
I love hearing about the time spent with your family, LaMa. I loved our interactions with ours on Christmas Day. The ages ranged from 72 down to 2. It was just lovely. The cheeky, full of life teens were just so entertaining & fun.
Thanks guys :grouphug: Day 3 we said goodbye to sis 2 and her little family. After that my dad and I went for a 7.5 km walk in the forest where we used to go most Sunday mornings if there wasn't a kids' service. It's changed so much! I shouldn't be surprised, of course, since it's been decades, but it does. Ran 6.5 km with sister 3 and her boyfriend's dog. And played Scrabble with my parents and sister. Pleasantly quiet day: I even slepth for over an hour after lunch. Probably ate below maintenance if I include the exercise in (only just, but still) freezing weather. Also: my room here is 6 degrees colder than the one at home so that's probably an extra 100 or so calories a night :p
It is! 30 minutes family exercise in the morning, biked to the grocery store later (5.3 km one way) and walked another 6 km with Mom and sister 3 after lunch. Invasion of sister 1 and her family right after. Definitely ate too much! Worth it though. Will try to restrain myself a little bit the one day we have nothing to celebrate.
And celebrate we do :hurray:
Day 5 (I think?) : Ran 6.5 km with sister 3, walked 8.5 km with my parents and sister 1. Outdoor museum visit with pretty lights. Didn't overeat so probably a pretty decent deficit. Not sure if it cancels out yesterday but we'll know in a couple of days.
Possibly day 6: walked 6 km with Mom and Sister 3. Went grocery shopping. FINALLY managed our family gift exchange (part of the family irl, part over Zoom). Had homemade pizza with the people who were allowed to come over in person (bloody covid). Played games. Face hurt from laughing so much. Ate too much but didn't go mad. I think that sums up my vacation so far. It's still a struggle not to binge but so far I'm clearly on the side of eating/snacking a lot rather than binging and as a notorious binger that's good enough for me.
Thanks Cate, Hana, Floater, Tru, and Vic! I can't even tell you how lovely it is to be here :beating: Although of course I'm exhausted all the time so I'm not too bummed about nearing the end of my stay 🙈 Just checked in for my flight back... Less than 48 hours to go.

Day 7. (I checked!) Ran 5 km. My legs are toast. Won't run again until I get home but I did 26 km in 7 days which I'm pretty sure is more than twice my previous record, such as it was. Walked just under 8 km. Sorted through 3 boxes of old stuff and threw most of it away. Burned some teen mementos and watched the tears and heartache go up in smoke. Strange (but nice!) to not feel saddened by it all. I am not that terrified kid anymore. Life is so much better now, even if my skin is less smooth and I need to pay my own bills. Ate well and definitely stayed under maintenance.
Burned some teen mementos and watched the tears and heartache go up in smoke. Strange (but nice!) to not feel saddened by it all. I am not that terrified kid anymore. Life is so much better now,
What a good feeling that must have been, LaMa.
I love having our family home but also love it when all's quiet again. I don't cope well with bedlam.
I feel you about the rituals of growth...
That's a nice way of describing it. It did feel a little like closing a door that had been jammed in an annoying position for years and finding it suddenly closed smoothly.
I love having our family home but also love it when all's quiet again.
I can't remember who said it originally but it became something of a standard expression in our house:
Kids make you doubly happy: when they come visit and when they leave.
I can't remember who said it originally but it became something of a standard expression in our house:
Kids make you doubly happy: when they come visit and when they leave.
That is so true! I also really miss them when they're gone, but that settles down too xo
Happy New Year to lurkers and old friends alike! May 2022 bring health, happiness and understanding to us all.

Last day of the 2021 (and of my stay here) I got a pcr test (it's negative), sorted through more old stuff (threw almost all of it away), walked 8 km with my dad (who told me about some health concerns I'm not thrilled about but half expected), ate some traditional NYE goodies made by my mom and some made by a neighbor (who invited us over for a chat by the fire out in the garden), watched a lecture about tree recognition in winter with my mom (super interesting, didn't know half of it), and slept through the countdown. Overate again but not wildly so. Expect to have gained between half a kilo and a kilo of actual fat this week. Got a couple of hours left before we need to head to the airport: sister 1 and 3 will come over for coffee so we're not done celebrating quite yet! Also not done eating :p
At the airport again... Don't think I've ever seen it this empty before. Good thing I ate lots of snacks earlier because dinner isn't happening: everything is closed.
Thanks Cate. Looks like I'll be home a little later than expected (on top of my flight getting moved from early afternoon to evening) but it won't be too bad. They actually asked for and checked all my paperwork this time, including my test! Makes it feel less wasteful, so that's good. I want to do the right thing but it's annoying when it's expensive and you see other people just ignore the rules and get away with it.
I'm glad they checked all of your paperwork. Here in Tassie, after being virtually covid-free for most of the worldwide pandemic, they have succumbed to federal government/big business pressures & relaxed all of the rules/borders & covid is rampant in our little state. I'm too scared to look at the figures.
When are you due back at work, LaMa?