I've been trying hard but results are not here

Although the tea companies will all give you a different opinion to mine - in my opinion drinking tea will be of negligible benefit to you... It will be better than drinking full calorie soda - but when you have said that you have more or less said it...

I am not an expert - but I did lose half my body weight within 13 months so I did pick up a decent practical knowledge of weight loss. I never drank a cup of tea during that time - so I really do not think that tea is your answer...

Drinking the right quantity of water helps...

That is 1 fluid ounce of water per 2 pounds that you weigh...

Frankly - I could very easily gain a lot of weight on the food plan that you have outlined.

Still no hint on the number of calories that you eat. I could eat a heck of a lot of calories in the food types that you list. No hint on portion size.

For that matter - no hint of your BMI.

Two exercise sessions a week is better than none or just one - but it isnt really a dramatic amount... You should do more... You should try to be reasonably active on the other days too... The experts say that we would all benefit if we walked 10,000 steps every day... that is the equivalent of walking 5 miles... think of that as being the fall back on a non exercise day and maybe have a few more exercise days in the week... I shoot for a minimum of 15,000 steps a day and I do other exercise on six days of the week.

If you want to boost your weight loss - count your calories... Make sure that you are eating at an appropriate level for weight loss.

Enter your profile information - age, gender, height, weight, activity level into a tool like www.fitday.com (you can get a free account).

If you class yourself as "sedentary" - you can then log all your exercise and walking to give a reasonable idea of how many calories you are burning on that day.

Then log all your food and drinks - including quantities and you will see how many calories you are eating on that same day.

I suspect that the two numbers will be closer than you imagine...

A lot of people imagine that the calorie number must be pretty good for losing weight if they are eating just healthy things - but this is far from the case. Some healthy things are high in calories. Perceptions of portion sizes play a big part too.

I strongly recommend that you watch the link in the first posting in this thread

It should help you to count your calories in a more accurate way.

You need a 3,500 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound. If you are losing on average 1 pound per month then it is likely that you will be only managing to accumulate a deficit of little more than 100 calories per day... To lose 1 pound per week you need a deficit of 500 calories per day, to lose 2 pounds per week you are looking for a 1000 calorie deficit per day.

I suspect that you need to exercise more and eat less starchy food... Also monitor your portion sizes...
Hi Omega,
Thank you for your answer,
I eat 3 meals per day, I eat vegetables, proteins, fruits, wholemeal starchy food (pastas, rice, bread), low fat dairy products. I avoid the alcohol, sodas, fruits juices with added sugars. I practise fitness twice per week. Finally, I lose on average 1 pound per month sometimes less. Really, I'd like to find a way to boost my weight loss. Do you think drinking water and tea, could help me?

If you eat the "right stuff" and still can't lose weight, chances are the problem is your portion sizes. Assessing your daily caloric needs and getting to know how many calories your food has would help you a great deal. One thing many people tend to forget is that even if you're eating healthy, you can still overeat.

Doing a little more sport would also help your weight loss along greatly.
I went to gym for 3 months regularly. But that was not giving any results. i used to 100 crunches daily. But my abs were still flabulous :(

I've done this last year with the same disappointing results. I did notice my core was getting stronger though. The only way I started seeing real results was after I focused more on lowering my BF %. That's when I could start seeing it shrink.

'Your abs starts in the kitchen'
Hello all. Just to write a quick follow up on my fat loss mission for you kind people willing to help.
I see that my thread has been hijacked already. Nevertheless I am writing this to let you know that I am now down to 100kg and I see that my "spare tire" around the waist is slowly (sloooowly) disappearing. My body fat percentage now must be around 20% (or less) according to these pictures: although calculated with this my body fat is around 22%. I believe it is less than that. No tool is ever accurate.

To all that might find this thread useful..
I've started calculating calories. Very dull task, but it has to be done. I now eat about 20% less calories per day (give or take a few). I am losing weight (body fat) since then. So if you are in same situation as I was a month ago then you need to start counting calories.
I am writing this to let you know that I am now down to 100kg and I see that my "spare tire" around the waist is slowly (sloooowly) disappearing. My body fat percentage now must be around 20%

I am pleased to hear that you are seeing some positive results. Stick with it and you will get where you want to be.