Dog Walkers Club

Was really getting late, but promised Finnegan I would take him for a walk, so even tho it was dark and after 8pm, I did take him walking. Tried a new route for a change of pace. The only problem is there is a small section of the walk that does not have a sidewalk. Also, it was too late and so we didn't see Finnegan's new "girlfriend" out to play with.

So, we added 2 miles to the existing 246.6miles, so the
new total is 248.6 miles!
Wasn't able to get a walk in yesterday. Wednesday nights I have choir so little time between getting home from work, making dinner, eating dinner and leaving the house by 7pm.

They are calling for rain today/tonight so not sure how likely Finn will get his walk in tonight either. If that is the case, maybe I'll work with him on some one-on-one training to reinforce his commands instead.
I'm back! I'll be posting regularly again. I haven't kept track of walking Kali, so I'll start tomorrow. Only 132 more miles to go for our next goal! :p
Was wet and raining the past 2 days but looks like today will be dry. Plan on taking Finnegan for a walk later today.
Insane weekend so no walks. Kali ate half a bag of Hershey's Kisses. Wrappers and all. We were unloading stuff from our car and I had put a bag of items on the floor. Kali has been really good about chewing things lately so I don't even think about this stuff anymore. 15 minutes later when we were done unloading, I see that she is chewing on something. That little pill...

She is fine and can't figure out what all the fuss was about.
Turns out there were some Werther's in the bag of candy too...those wrappers don't crumple up so well, so we had a little puking going on. That dog...

We just went for a mile walk yesterday. It was going to be shorter, but I spent half an hour talking to a neighbor and then had to rush home to get to work!

So another mile for a new total of 249.6 miles!
Was able to get a walk in Tuesday night, and this morning each about 1.5 miles each adding
3 more miles to 251.6 miles, so our
new total is 254.6 miles!

On another front, I just ordered a replacement collar for his "zones" indoor invisible system that keeps him off the sofas. I went to both Petco and
Petsmart and they have the entire system and replacement disks, but no collars by themselves.

Have a great day all!
Oo, tell me about that system yarmiah! Kali had real I-want-to-be-alpha issues when she was a puppy but with lots of work, she became a good pack dog. However, in the past month or so, we seem to have fallen into patterns that have let her get the upper hand on us. I'm now in a constant battle to keep her off the couch. We've gone back to crating her anytime we are not at home or gating her into whatever room we are hanging out in. But that's not really 'correcting' the problem - just preventing it from happening!

2 mile run again this morning. I think I'm into a pretty good routine these days. I don't really have a plan anymore since my schedule changes last minute all the time now. But it actually seems like I'm getting out MORE!

New total of 256.1 miles!
The zones system works great for us. The collar gives a beeping warning if the dog get too close to the disk and he he does not get out of range, he/she will receive a very mild shock (I tested it on myself first). It only took Finnegan 1 day before he understood how it works. You can place the disk anywhere you want to keep the dog away from. The kit comes with one disk and one collar which I bought at Petco for @$80.00. You can buy extra zones and collars too, if you have more than one dog, or have more than one area you are working with. I highly recommed the system, and could kick myself for not getting it sooner.

Was feeling pretty lousy last night, and not any better this morning. Hoping I will improve so I can take him for a walk tonight.
Cool! There's only one couch she gets on, so this would probably work. If we are in the room, she wouldn't DARE get up there, but as soon as she is alone...up she goes!

Today is my rest day! :p My husband is responsible for the walk on Friday and Monday so that I can get some other things done in the morning. It felt good to get to work without already having run 2 miles!
So busy with life, little time to post.

I have walked the dog a few times over the past few days:
Saturday night, & Monday, tuesday and wednesday morning. Each walk is about 1.5 miles. The kids have even been getting up with me at 6am to walk me and Finnegan. It's nice because its quiet and we can have a nice talk, and there are few distractions for Finnegan. And walking with the sunrise is a great way to start the day.

So thats 4.5 miles to add to the old 256.1 =
new total of 260.6 miles!
Life still keeping me pretty busy.
I walked the dog 3 times last week, 1.5 miles each walk.

So add another 4.5miles to the total and
our new total is = 265.1 miles!

It's a georgeous day today so plan to walk Finnegan later. I also hope to give him a good brushing as all his undercoat is starting to "pill".
Hi everyone! I have two labs, a chocolate male and a black female who light up my life and keep me moving! They insist on twice a day walks through our neighborhood so my husband and I switch off. We take them around a three block area 3-4 times in the morning and evening no matter how cold or hot it is. My goal is to pick up our pace. A little less sniffing and a lot more walking :)
We walk Jack most every single day...but I'm so bad about checking in here that I'll just report today's hike. We hiked up to "lover's leap" 2.2 miles...and then did the "check for mail" walk of we walked 3.4 miles today. :)
Nice to meet you Karlene, and thanks for checking in JudyB.

I recently rediscovered my Nike+ program that works with my iPod and special insert in my shoe. I am trying a training program that gets ya from walking to running, and of course and taking Finnegan on this journey too.

I have walked/ran 1 mile each day for the past 4 days adding
4 miles to 265.1 miles making our new total 269.1 mileS!

I do hope the weather continues to be on the warmer side. It has been very pleasant getting up at 6 30am and NOT freezing my toosh off.

Been getting up early and walking/running with the dog. Did just over 1 mile on 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th with Finnegan.

That is 5 more miles to add to 269.1 making the new total:
274.10 miles!