Club "One-derland"


New member
I am so close to doing this I can taste it, no pun intended, and I thought I would be there by this weekend but I don't know if that's going to happen. I know it will eventually but just not as soon as I thought.

Anyone want to start a "Break 200" club? Even though I don't have too far to go to do it, I have no problem sticking around and supporting others once I reach my goal. Who's with me? :D
My first goal is to break 200 but I am 50 away :(
I am trying with all of my might to break 200 and stay ABOVE. LOL. Does that count?
Orleans, don't worry, we all have to start somewhere right? I started at 219 and as of now, I'm 15 pounds closer to acheiving this mini goal. You can do it!

What ever floats your boat Steve. :) It would actually be interesting to see your progress in this so join away if you want to and good luck with it.
Cool DeepGreen, nice to see you here and congratuations!

Okay, I don't see me moving my ticker at all tomorrow (Sunday is my official weekly wiegh in day) this has not been one of my better weeks so I'm going to take the next couple of days and re-evaluate somethings. I need a weekly menu write up and a trip to the grocery store and a bit of a break but I'll be back on track in a day or two. :)
I'm In!!

I'm about 215 right now and i'm shooting for 160!! hehe as we can all see my ticker hasn't moved :p whats everyone on here doing? It's raining like mad here so i'm stuck inside... I'm thinking of doing some sit-ups once hw is done :D.
I want in! I've been bouncing around between 205 and 215 for the past 9 months, but now I'm so close it's ridiculous. School's about to get out and I'll have a month at home before I have to come back for summer session so I plan to get really serious before I get back.
I've got just over 25 lbs till I get under 200lbs but I lost just under 30 lbs in 10 weeks so I hoping it wont take to long to break through that barrier. I've got some weights arriveing soon from ebay to do some resistance training and I'm going to step up my cardio exercises to try and speed it up a bit.
It's cool to see so many new people wanting to do this, welcome aboard and good luck everyone. :) I'm soooooo close, I know you guys can do this too. Hang in there and you'll see. :)

EDIT: Nazareth, look around and read the site, there's some great info here. Personally, I excerise in doors. I have a very long chord on my headphones and I downloaded some music that makes me want to move. I do like a dance, cadio thing for 1/2 hour every other day and do 10 to 15 minute cardio and light weight training on the other days. I only have two sets of hand weights, one 1 pound set and one 2 pound set, and I use the lighter ones when I do my cadio and the heavier ones for my weight training. I also totally watch my portions, keep my calories to around 1500 (Give or take 100) try to eat as healthy as I can by adding lots of fruits and vegatables, I drink a lot of water and I don't deprive myself of a treat every now and again. I just make sure I watch it and only have one or a half serving, depending on what it is, of what ever my treat is going to be for that day, (I love sweets) and that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Hope that helps.
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Count me in. I am at 227 at the moment and my first goal is to reach 200 and then onward to 150-160. I am not the best with will power sometimes so it will be good to have people support me.

~ Sara Maria ~
My heaviest was 258. Today the scale said 202.4. I'm so close to 200 - Yes! I can taste it!!!!

I figure by this time next week, I'll be below 200!!! I haven't been there in 13 years!!!!

I'm totally geeked!!!!

I've been told I carry my weight well, but sometimes I don't know. I just want to feel better about myself. I go through periods, like I did tonight where I am not feeling confident at all, or I feel so confident and nothing can get me down. My moods are completely random. I'm hoping that I can make it to 200 by the end of August.
I've been told I carry my weight well, but sometimes I don't know. I just want to feel better about myself. I go through periods, like I did tonight where I am not feeling confident at all, or I feel so confident and nothing can get me down. My moods are completely random.

I have the exact same problem. I've been losing weight and people are telling me how great I look, but I've been in a rut where I just feeling completely unconfident with my body image. I think a lot of it is due to outside forces though. School is so horrible I think my depression about it is affecting my mind. Last time I felt really good about myself was when I was doing well last semester. I just tell myself it's all in my head and try to dress up a bit, trying to feel a bit prettier.
I hope to get below 200 soon which will be a real breakthrough and its good to know that I'm not alone, keep up the great work everyone.

Thnx so much, I've been reading around and finding some great stuff. I don't believe I've lost weight in 3 days lol but I can't find a scale in my house (proble a good thing lol). This could be a dumb question but is there a way I can figure out my wieght without a scale??

:) Hi everyone! I just signed up for this so hello there. I would like to break 200 also! my starting weight was 255 and right now im at 233. Its so HARD! lol but in the end it will be all worth it!
I need to break 200! Right now I am stuck going between 217 and 222. As of today I'm on the heavier end of the spectrum. Sometimes I really feel like it will never happen so maybe this group will make it seem more realistic!
It's good to see other people get in on this. Good luck everyone!

Sara and Penny, I think everyone in our position has days like that, I know I do. The important thing is to keep going and take things one day at a time. I know with depression, part of what contributes is our "inner judge" or our "aunt ninny". You know, that little voice in your head that constantly tries to tell you you aren't good enough? The trick is to try and seperate that voice from yourself and not listen to it. See it as an outside entity rather than something that's part of you and ignore it the best you can. It also helps majorly to write these negative thoughts down and counter act them with a more positive, realisitic one. Focus on parts of your body you do like and realize you're working on the parts that you don't and realize that EVERYONE has these issues to one degree or another. It's just that for some, that inner judge is a little louder than it is for others but you can quiet it or at least learn how not to take it so seriously.

Thnx so much, I've been reading around and finding some great stuff. I don't believe I've lost weight in 3 days lol but I can't find a scale in my house (proble a good thing lol). This could be a dumb question but is there a way I can figure out my wieght without a scale??

You really can't. You can however measure your inches with a cloth tape measurer to track your results. Remember, there are more things than just your wieght on a scale you need to take into consideration. Also, slow down kid and realize it's going to take time to lose the weight. If you just keep at it and do it in a healthy way like people here have suggested, you will get there. :)

Tommorow is weigh in day for me. I don't think I'll quite break 200 but I'll be pretty damn close. :D
I too am looking forward to breaking the 200 lb mark.

I think the last time I weighed less than 200 lbs was about 25 years ago.

I am taking it slow so it could be 2 or 3 more months but I know we can all get there.

I am going to buy myself a new computer when I stay under 200 lbs.
