Marsia's Diary

Thanks LaMa and Cate! We went shopping and got all sorts of nice veggies and some fresh mangos. Found a pretty good health food store and got green and purple cabbage and rainbow carrots to make a fermented Cole slaw with. Just got a fermenting kit in the mail! I'm feeling excited about good veggie dishes and getting the laundry room baseboard done so I have a pantry to put things away in.

It poured down rain on the way home so hard that I pulled over and we listened to music in the car in the downpour and let the storm pass. Here it is bone dry, but there is thunder and lightening. Maybe the storm followed me home and we're about to be dumped on again. It's dinner time and looks like dusk. I love the weather here as far as how dramatic and beautiful it is. I am even starting not to mind the intense heat and humidity as much.

Talking with K about home schooling and planning one's life on the way home was really nice. It's so good to have time to plan life instead of just feel pushed along on the wave of it! It is probably a blessing in disguise that we didn't get into the good high school and can plan her time with a lot more flexibility built in to the next 2 years.

I decided to not make myself count calories unless I gain 2 or more pounds back. This should help me eat well, as I do not like calorie counting. There has been a lot less opening the fridge door and gazing upon the food inside since that decision!
Making your own sauerkraut, planning the next 2 years of schooling at your leisure, the excitement of thunderstorms, getting used to the heat, deciding for now 🤞 to not count calories, losing 10 lbs.......What's not to love about your last post? :beating:
:), Cate! Tonight was nice, too. We decided upon Latin and Renaissance History for our first 2 classes, and started books on both this evening. It was a really nice evening and we all studied together. We got the nice storm here and it's really pretty watching it from the picture windows of the living room. I did well with food today. I like having the threat of having to record food to keep me in line! I'm going to sleep early and getting an early start on a hopefully nice productive day tomorrow. Good night!
Great to hear you're getting used to the weather in your new surroundings.
Did you say you signed up for a homeschooling coop? The one thing that would be harder for K while homeschooling would be making new friends.
I think I'll make that same threat to myself. If I haven't lost anything this Friday I will count my calories again.
Sounds like a lovely evening xo
Great to hear you're getting used to the weather in your new surroundings.
Did you say you signed up for a homeschooling coop? The one thing that would be harder for K while homeschooling would be making new friends.
We signed up for an organization that makes sure K can graduate. They help me with curriculum, record keeping, and that sort of thing. We're meeting with someone to ask about good coops soon though. And there are classes nearby for high school homeschoolers, and also groups who organize outings together. So I think there are good groups out there, we just need to find them.
Well done on being back in the 190s! I hope to join you there very soon (tomorrow preferably)!
Thanks Em! Yes, please, come join me!!!
I think I'll make that same threat to myself. If I haven't lost anything this Friday I will count my calories again.
Sounds like a lovely evening xo
It's nice all relaxing together! I hope avoiding calorie counting works as well for you. I was tempted several times today and remembered what eating badly will lead to. It stopped me cold! :leaving:

Had a nice day talking on the phone with a homeschooler coach we'll meet with soon, and went to the nursery and got kiwis, flowers, and eggplants. Made whole fried fish, which came out delicious. The day whizzed by. Wanted to do more, but gardening this morning knocked me out and both K and I were so sleepy today. We're watching movies and going to bed early tonight.
So tired. We met with the homeschooling coach this afternoon. She was so happy and gave us so much info - one of those ultra-extroverts who can tell funny story after story, and who's really interesting, but also a bit overwhelming. I was tired from gardening before we went to see her. We put up a winter squash trellis out of cattle panel and planted the squash, eggplant, and mulched and watered. Then it was nearly time to go, so I ran around covering all the beds with shade cloth (it's been rainy, but the sun was very hot today, so needed to cover things up again) and by then was out of breath and covered in sweat. We ate left over fish and veggies and salad, and I am starting to feel like a person again. Same thing again today where I just felt like the entire day went at about 4x the normal speed. Hopefully I can keep my eyes open and read some of my new homeschooling books and integrate the new info I've learned.
No wonder you're tired when you're doing so much! Are you taking time to meditate? Gardening can be wonderfully relaxing but at the pace you're going it's no replacement...
I think you're right LaMa. Today I only gardened an hour in the morning, but every time you go outside, you get instantly drenched in sweat, so I took it way easier today and got caught up on housework. Made a nice steak dinner. I have this really yummy seasoning that is supposed to be for roasted veggies. It's tangy like a lemon pepper seasoning, but much nicer and mellower - a little more balsamic vinegar plus something savory. I used that, plus salt and pepper and made garlic and rosemary butter to baste the steak with. Turned out so good with a side of brown rice with mango salsa. Oh, and I made a mango lassi with lots of little fruit from the jelly palms outside. So delicious! I was very tired all day, but now am not sleepy. I think I'll turn in and meditate in bed. Did that earlier (thanks for the reminder!) and fell asleep. I think when my back is less tired I'll naturally feel less tired. Good night!
Thanks guys! I slept better because I got up in the night and made up a bed of my own. It's very hard to sleep with J because he goes on his phone in the middle of the night if he can't sleep, and last night he couldn't sleep because I was snoring. I was snoring because my sleep gets constantly interrupted. It's not a good cycle, so I am going back to sleeping in my own bed. I woke up rested and woke early for the first time in a long time. I think I found the culprit! Well, besides trying to dig too much dirt and having my back be too tired.

I got a list of textbooks and canned curriculum packages (multiple for each subject so we have choices) picked out for J and K to look at. J will teach physics and calculus because I never took them. I went to get K a state photo id, but it turns out I need a state driver's license before she gets hers, so have to quickly study for the driver's test and get my id. I'm not sure if we can get her enrolled in community college in time, but if not, it's fine. We'll do it next semester.

Weigh in 197.8, which is good considering how hungry I was yesterday and how much I ate. I was careful to eat filling things that are good for you though. It's nice and cloudy this morning, so I'll probably head out and get the zucchini planted. It'll be in the littlest of the raised beds, so not a big project. Then I'll help K with painting baseboards, which she is doing for spare spending money. When we went to get an id yesterday, we found a great record store, and K is excited to earn money so she can buy records there.
Thanks LaMa! Had a nice mellow day with everyone. K and I made watermelon lemonade with fresh ginger in it, store bought spanakopita, tzatziki dipping sauce, and deviled eggs for lunch, and we're so full we just had tea and light snacks for dinner. I worked on paperwork, and feel much better now. I think I'm getting it under control. Didn't go out except to see that the garden doesn't need watering. Just had a nice domestic day with family. Nice to relax!
Thanks all! Weigh in 195.9. It thundered and lighteninged all night with huge crashes. Lumi came and got pets a lot. I am rather sleepy, but stepping outside this morning it's so cool and everything looks so happy being well watered. I was watching videos on getting soil nice last night and think I'll start a worm compost. K wants to grow edible mushrooms under the deck, too. Think I'll make some tea and wake up!
Growing your own mushrooms sounds wonderful! Oyster mushrooms are so lovely and so expensive in stores but I hear they're quite easy to grow at home if you have a cellar.