Dream It, Want It, Live It

I guess I have a different perspective. But I think I am right ;)

Different perpspective than my own?

It is not "do or die" It is do or do not, then do again and again and again for the next 40 years, then die.

I think people (certainly me in the past) set themselves up for failure right out of the blocks by the way they go about losing weight. They make all sorts of grand resolves. They are sick and tired of being fat and "ready to get serious!!!!" They write impassioned first diary entries outlining Herculean diet and workout regimens. At first they lose a few pounds as if to validate their new lifestyle choices and in a couple of days or weeks, poof! They're gone.

They wanted too much, too soon! They were willing to work their asses off (literally) as long as they saw clear results. When that at some point failed the whole idea gets pitched in the bin and they overeat with the same abandon and gain back all they lost and more. It is binary thinking, I'm either "all in" or "all out" and it's all wrong.

Did you ever steer a really big boat? Small adjustments to the rudder begin small changes in bearing over time and distance. Eventually you change course. I think weight loss has to be like that.

Small changes, made over the long term. Changing incrementally the way you think about eating and exercise, learning bit by bit to enjoy a healthy lifestyle forever, rather than to force a huge lifestyle shift all at once upon yourself that you can sustain only until the burden becomes too great and you falter.

I think the biggest pitfall people face is the idea that weight loss is a linear progression. You change your lifestyle, you lose a bunch of weight, you're thin and all of your dreams come true!

It's not that way. We are involved in a complex partnership between our mind and our body. Our weight responds dynamically to the way we live in our environment. We behave in that environment, eating and moving, based on the way we feel physically and emotionally. How we feel physically is based on how we feed ourselves and exercise. It is a big circle. Weight loss is not linear, it is a log roll! And for some of us, we're in the water more often than not, because we fail to achieve the balance and rhythm necessary to stay on the log. Stop moving, and you get wet in a hurry.

Let's see, are there any other weird analogies I can work in here? Nope, that's enough for now.

David C

Because I completely agree with everything you've said here. Actually, I've said a lot of the same things multiple times on this very forum.

Very nice post David.
lol you guys are great. I love hearing different opinions and diagnoses on life. You two have amazing minds. I take both into consideration greatly. I surpassed my 50lb mark this morning and even though im getting my wisdom teeth out today and am going to have to eat a liquid diet for the next three days Im going to work on making the last half of my journey better and healthier.

Congrats on the 50lbs!

That's fantastic!!!! :)
my biggest issue with their boards is the same issue I have here... :) people who don't search first to see if their question has been asked already - so you'll find the same question being asked over and over and over again -and they just do a really bad job of moderatig that stuff :) but the quality of information is pretty good... least in my opinion...
Different perpspective than my own?...
Because I completely agree with everything you've said here. Actually, I've said a lot of the same things multiple times on this very forum.

No Steve, not from yours. I should've been clearer. I was responding to the "do or die" statement in one of the posts, but not even that poster's post specifically...more in general.

I've really enjoyed this thread, it has got me thinking.

I started reading this thread in response to a suggestion mal had made in another thread. It was really really good for me to read, so I thought it might be good for others as well. I am/was an all or nothing type of person. But I'm working hard to change that. I think the mental issue is a really big, important part of weight loss. I am fairly close to my goal, but I still struggle with being able to picture myself there, and what it will be like when I get there. After reading this, I'm going to begin working more on the mental aspect.
Thanks very much for bumping this thread. I had totally forgotten about it. I think I might use this (or something like it) in my blog soon.
Any procrastination reflects a fear of the responsibility of an action, the fear here is from starvation, strenious exercise...etc. For those people, it's better if they began by just training to diet, they should have been eating more than 4000 calories/day to reach the present state, just make them 3500, 3000, 2500 calories and so on.
Any procrastination reflects a fear of the responsibility of an action, the fear here is from starvation, strenious exercise...etc. For those people, it's better if they began by just training to diet, they should have been eating more than 4000 calories/day to reach the present state, just make them 3500, 3000, 2500 calories and so on.


They should have been eating more than 4000 calories? Why?

And what do you mean, "training to diet"?

They should have been eating more than 4000 calories? Why?

And what do you mean, "training to diet"?

The starrting point is that if any of us eats 2000 calories/day, he will neither gain nor lose weight, overweight and obese people should have been eeating far more than that - I do not know how much exactly - the point is that they will begin to reduce calorie intake gradually to find it an easy process.

I say that because I do not like the scam of losing weight in a few days or a week, people will regain weight and be reluctant about what should they do.
The starrting point is that if any of us eats 2000 calories/day, he will neither gain nor lose weight,

This is completely false.

overweight and obese people should have been eeating far more than that - I do not know how much exactly - the point is that they will begin to reduce calorie intake gradually to find it an easy process.

Is English your second language?

I say that because I do not like the scam of losing weight in a few days or a week, people will regain weight and be reluctant about what should they do.

How on Earth does this apply to this thread?
This is such a good post. Just truth, no BS.... the way it should be... ;)

If you want it - go get it. Maybe that'll be my new siggy. ;) lol
This is a great thread! I am a big fan of setting goals (specific ones), visualization, and meditation. I know it is not everyone's cup of tea, but the combination has really helped me stay the course when I have been so frustrated by things not moving as quickly as I want. :driving:

I have also found it helpful to have photos of myself at my goal (granted, from many years ago!) and smaller clothing in my drawer to motivate me. Nothing like trying it on and having it fit one day! I realize not everyone likes to do things this way, but it has been so helpful for me. Also spending time with upbeat and encouraging people who are striving to improve their own lives and health.:Angel_anim:


Just some thoughts : )


The longer that I have been in the health and wellness industry, the more I believe it is your mindset, your emotions that create an individuals health, not the latest diet or weight loss fat burning endorphin realising pill that will create long term happiness and health.

“Determination is the ability to get knocked down again and again and still get up to fight for what you believe in.”

These last few weeks I have personally been searching for some answers in creating the success that I want in my life. I am determined to have a certain number of people reading my newsletters, I am passionate about doing what I feel like I was born to do and yet I have come to understand that determination is also being prepared for what is going to happen.

I had a basketball coach that used to say to me “do not focus on winning the game, focus on the preparation for the game, get your body in the best shape, work hard in practice, and feed your body the right nutrients…. And the game will be easy.”

So if before reading this today you were feeling a bit low, or feeling like your goals seem so far, I want you to focus on your preparation for the results that you want, make it the priority to prepare for success and the success will happen more naturally.

Who knows, maybe you will never achieve the exact weight that you want or the energy in abundance that you dream of, but by being as prepared as possible, you will in fact become person that you want to be, but also, who knows, maybe you will far surpass all expectations you ever had of yourself!

Determination + Preparation = Success

So there you have it, now all it takes is immediate action!
This is a great thread! I am a big fan of setting goals (specific ones), visualization, and meditation. I know it is not everyone's cup of tea, but the combination has really helped me stay the course when I have been so frustrated by things not moving as quickly as I want. :driving:

I have also found it helpful to have photos of myself at my goal (granted, from many years ago!) and smaller clothing in my drawer to motivate me. Nothing like trying it on and having it fit one day! I realize not everyone likes to do things this way, but it has been so helpful for me. Also spending time with upbeat and encouraging people who are striving to improve their own lives and health.:Angel_anim:


I'm right with you about the photos of yourself. Maybe the scale says you're not losing 5lbs like you wanted, but the photo will show you were you're leaner and thinner. I only recently found this out and feel that if I'd known sooner I would have totally been able to stay motivated.

p.s. motivation is tough to find sometimes, but i agree.. if you want it bad enough you'll keep finding it.
Hello, I'm new to this forum and I have been reading this thread with interest. Clearly, you all have goals and are trying really hard to stay focussed on your end result

My particular question is - has any of you tried a life coach to help you? If you aren't sure what one is, in a nutshell, they are an individual to whom you give permission to hold you to account. In addition to that, they are non-judgemental, interested only in your goals (be they weight loss or anything else) and they hold you to your commitment to yourself to be the very best you that you can be.

Life coaches tend to work via the phone, which means they have clients world wide. How do I know? I am one! :blush5:
Interested in a free session? contact me. SPAM
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Sorry for posting in an old sticky, but I'm new here and just found this. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I agree 100% with this. In fact, it's something that I just recently relized for myself. I started gaining weight 10 years ago and have held steady at 70 lbs overweight for the last few years. I hated it that whole time, but not enough to do something about it.

I finally realized that I could hate the weight and complain about it, which gets me nowhere. Or I could decide that my health and happiness is more importent then junk food and do something about it! It finally mattered more to me. Now, quitting is the very last thing I want to do!
Thanks very much. Nice screen name... how'd you get the heart in your username?

? = alt + 3

Don't ask how I know. :p