I'll let you in on a little secret...

You've gone through an unbelievable metamorphosis - nice going!

well I first notice there is no ring on ur finger...so ur telling me there is a chance???

honestly though...you look amazing:eek2:
You haven't been on in a while, we didn't scare you off did we?
Hahaha of course you didn't scare me off! It takes a lot to scare me ;)
well I first notice there is no ring on ur finger...so ur telling me there is a chance???

honestly though...you look amazing:eek2:
There is a chance, I'm single and after having some time alone I'm looking :luxlove:

Thank you for all your lovely words! I just wanted to show everyone that you can do anything you put your heart into! If you put in the effort you'll get it back and I hope it can be motivation to others :)
To bad you didn't do it all with subway huh? Coulda been a millionaire lol. But screw them anyway, you look great! How long did it take you to get there?

I tried counting the candles on the cake in the collage picture, but I couldn't tell if you were 15 or 16. you were wearing a shiny necklace so it made it hard to tell fire from camera glare. Guess it doesn't matter, you might have started way after that anyway.
I'd so hit it!!!!

I'd so hit it!!!!

(sorry, someone had to say it) :D ;)

Truly an amazing before/after ordeal....very happy for ya!!

May I ask...

How long did it take you?
What technique/approach did you use? (diet, exercises, etc)
Have you been heavy all your life or was it recent gain?
Did you have any hormone or thyroid issues causing it?
Was there a pivotal moment or something that made you just snap and do this?
Are you mad that men pay more attention to you now?
Do you like all the attention or does it get old?
Did you go through a period where you wore stuff that you said "damn, I CAN wear this and look good now and do you enjoy showing it off?"
What was your inspiration?
What is your favorite sinful food?
Is the guy in pink one of the BackStreetBoys?...nevermind
Do you still have a mental image of yourself being heavy or have you adopted & embraced your thinner self?
Did you have trouble seeing your loss in the mirror and realizing your accomplishment?
Do you have any idea how the show LOST will end?
What are the bfore/after measurments? I'd like to have some numbers to go with the obvious cosmetic imporvments.

How much happier are you day to day now? :jump1:

you're looking great now, and you can post as many more pcitures as you'd like ;)

keep it up girlie!! im very impressed! and btw...thanks for making me feel good and saying there is a chance!! :)

Sorry it slipped out. Looking really good, congratz on your achievements.

I would love to know the answers to the questions BSL asked as I am sure they will help some others out (especially the one about Lost) ;)
How long did it take you? Around 18 months
What technique/approach did you use? (diet, exercises, etc) Started off with two sessions with a PT a week and just walked the other day and ate healthy food but still heaps of it :eek: cut out all junk. I kept the PT sessions but added spin classes and started running and here I am!
Have you been heavy all your life or was it recent gain? Steadily increased in size as the years went on, I was at my biggest after leaving an awful relationship.
Did you have any hormone or thyroid issues causing it? I found out AFTER I lost the weight that I most probably had PCOS due to my hormones now.
Was there a pivotal moment or something that made you just snap and do this? I work as a nanny and children always point out how big you are and one little girl didn't say "You have a big tummy" or "You're fat!" she just innocently asked me if I didn't have time to go to the gym. That made me think and as well as leaving the relationship it gave me a distraction.
Are you mad that men pay more attention to you now? Not mad I find it funny how shallow people in the world are but I love the attention but I prefer to hang out with people who knew me before because I know they like me for who I am not what I look like.
Do you like all the attention or does it get old? I love the attention but now I'm facing "You're too skinny, I know what you used to look like you've over done it do you eat at all?" You can never please everyone but what's important is that I'm happy within myself.
Did you go through a period where you wore stuff that you said "damn, I CAN wear this and look good now and do you enjoy showing it off?" Period? I'm still in it :D I'm suffering with choice though, I can walk into a shop and wear ANYTHING now before it was shameful and "Will that look ok?" Another thing I still walk into shops and go for the biggest size and get strange looks from shop assistants, I'm now an australian 8 which is the smallest and reaching for a 14 :rofl:
What was your inspiration? It was a "I'll show him" in the beginning but I haven't even seen him since and everytime I looked in the mirror I got more and more satisfaction. Never did I think I'd have a 'normal' body let alone what I now consider an AMAZING body!
What is your favorite sinful food? Lollies are my only weakness, oh and cupcakes, icecream and banana bread. Anything with sugar
Is the guy in pink one of the BackStreetBoys? I'll have to check back on the photos :rofl:
Do you still have a mental image of yourself being heavy or have you adopted & embraced your thinner self? I have recently adopted and embraced my thinself but it took a long time and my self esteem has been battling too but I'm working towards accepting myself more and more everyday.
Did you have trouble seeing your loss in the mirror and realizing your accomplishment? Almost everytime I look in the mirror I'm still shocked even though I realise my body is a healthy size, my brother teases me because I can't walk past a mirror without look into it but can you blame me!
Do you have any idea how the show LOST will end? HAHAHA funny you ask because one of my friends who works in tv told me but I'm not sure how accurate it is ;)
What are the bfore/after measurments? I'd like to have some numbers to go with the obvious cosmetic imporvments.

How much happier are you day to day now? :jump1:

you're looking great now, and you can post as many more pcitures as you'd like ;)

I never did measurements in the beginning and I'm really kicking myself now!!
Very nice work lady!!!

I think it's funny you said something about people saying you are too skinny now. It seems like everyone that goes through a significant weight loss has people that say this. But, if they didn't know you and know you had lost weight it is likely that they would say something like, boy, she looks great and never even consider saying Oh, she's too skinny. Just my 2 cents worth of observation for the day.

Keep up the good work. You look great!!!!
Ya no kidding you look very good. Definatly shows what hard work can lead to. Congrads.