
I'm too scared to look at the figures.
If we're lucky Omicron really is the first of a series of less aggressive strains. So far it looks like it makes more people sick but less intensely so. Which would be ideal for most of us, although it might not be good enough for folks with pre-existing conditions.
When are you due back at work, LaMa?
This Monday. Only a three day week though: Thursday's a holiday and we're closed on Friday because so many people asked for the day off.

I'm home! My suitcase is mostly unpacked already and I'm about to hit the hay.
Slept ok. Wasn't going to weigh myself yet this morning but I've feel the binge demon breathe down my neck for a couple of days now so I needed some motivation. Goal was not to go over 80 kg again (79.5 kg before going away) and I weighed in at 80.1 kg this morning. Close enough! Goals for the day:
- Run
- Do laundry (suitcase is cleared away already!)
- Start my daily calendar on paper
- Relax
You did very well, LaMa! You were so active & must have chosen healthy options most of the time.
We had 160,000 new cases in the UK yesterday and hospital numbers rising but slower than the other variants. Most people I know have had it now. We've avoided it by not being very social!

Hope you have a relaxing day after your run. What's the weather like with you today? Its positively balmy here!!
You did very well, LaMa! You were so active & must have chosen healthy options most of the time.
Thank you :beating: I added up my kilometers I walked and ran while away and it came to less than 10 km a day even if I didn't count travel days. That's about the same I get when I'm home but given holidays and lockdown I think it's pretty good.
Hope you have a relaxing day after your run. What's the weather like with you today? It's positively balmy here!!
Thank you :) 9°C and sunny! Actually felt way too hot on my run while in the sun. But I ran 5 km anyway (and walked another kilometer to cool down), beat the hill at the end, and am proud of myself :party:
Now have to think about lunch. I think I'll make pea/feta quasi-quesadillas (quasidillas?).
:p Not sure about that but I´m going to stick with the word anyway. And they were nice! Missed the side salad but that´s what you get for living in a country with Sunday closing laws. Dinner was chicken wings with carrots - and protein pudding with frozen mango after. I did have some crackers with ham and cheese mid-afternoon but I think I did well for the day after getting back from vacation. Ran 5k, which was unsurprisingly less fun without the company but I did it anyway. Did two loads of laundry. Only stuck a "gotta start somewhere" sticker on my calendar so far but that´s about to change. After that I´m going for a short walk and then it´s bed time. Family exercise in the morning so I´ve got to be fit! Oh, and of course my official post-vacation weigh-in is tomorrow morning, too...
I don't feel like going to sleep yeeeeet! Waaah! But I did do all I set out to do today. Tomorrow I must remember to put in a vacation request for the courses I booked.
Didn´t sleep well: had stomach cramps all night. Not sure why, maybe just the travel/change of environment? Dunno: it´s better this morning. The scale went up though: 80.4 kg. I´ll know if it´s because of the cramps/bloating or if I really gained almost a kilo in 10 days. It´s definitely possible!
It was, but that was after a travel day so probably dehydrated. I´m definitely hoping I´ll be back below 80 on Wednesday though!
Could´ve done with another day of vacation... But then again I´m not sure it would´ve helped with work motivation today :p Still: I managed family exercise, got some VERY basic grocery shopping done, and prepped lunch and dinner. Should stop procrastinating now and just get on my feet.
And I did. It was quite alright, of course. Back hurts a little. Had a piece of chocolate that turned out to have almond filling so my belly is bloated amd my throat is itchy but I just remembered I have an early shift on Wednesday so I won't get around to weighing myself again until Thursday morning. Plenty of time to debloat.
Plan for tomorrow:
- Pea/feta wraps.
- Raspberry pudding with mango.
- Popcorn cakes with ham, cheese, pickles, endive.
- Figure out possible membership nature... club? Dunno what to call them.
- Call friend
- Run
- Sushi
- Call Dad

I hate talking on the phone so tomorrow stresses me out a little but I guess social stuff needs regular watering.
I don't like talking on the phone either, but almost always am glad I have made the effort. I like your lists, LaMa. I do the same but might start putting them in my diary too.
Hope you got to sleep LaMa xo
Thanks Cate. If I don't write my lists down publicly they're not happening at all! Slept surprisingly well, only woke up once. From a full bladder which I'm glad I do wake up from .
If someone rings I usually watch it ring out and then text straight back asking what's up 😂
What are popcorn cakes?
🙈 Same. It's so bad! I never understood friends who'd want to be on the phone for hours. Either write or meet me in person. Popcorn cakes are like puffed rice cakes except they don't taste like styrofoam.
Stuck to my plan plus two cherry chocolates. Without almonds this time. Ran, walked, worked, prepped food for tomorrow, called everyone I wanted to call, cleaned the bathroom... Oh, I was going to figure out the nature thing as well, wasn´t I? Maybe I will before bed or maybe I´ll leave it for tomorrow. I´m happy with my day regardless. Plan for tomorrow:
- spicy pinto bean wraps with veggies
- protein pudding with fruit
- half a portion of Sichuan chicken and rice, bulked up with greens
- extra walk
- probably crackers with cheese/ham/greens/pickles for dinner but it could be a small pizza.

Must not forget to go grocery shopping because the stores are closed on Thursday and I didn´t restock my fridge properly on Monday.
It was! Dead-tired after work today but better after food. Didn't get that walk in but I did look up the leaves, leeches, and lizards lot. They're not quite what I want but I think it's the closest I'll find.
Realize I forgot to plan for tomorrow. Probably because I didn't really want to but we all know what that would lead to. So...
- Pitabread with quark, roasted garlic, olives, fried mushrooms, and green endive.
- Short hike.
- Spicy bean mash, roasted bell pepper, and arugula in two tortillas. Not yet sure if wraps or a quasidilla with a side salad.
- Run 5k.
- Possibly the other half of that Sichuan chicken&rice. Could also be tempeh and omi houriya with spinach and some sort of carb. Or even a ham&cheese baguette with sriracha and more endive.
- Must remember to pay bills.
- Can have a snack of protein pudding and fruit or fruit and 20g of nuts.