I'll let you in on a little secret...

Wow, I didn't see this thread until now either. Great job. You're an inspiration.
i know you have heard this a ton of times before but im gonna say it anyway, that is amazing i was in complete shock when i saw those old pictures but good job we are all amazed and motivated by you[:
This is beyond MOTIVATING!! You rock!!!
Thanks for sharing, this thread is great. You have probably motivated a lot of people who might have otherwise given up!
Thank you for all your kind posts! I'm glad I'm able to help motivate others especially when I look at your amazing photos and work outs and question how you keep the motivation going!
I agree. Every time i look at the before and after im amazed.
I'm pretty amazed when I realise the after too but I am so glad I've come from big to small because I really appreciate what life has to offer now and realise I can tackle anything!
Definitely! Great work cant believe it.
But may i ask where your at now? Are you still working out and so on?
My last goal was to run a half marathon and I did that on the 21st of September. I'm also training for another half on December the 7th but my current goal is to tone and shape my body to perfection for my 21st birthday on November 15th!

I work out every day without fail, I just don't feel myself without it because it's become a part of my life.
Thank you for all your kind posts! I'm glad I'm able to help motivate others especially when I look at your amazing photos and work outs and question how you keep the motivation going!

I'm pretty amazed when I realise the after too but I am so glad I've come from big to small because I really appreciate what life has to offer now and realise I can tackle anything!

Not to mention that you may have added a number years to your life span and saved yourself from dealing with some serious health problems.

Im going to show this thread to some of my friends and family to see if it can inspire them. :)
Holy.....sh!t....that's beyond amazing!!!

How do you look in a bikini? Lol, a serious question, as I know alot of people are probably curious about the skin and/or stretch marks, etc. But I wouldn't mind seeing you in one regardless of all that. :eek:

The best thing about girls that lose a lot of weight are that they are grounded and have a good head on their shoulders, unlike a lot of the girls who are "naturally pretty" that take advantage of their looks, don't have a level head on their shoulders, ****y (not confidant), and are usually downright mean people. They also most of the time lack any sort of personality that you have. Your perseverance and dedication has probably made you a much better person than most girls as beautiful as you could ever be.

Super congrats on achieving where you are now. VERY VERY beautiful and definitely a sight for sore eyes....hell even a sight for eyes not sore, lol.
Oooh thank you! That post definitely brought a smile to my face :)

For the bikini issue, I'm not perfect I do have slight stretchmarks on my stomach but only a small amount of loose skin I might be brave enough to post a pic but unfortunately I don't feel extremely confident wearing one. It depends on how my self confidence is that day whether or not I flaunt it or not.
All I can say is that I am truly in awe.

Congratulations on being more healthy. :) I'm moving that way, but I have a lot more to do before I get there.
First off, Congradulation!!!

But I have a question for you: how are people (guys and girls) treating you now that you look slim vs overweight? From strangers to friends, family, guy friend / girl friends? Is it day / night like the Tyra and Oprah shows makes it out to be?
First off, Congradulation!!!

But I have a question for you: how are people (guys and girls) treating you now that you look slim vs overweight? From strangers to friends, family, guy friend / girl friends? Is it day / night like the Tyra and Oprah shows makes it out to be?

I really found out who my true friends were through this, some are uncomfortable and I was only around because I was the 'fat friend'. I strugged with the guy issue in the beginning because I find it hard to say no to people and suddenly guys I just wanted to be friends with wanted more and I didn't want to hurt them but now I've learned that it's ok to say no to them and that my happiness is always what I should put first.

My sister is struggling emotionally with it because she's always been the beautiful skinny one so issues have arisen there but I try my best to tread lightly around her because I know what it felt like being in her position. Unfortunately she's gained some weight and it's made it hard because she wants to wear my clothes and she has stretched half of them out of shape and it took me a while to be able to tell her that she couldn't borrow my expensive ones.

My main issue now is a relationship, I have choice now which I have never had before and I freaked out quite a bit and didn't want to pin myself down. I get a bit upset because people don't tend to focus on my personality and a guy I was seeing used to praise me continously which was such a change that I couldn't keep on seeing him because I couldn't handle it, he was treating me like I was perfect and I felt like I had to fulfill his expectations.

It's hard because I want to tell people how far I've come but it's not the sort of thing that comes up in conversation or I sound like I'm bragging when really I'm more ashamed that I let myself get to that point in the beginning. I have started seeing a guy who I really like and suddenly I wanted to end it because I didn't feel I was good enough for him and then I realised I had met him 2 years ago and I have had some strange kind of weight off my shoulders and the feeling of "Oh good he knows I was fat"

After all that rabbiting on what I'm trying to say it has made me realise how superficial this world is unfortunately but I can see that it's what's inside what really counts and everyday I'm learning to show who I really am more and more!