I really hope I get to visit you there some day! K is better now. We have been talking over things and she feels optimistic for the future again (I have been talking about how to have a positive mindset when your expectations are not happening), and since she has made friends in her band here, she is doing so much better.
I'm used to beaches being communal as well. But then I never go to the beach in summer because I belong to the dark side and think beaches are for gathering shells, leaning into the wind, and warming up with a hot beverage in between. Rarely get crowds for that.
I love the image of you out gathering shells in the wind and ocean spray. I love being out in stormy winter weather on the beach, too. I have so many pics of K playing in the banks of foam that the wind kicks up. We avoid our beach on weekends and go in the evenings at peak tourist season. The sight of a beach with all the umbrellas up and crowds of people makes us shrink back into the shadows, too!
This made me laugh :) The sauna and twister all in one--a great weight-loss program!
I really don't do well in hot and humid--good for you getting the work done in those conditions!
It really is a great weight loss program! I am still down 5 pounds, so it looks like the weight loss is sticking. It's funny how the first day it feels like you couldn't possibly reach the spot in the corner above the toilet, and by the third coat, you have one foot on the ladder, and the other out in space while you push against the wall, and you don't even think of it as scary. I am going to be jubilant when we live where it's a mild climate again.

The bathroom looks wonderful with a third coat, and made the whole room look a lot nicer. It's funny how you don't register what a bad paint color does to a room until you get rid of it. Today is a day off painting and doing paperwork. We got a new date for mediation, and I am going to try to get the entire house packed up except for things in the cupboards and get everything painted. Hopefully I can get a lot of the outdoor stuff done, too. If mediation doesn't work and we are stuck here until winter, I'll just work on replacing little things like outdated lighting and such so when we're ready to sell, it's a nice as I can get it on my own. It's cool and nice this morning with a little breeze, and the birds are singing up a storm. I really love the birdsong time of year.
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It really is amazing what a difference painting can make. I keep admiring my walls from when I painted a couple of years ago. Definitely a job worth doing!
I hope you get to visit Tassie one day too! I'm glad K is feeling more optimistic :grouphug:
I imagined you painting in that corner above the toilet & it was a funny sight. Your yoga is paying off. Well done M!
It's good that you have a new date for mediation. I am going to keep my fingers (& toes) crossed 🤞
Thanks all! Above-toilet yoga - I don't think it will take off like stand up paddle board yoga or goat yoga somehow, but it was fun while it lasted. Getting the new date for mediation made me feel so much better. I was really miffed that J's attorney cancelled without even a reason. And I agree about having back up options. I am getting better at working around obstacles, for sure!

Yesterday was so nice. We skimped and saved last month, so yesterday we went and bought K new sneakers at a really nice shoe store we found, got her some new clothes she really needed, and discovered a new bakery/cafe in a lovely part of town. I didn't realize how much K grew and that it was way overdue to get her new things, so that was very satisfying. We also went to the big box grocery store, and I am getting really good at buying the inexpensive stuff and making the expensive stuff by hand. We had big heavy grocery bags, but spent about half of what we usually spend. It's time to start making bread by hand. Our favorite brand is shrinkflating and they are also charging more. I did see newer yeast in the cupboard, so maybe we should have a big bialy and bread-making day.
Nothing like prices going up to get us to make more and more from scratch. I always buy canned chickpeas and black beans but have been thinking about going back to buying those dry...
Glad you had a nice day and found some nice new clothes for K--i desperately need to do some summer clothes shopping but keep putting it off--I'll be sorry when the heat hits!
K is still growing? I was done by my 13th birthday! Genetics are weird and wonderful. If you have time and energy making things from scratch can be a real lifesaver and so satisfying.