Club... 250-300?

Originally Posted by iron chE

This is the worst forum ever. I cant wait to get out of this club and maybe the next lower club will be supportive. Almost there at 262!

Congrats on the weight loss.
Now someone helps motivate me. Well too late, this morning my scale read 249.4 lbs.
WTG hun!! good job :) I weighed in today at 256.4 :( I'm trying to get down 200 by christmas *fingers crossed*
Hey ya'll. I'm at 306 lbs right now, so hopefully I'll be an official member of this club within the next 2 weeks.
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums so just wanted to say Hey! and give you guys a bit of information about me.

I'm 26 and have always been bigger, have always been around the 120-140kg (264-308lbs) mark. I play rugby in the winter, so thats often when I'm at my fittest.

In the last 2 months I've been motivated to lose some weight, I was at 137kgs (301lbs), and after the first month I had gotten down to 131kgs (288lbs). Its been

good because people have been commenting ect. but for the last month I've had people stay with me, have gone on weekends away ect. and basically havn't

changed my weight.

I'm into a good routine now though - I've been counting calories and feel I understand it to a degree, I don't really know much about great nutrition - all I'm eating at the moment

is rice, veges, protein (tuna, chicken breast), health shakes, milk and fruit -mainly bananas and apples. I mix this up on a daily basis and generally get about 1600-2200 calories.

I work out a decent amount, and this generally changed between a Playstation Game Get Fit with Mel B (Very embarrased I use this haha), running/walking for 20min, and

punching bag or high intensity stuff for 5 min at a time. No weights as of yet.

Can any one see anything I can be doing that will help me lose more weight faster? I would like to be about 118kg by Christmas - around 260lbs.

I look forward to hearing more from you guys, cheers : )
Bumping this thread! I'm in this club too and hoping to GTFO asap :D
Same here.... can't believe I let myself get to over 300.......... I actually pretty ashamed about all the weight I've gained.
I'm really glad this site is back up and running cuz I need it!!!!!
I'm new to the site. I'm currently 282 pounds. I'm sick and tired of being fat and un-healthy. I'm moving in 5 days. After that it will be full on healthy eating and exercise.
Same here.... can't believe I let myself get to over 300.......... I actually pretty ashamed about all the weight I've gained.
I'm really glad this site is back up and running cuz I need it!!!!!
I was AWOL for so long I didn't even know the site went down. You'll be down in no time tho Monster :D. After this should we make a thread for 250-200?
I'm new to the site. I'm currently 282 pounds. I'm sick and tired of being fat and un-healthy. I'm moving in 5 days. After that it will be full on healthy eating and exercise.
Hi Jryan, totally understand how you feel. There's a weight loss competition going on on the site too so if challenges or competitions motivate you, I would encourage you to join. Don't forget to count the move as exercise! Moving is so exhausting...unless of course you have movers doing everything lol.

So far as I'm concerned, I recall some years ago I got down to 251 and now I am back and fat as ever but determined to kick obesity in the @$$ for once and for all and I will do it!
AArrghh, I remember when this club first started, I cant believe that over a year later and I am STILL in this one:banghead:... ah well....

So hi guys, how is everybody doing? I hope that everyone is doing great. And no offense I hope to be leaving you guys hopefully very soon, at least by Easter.... :blush5:

I'm back this time, and I'm not stopping until I reach my goal, so anyone wants to join me on the journey to 'Kissing 250-300 Club Goodbye!!':biggrinjester:
Thanks Xenon, I agree moving is working out. And I will be doing the work myself. Well I will have a buddy helping me.
I'm about 266, hope to be under 200 in about six months. The number "266" looks absurd on the scales, I remember feeling fat as a teenager when I was 215-230!
This seems to be a pretty quiet club, only one post since 2013!

At 300 lbs I am hoping to qualify soon and thought I would try to revive things.

I can't be the only person in this category, can we get this restarted?.
I'm knocking, stepped on the scale this morning and saw 299.8 lbs.

I try to only weigh "officially" once a week on Wednesdays so I won't count it yet, and my weight bounces around a lot, so don't know what it will be Wednesday. Get ready I'm coming.
Looked at the scale again this morning and it looks like I'll be breaking this door down, not just knocking, when I do my official weight Wednesday morning!
I've been doing the weigh every day thing and it looks to me like I will be down again tomorrow when I take my "official" weight. Right now this feels like a good place to be.