Club 200-250

I am so happy for you, Rob. That is amazing!
Its Monday, my first day of weigh in. If this holds I should have a decent loss this week. We'll see what Wednesday brings.
Its Tuesday and I am up a little from Monday, but still seem headed for a loss this week. We'll see what Wednesday brings.
222 lbs, down 3! That's 98 lbs since starting.

Its probably the result of my too low calorie diet for the last week or so. I am going to try and stop that so may slow weight loss for a while. I will be traveling the next 2 Wednesdays, so may not be able to weigh in. Hoping to get to the 100 lb down mark by the time I return.
.... I will be traveling the next 2 Wednesdays, so may not be able to weigh in. ....

when i was traveling recently i had fun looking for scales in hotel exercise rooms. probably not a big surprise, but don't put your faith in them. one in particular i remember had me at 138 lbs...!
Stepped on the scale this morning as was a little disappointed to see an increase. I know its just temporary. To fix it I weighed again just before stepping into the shower and was down a couple of pounds below the 222. Amazing how much clothing can weigh.
I've tried the same garment-shedding tactic in desperation to get to where I've wanted to be, weightwise!
Funny how we do that, we know intellectually its about weight loss, not some magic number on the scale. But I still like weighing sans clothing now and then just to see the numbers drop. Maybe I should start carrying rocks in my pockets, then I can have an even bigger weight loss.
Well tomorrow will be my big weigh in day. I fly home tonight and will have my first access to a scale in almost 2 weeks. I think I have been eating well, but tomorrow will be the acid test.
215 this morning, down 7 lbs on the vacation. I am still in shock.

I think I may be starting to see the exit door to this place, just a glimpse not and then through the fog. Once out of here I think I'll be in the realm of clubs in increments of less than 50 lbs, that would be nice. Oh well, can't spend too much effort thinking about the distant future, focusing on eating right today works better for me.
Oh, ... terrific! I'm just going through after a couple of days away - haven't got to your diary yet Rob, but thought I'd check in here on my way - and I see this TERRIFIC news! Just BRILLIANT!
Thanks Amy!

It's Monday, day 1 of my normal weigh in process. I am down a little, but less than a pound today. To be honest I will be happy if I can hold onto the big loss last time. We'll see what Wednesday brings.
Tuesday and I am still holding a little below 215, that's good. This week I will be happy with little to no loss, so long as my big loss last week isn't reversed. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
No, it's an old saying - I checked on the internet, trying to see if it was known in North America, but all I could see was a racehorse so named, and as the heading for a very positive restaurant review (in Singapore). I've heard it used to mean "quite something", or "pretty darn good", so I was making a bit of a pun, meaning the meaning of lagniappe, and how good your weight loss is. :)