
No worries, @Marsia . It is a sad reality that hate crimes against trans people, trans women especially, are at a horridly high rate. And it makes sense to fear things that might make your child a target. But on the other hand, being forced to live closeted has it's own detriments, suicide in the worst case scenario. Let's just be happy that times have changed and things are at least a bit better now. As understanding increases, the dangers decrease!
Thank you for taking the time to explain all the acronyms and vocabulary. I feel a lot less inundated with abstract concepts, and it helps for thinking about all this clearly. I still don't fully rationally grasp how the mainstream culture groups behavior into masculinity and femininity and assigns them to specific traditional gender roles, so it's ultra confusing having new gender identities. To be honest it feels like politicizing personal expression, and I feel like if people were just kinder we wouldn't need to justify and classify our differences that don't hurt others. When I had trans friends, they were just trying to pass as traditional male or female, but that was 15 years ago or more, and times have definitely changed. We are lucky in that my kid goes to a progressive religious school where the kids are kind to each other and the teachers don't mind my kids' cohort exploring their identities. I just worry about my petit kid going out into the world possibly trying to pass as a boy and being a target. I think it's time for martial arts classes. I like the motto, "Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

So happy you threw the chocolate stash away, LaMa! And big congrats on your 6K run!!! Wow! I hope you can find some nice soothing food to calm your tummy!
@Marsia , self defence classes are in my opinion a great way to empower teenagers! :)

I could look into some resources and scientific literature later, if you are interested in how gender is societally constructed and has been throughout the centuries and millennia. But as I'm still dealing with my brother's passing, that's going to have to wait. PM me if you are interested.

I agree; were it just about kindness and acceptance, wouldn't it be great? Everyone just living as themselves, without labels. Ironically, in many ways modern society has legally, medically and financially necessitated the same labels many folks feel so confusing.

@Lama good thinking tossing the stash!
Martial arts classes are great! If you want them to be useful in self defense best look at some that don't emphasize ground combat (which is a lot of fun but definitely not something you want to get into with a real attacker) and if you want your kid to be as safe from injuries as possible make sure the classes focus on technique a lot and don't just let everyone spar as much as possible. Tru probably has more insight than I do here though.

Stomach's still out of whack but I'm happy with how I managed the day. Didn't binge and didn't just lie on the couch all day. Sadly I'll probably end up throwing away the rest of my curry tomorrow: it tasted nice but the mere thought of it is making my stomach lurch right now. So what WILL I eat tomorrow? I'm kind of low on everything I'd feel safe eating and we're doing family exercise at 8:20 am, after which I have to hurry to get a shower in before my haircut. So I can't really go grocery shopping and make myself a decent breakfast. If the thought of sweets other than chocolate is no longer abhorrent to me when I get up I could just have protein pudding with fruit for breakfast. And for dinner I can make feta/mixed frozen herbs/airfried bell pepper/lettuce wraps. For lunch... just ham pitas with a bit of lettuce, probably. And a sliced pickle, regardless of what my stomach says. If I don't want anything sweet in the morning I might heat up the last of the chicken wings I have in my freezer.
Can you freeze the curry, LaMa? Well done not binging & a good thing you threw away the chocolate.
I hope that your stomach gets better quickly.
Hi LaMa, the Asian half of my family is really into martial arts, so I'll have lots of advice about what to take. Actually J has taken effective street fighting styles of martial arts, so he'll know what to take. I really like self defense, so maybe I'll limber up so I can take some classes, too. I just don't know if I am too old and crotchety to get thrown to the mat anymore!

Happy your stomach is settling and that you have a plan for tomorrow. Please take care of your tummy for me!!
@Marsia , self defence classes are in my opinion a great way to empower teenagers! :)

I could look into some resources and scientific literature later, if you are interested in how gender is societally constructed and has been throughout the centuries and millennia. But as I'm still dealing with my brother's passing, that's going to have to wait. PM me if you are interested.

I agree; were it just about kindness and acceptance, wouldn't it be great? Everyone just living as themselves, without labels. Ironically, in many ways modern society has legally, medically and financially necessitated the same labels many folks feel so confusing.
Oh, so sorry to hear about your brother. Big hugs! I'll write you another time when things calm down. I don't know what to make of modern society. I keep hoping we can return to simpler times but keep the current level of awareness and keep evolving.
Oh, so sorry to hear about your brother. Big hugs! I'll write you another time when things calm down. I don't know what to make of modern society. I keep hoping we can return to simpler times but keep the current level of awareness and keep evolving.
Don't bother being sorry, he was an abuser and alcoholic.

Some people who can't integrate in modern society choose to withdraw from it instead of ruining it for everyone else. Pretty sure that communities like the Amish, Mennonites, or new religious movements/cults are constantly recruiting.
I just woke up to a text from a friend about allergies and cortisol (because my friends are the best). He reminded me that cortisol stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, and stimulates insulin release for maintenance of blood sugar levels. The end result of these actions can be an increase in appetite and can cause cravings for sweet, high-fat, and salty foods. And of course cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands, is a strong anti-inflammatory hormone. The more histamine that is released, the more cortisol it takes to counteract the inflammation. I knew both those things but never put them together. No wonder I always get super hungry and cravy for things that'll further hurt my stomach when I'm feeling crappy due to allergies! That is such great knowledge to have. Doesn't change the cravings but it confirms the need to keep taking extra AH for a bit after a reaction and knowing WHY my body does what it does helps with self-compassion.
Oof. Almost time to go to work and I'm just... exhausted. Got my haircut though, and I managed to get through on the vaccine certificate hotline. Hope they'll be able to fix the issue. Ate protein pudding with raspberries, had a frozen-to-oven ham and cheese baguette, prepped my wraps for dinner, and I'll pick up a poppyseed cheese roll on my way to work because my stomach is screaming at me. Thought I'd slept enough but I wish I could go back to bed and skip this shift. Allergies suck.
Was very tempted to spend my first but of downtime on a quick nap but went to the strength room instead. And a client brought me a small cream Krapfen (like a holeless doughnut?) So I had the little extra treat I wanted. Feeling a bit better now.
Thank you, it was ok. It usually is. Long day today: we've got a lecture/supervision thing with our in house psychologist after world. She's nice and it'll be interesting but why can't they schedule anything during work hours?! Don't answer that, I know.
Thanks Cate. I was dead by the time I got home. And I went to the grocery store along the way. Got very close to binging but managed to right the ship before getting to the checkout. Ate dinner and wanted to keep eating. The feeling didn´t go away so I just had another frozen-to-oven ham and cheese baguette. Which I feel guilty about but in my conscious mind I know that it´s ok. Yes, it´s an extra meal. But it´s also under 700 kcal extra, which is way better than a binge. Especially after having been ravenous and miserable since Saturday evening. Now feeling satisfied and I think my stomach is back to normal.
Now that I am feeling mostly back to normal it's time to plan again:
- Run.
- White bean/leek/potato/mustard soup. With nooch. And probably some nuts for extra protein. Or tempeh again?
- Pitabread with feta/herbs/bell pepper/greens.
- Raspberry protein pudding with fruit
- Pea mash/eggplant/pistachio/leafy green wraps.

Not sure if I dare to get on the scales yet. Avoided it the past couple of days because bloat but should probably face the music. I'll see how resilient I feel. Let's hope for a solid night's sleep.
Let's hope for a solid night's sleep.
I hopped on the scales this morning as I was feeling strong enough to cope as, I too, felt bloated & uncomfortable ( a .5kg bump only-phew!) You are much braver than I am at getting on the scales. I am getting better at facing the music & am in training for when I do detour off the track (eg Xmas day).
Well done on choosing real food, instead of chocolate, LaMa xo
I second that. So fantastically good that you caught yourself and ate something that calmed your stomach down instead! White bean leek soup sounds phenomenal. You are the queen of beans!!
Thanks Cate. My guts hurried to remind me they need more time to recover than my stomach so I wasn't surprised to see I'm back up to 80 kg exactly (34.9% fat). Better luck on Saturday, I hope. Weighing myself regardless does tend to stop myself catastrophizing though.
You are the queen of beans!!
:rotflmao: Thank you for the honor! I'm probably just petty nobility though: damsel of beans? Well, probably a dame at this point but that doesn't sound right :D

It's still night outside but I should really get going on my morning run because motivation isn't going to get easier if I wait any longer. Allez... hop!
I ran. Wasn´t the easiest but not the hardest either. Legs felt quite strong. Spent the rest of the morning prepping and eating food. And showering, of course. Food prep felt like it took forever, probably because I generally have something (a meal plus some cooked veggies to use as ingredients) ready to take out of the fridge and only need to prep one meal at a time and now due to the happenings of the past couple of days I had to do several things simultaneously. Still didn´t take that long, objectively. Kind of tired now though.
I'm tired, my stomach is kind of upset again, and my back hurts. Yay.