Weight-Loss Group Challenge Team 2!!

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Thanks Julie!

Wheres Chocomama?? I havn't heard from her in a long time!
hey ladies, i'm doing ok, just too busy to post much :( . i'm worried about thanksgiving weekend, there's always so much pressure to eat! "have some more turkey, try some of this pie" and so on. :eek: yikes, i just need to stay strong. it helps to know that all of you are in the same situation! i'm going out of town for the weekend, and i don't know if i'll have internet access, so i may disappear until sunday. but i wish you all a wonderful holiday! have fun, be safe, and stay strong! we can do it! bye for now! :D
Well, I already had my Thanksgiving last month because I'm Canadian, but I know what you're going through. What I did was I saved up all my calories for dinner. I just drank a bunch of water and ate small, healthy snacks (granola bars, fruit, veggies, etc) until dinner. Then I had some of everything, but just smaller portions. I kept in mind "the less I eat now, the more yummy leftovers there will be for lunch tomorrow!" lol.

What I'm really worried about is Christmas! :eek:
I'm here.
I've been doing good.
I'm getting used to having smaller portions because I now realize that I must stop and really pay attention to what I'm feeling... hunger or something else.
I have also realized that I can eat a variety of foods as long as I'm aware of the portions and calories. I have the power of my emotions....not the food.
I know now that everyday I have a choice of what goes into my body and with each day it gets easier to make better choices.

This week I have excercised everyday,so far, and on 2 of those days I even excercised twice a day.Yay!

We all deserve to be at our goal weight.
Sorry about not posting so much ladies, just been really busy!!!

I've been doing alright if you ask me. Not the best but not the worst. Actually been pretty good.
Hey ladies,
Hope everyone is in good spirits. It looks like we have 1 week left until weigh in. Everyday is a new day and it's a step towards a new life! We deserve it!
Keep working hard and remember that we are WORTH every effort.
It's not losing weight it's gaining life....a joyful life.
Thats right CM! You have the right attitude!

I'm doing fabulous so far!! I"m really proud of myself!!

How are you girls doing?? I want to hear from everyone today, its the half way point!!

What are you all doing for thanksgiving?? Rememer to eat, but also remember, thanksgiving isnt' about stuffing yourself till your sick, its about being with your family and friends!
I"m here!! i'm still doing great!! What about everyone else? Did we all survive the very long holiday weekend?? I managed to get through it all w/o gaining any of my loss back! Now its over, and I'm ready to kick some butt!

Come on ladies! We have 3 days till weigh in!!!
I think I did well. Kind of binged on actual Thanksgiving but haven't eaten anything bad since then so, I'll probably be fine :D
Hey everyone :)

I'm still here. I've just been crazy busy with school and work. Someone quit at my work, so I'm picking up an extra shift every day. Not like I have the time with school, but I need the money.

I've had an amazing week! Been eating really good, and I've worked out 3 times, with a 4th being today. I didn't have a holiday weekend like the rest of you, because I'm Canadian and we have our Thanksgiving in October. BUT, I did go to a big birthday party last night, and I am so proud of myself. All of my friends are Filipino, so when I go to their houses, there is always an abundance of fried food, rice, spring rolls.. BAD STUFF! I knew I would be walking into that, so I was saving up my calories for that night. At home I was eating carrots, fruit, and a turkey sandwhich. Then when I got there I had ONE spring roll (usually I have like 6 cause those things are sooooo good), 1 scoop of rice, and 1 scoop of noodles. Then I had a piece of the birthday cake, but a very small piece. Also, I didn't drink ONE DROP of alcohol because I know that is loaded with calories. Before, I used to drink, drink, drink at their parties. I stuck to orange juice! :)

Whoo hoo! :D

BTW, I posted progress pictures in the "Before, In-Between, and After" forum.. tell me what you think ;)
hey ladies, i was gone for the weekend and couldn't post. but now i'm back! i hope you all had a great time over the weekend. i had a lot of fun. my eating was ok, not great but not terrible either. i will post more tomorrow, i don't have a lot of time right now. take care ladies, talk to you soon! :D
Hello ladies...how are we doing???

I'm doing well, and hoping to loose another pound or two before weigh in on wednesday!!

Where is CM???
I'm here and still having trouble when going out with friends and family.I try to be aware of I'm eating when I'm socializing but it's like talking and eating and enjoying the laughter and conversation and then I'm like "Did I have one or two of those?" I lose count of calories.
This last weekend wasn't great calorie wise. But monday was good and today will be even better. I had a great long run on sunday morning.

I'm so excited about how our team is doing. Great job guys.
Me either!!!
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