Weight-Loss Group 6 Taking Over

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Okay, I didn't see any threads started already for us, so I guess I'm the first one here.
I'm starting off at 236. That means I've gained 1/2 a pound over the past week. Ooooops!
Well we have 14 days to lose 5 pounds each. That's only .3571428 per day! Just 1/3 of a pound. That's nothing, easy, cool breeze smooth sailing. ok, I got up too early this morning. Any way, no problem, we just get our butts in gear and start losing!!!
Im here just exhausted need to get my morning shower and wake up so I can get some excercise in...Baby didnt sleep. God I just love being a mom. Anyway will get my excercise in A.S.A.P...Im ready. Im up a pound to 199. 5 pounds no problem.
Alright just got 3 miles of jogging in and eating pretty good. Yay...So far so good. Hows everyone else doing?
I'm here!

I just posted at the main board. I was gone most of the day, running the kids around and errands.

I'm Jean, from Wilmington, MA. So excited to be here with you all!
I weighed in today at 190..I didnt get any exercise in due to my errands, tommorrow will be a great day for me!!

My weakness is carbs and chocolate..any suggestions will be helpful
Thanks! :p
Hi Jean I know how it is to be busy with the kids, I have 4 so we will exscuse you from not being here earlier...LOL. So hope your ready and motivated to kick butt in this challenge. I know I am. Isnt Chocolate just about every womans weakness...LOL. Its good to have you now our little group is complete. hope everyones doing good. Hows the cardio Tape? I have the Carmen Electra Striptease its awesome you all should try it, its awesome but dont do it around kids, my 8 year old called me a freak...LOL.
Hey, everybody! Ok, like I said I weighed in at 236 so my goal for the 2 weeks is at least 231. I'm actually hoping to break out of the 230's. ]
Plan:between 1000 and 1200 calories per day 40% carbs/ 35% protein/25% fat.
1 hour excercise program including high and low impact aerobics and calesthenics such as crunches at least once a day, hopefully twice.
2 mile walk at brisk pace every evening. walk is hilly.
My biggest problem is getting in gear to excercise. That's where I need to be pushed. I asked my husband to help push me in that department.
Please remind me daily to do this!!!
Now, I will be checking in with everyone every day to see how it's going. Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like an excellent plan April, you can do it. I have faith in you. Now work that bootie...LOL.
Yes ma'am!! Of course working this much booty is a lot of work! Oh, I forgot also I am drinking about 1 gallon of water daily. I got a gallon Hawaiin Punch bottle and I fill it up every night before bed. I allow myself one can of diet soda a day, but I'm not allowed to drink it until I have drunk at least 3/4 of my water!
Ok, if anybody really wants to help keep me going, this is what I need. I'm quitting smoking as of right now. I just put out my last cigarette. Hubby won't quit so it's going to be really hard. Please keep reminding me of all the good things I can look forward to by being a non-smoker!!
Well I have my #1 reason for not smoking is that when I was 10 I watched my mom get sick and pass away from Lung cancer and she smoked all the time. So I want to be there for my children and My Dad died of alcohol poisoning this is why I dont smoke or drink. I know its hard April but you have daughters who need their Mom. Sorry not trying to be a downer.
Wow, Julie I'm so sorry. But I appreciate you sharing that with me. It's the kind of reminder I need. I've lost one daughter, and I have one who is 20 and smokes. She has promised me that if I quit, she will too. My baby is 15 and I want to be around to see her finish growing up. I also have a 4 yr old grandson! God, I suddenly feel old. I'm only 38, this can't be possible!!!!!!! Oh, my daughter didn't die from smoking or anything. She was hit by a car when she tried to run across a highway.
OMG so sorry to hear that about your daughter. Your such a strong person. I cant beleive you have teenage daughters April. My god you dont seem old enough. I have 4 little ones 8,6,5 and 8 months and Im only 6 years younger than you...LOL. Your definently not old you just started younger..I wish I had. Like I said I wasnt trying to be a downer at all I just figured that was the best reason your kids. I missed so much losing my parents and I wouldnt wish that on anyone. (((Hugs)))
It's been 5 years but sometimes it still seems like yesterday. She is one of the main reasons I'm doing this. She was always concerned about my health and I gained about 60 pounds after she died. I've now decided that it's time to make her proud of me. I want to be with her again, but not too soon.
She would be proud of you, How could she not you are really puting an effort into being healthy and thats something with losing weight and quitting smoking..My god April you are awesome and you can do this...I know you can.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Texas (sorry, dont know your real name). My heart breaks for you.
Glad you are taking control of your health though. Good luck w/quitting. I cant imagine how hard it must be.
I too, saw my dad die from lung cancer in 6 short weeks. You can do it!!!!
I am just getting used to this site so please bear with me. I'm going to check around for a diary thread..I guess thats what I do, right?

I'm going to do my walk away the lbs tape as its pouring rain here. Then I'll do some floor exercises. I started a subsciption to Fitness Mag and I love the exercises it in.
Just gotta do it though, right!!
Good morning girls. Hope everyone is doing good today and is motivated. Did everyone get up and run 10 miles this morning? LOL...I know me either. Jadior you need to go to the diary section and create a new thread as your diary so we can track your progress.
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