how much

okay, i'm 19, 5'6 and 200 pounds. i've started dieting about a week ago. mostly, i've been drinking 4 24 oz bottles of water a day, skipping breakfast (well, really, i won't wake up until 11 so i miss breakfast) and then maybe I'll have some cereal, nothing again until 10 when i get home and then again maybe something small. i never ate too much to begin with, just always the wrong things. i'm afraid to eat a large meal because i don't want to feel like i'm not going to be loosing any weight. i'm also going to start working out for an hour a day on a Gazelle Trainer exercise machine as soon as it's delivered. i just want to know how fast and how much weight i can expect to loose if i keep this up?
Wow. That sounds like a very unhealthy diet! Try eating more salads, fruits, etc. Most experts agree that eating 6 small snacks a day is more healthy than eating 2 or 3 larger meals. I'd advise you to ge the Atkins or South Beach Diet book and try their meal plan. Most people I know who have followed them religously have lost 8-12 pounds in the first 2 weeks.
If you choose a fad type diet, make certain you get proper supplements to cover missing and imbalanced nutrients. With that, the fads might be OK.

Eat more frequently. Many small meals keep the bodies furnace going. One or two meals reduces metabolic rate. Body thinks its starving and saves everything consumed as...fat.

Take a carb blocker for those meals that have carbs. Some are far better than others. I don't know the chemistry but some have advantages.

Consider a fat blocker for those meals with fats. Again, many choices.

Ever thought of a metabolic enhancer and hunger reducer. Pro Lean is a good choice. Keeps the fires burning and minimizes hunger pangs.

Perhaps a low card, high protien bar for snacking or meal replacement when you don't take time for real meal. Ignite is a good choice.

Hope you tell us results of Gazelle machine. Looks like an interesting machine.
what are these carb/fat blockers?