Cate's Diary

One of the staff told him they sounded like covid symptoms. He rang me on his way home (walking) to tell me. The CFO of the business was going to drive around to pharmacies looking for rapid antigen tests for him. Poor, R.

I hope he is ok, there are no RATs to be had anywhere. The PCR testing line in town yesterday stretched all the way through town and down the highway, it was causing so much traffic chaos the police shut it down.
Opening up the borders without first arranging vaccinations for the people who wanted them and test for those who might need them was SUCH a reckless move. If a private company did that they´d get sued to hell.
This government of ours has thrown us all under a bus. I don't think they actually care about human beings at all. Their treatment of asylum seekers makes me feel sick & ashamed. Why would they worry about mere plebs.
I hope he is ok, there are no RATs to be had anywhere. The PCR testing line in town yesterday stretched all the way through town and down the highway, it was causing so much traffic chaos the police shut it down.
I hope so too, Tru. His boss said the chemist didn't get their delivery so he still hasn't been tested. The cynic in me wonders if that is true. It would be very inconvenient for the business to shut down when they have hundreds booked over the weekend. Indeed hundreds just tomorrow for a live show. I might ring that pharmacy this morning & ask.

I have found I can't log onto the forum easily on my phone. I tried replying last night & I couldn't. This has been happening a lot since the forum change but has gotten worse.
R is a little better this morning but is isolating at home for the weekend & is currently doing an online grocery order. He just added Paracetamol & electrolytes at his Mum's request. (His GF is visiting her sister in the north for the weekend. ) The pharmacy didn't get any tests. I rang. Without a car or a licence, it's almost impossible for R to get tested & the queues are horrendous.

Food yesterday-
BF- 3 Ryvitas with a mash of 1 egg, 50g tuna, 1/4 avocado with rhubarb chutney, 99% FF mayo, salt & pepper.
Lunch- Rabbit & veg stir fry, followed by a small fruit platter.
Dinner- rabbit curry, a little rice only & lots of veggies, followed by stewed fruit & a dollop of yoghurt.
2 walks, including one in light rain.

BF- same as yesterday & at least 2 days before. Time for a change.
Lunch will be roast lamb, gravy & veggies.
Dinner will be Vietnamese fresh spring rolls.
I will take Arch for a walk at about 11 am & again later in the day up the other end of our road. Tomorrow I must go somewhere.
It's disgraceful. Australia is a rich enough country that this shouldn't be happening. To be fair governments (and regular people!) have messed up - due to lack of information, panic, boredom, or plain selfishness - all over the world but it's exasperating to see a country just throw away its protected status like that. And there's no putting the genie back into the bottle.
Dinner will be Vietnamese fresh spring rolls.
The filo dough kind or the rice paper kind?
Governments have well & truly stuffed up.
R still hasn't been tested & yesterday was at rock-bottom. He was feeling really lonely without his dog & of course being isolated in his small home while feeling sick would not be helping at all. He was very teary. He did an online shop & apparently, he can't get it until Tuesday. In the afternoon after much messaging to & fro, I then spoke to G & we planned a trip down to see him on the 21st. I then rang him & he was very emotional. I told him that I will be taking him to the dogs home & that there is a dog there that looks really suitable. He had already looked & thought the same about the same dog. I don't know why she hasn't been adopted. Most people want pups I guess.
I had spoken to my SIL & shed a few tears & laughs with her & when I got off the phone I got a bottle of sparkling red out of the fridge & shared it with G.
We then had crackers & cheese with lots of salad items for dinner. (When we do have Vietnamese spring rolls they are the rice paper ones, LaMa, filled with lots of salad items mostly & fresh herbs, & usually some tuna. Maybe today :) )
I also had ice cream instead of yoghurt. I didn't enjoy it as much. It was too rich & too sweet.
Cals were 1502, almost precisely the amount of the wine. I didn't miss out on any nutrition, but that's 300 cals. I know how I gained weight.
I weighed myself this morning & was relieved to see I am still holding at 5.5 kg down. Back on the bus. :driving:
I guess a lot of people got a dog during the first lockdowns so now the demand isn't as high? Fingers crossed R and the possible rescue will be perfect for each other but even if he ends up adopting another dog the thought should help for now. Being isolated and confined to a small space is awful even you're feeling ok; best of luck to him.
When we do have Vietnamese spring rolls they are the rice paper ones
Maybe I should try them some time as well then. I always thought they looked very bland and unsatisfying but I guess it all depends on the fillings and dipping sauce.
I guess a lot of people got a dog during the first lockdowns so now the demand isn't as high? Fingers crossed R and the possible rescue will be perfect for each other but even if he ends up adopting another dog the thought should help for now. Being isolated and confined to a small space is awful even you're feeling ok; best of luck to him.
Thanks, LaMa. I know that he needs a dog & just saying that we're coming down to see him seemed to lift his spirits a bit.
Maybe I should try them some time as well then. I always thought they looked very bland and unsatisfying but I guess it all depends on the fillings and dipping sauce.
The bought ones are never tasty enough. G makes delicious ones & uses lots of fresh herbs, especially mint & Vietnamese mint, which we have in our garden. The dipping sauce we buy is delicious. It's Poonsin brand.
Hi Cate! So sorry R is feeling so bad, and I really hope he recovers fast. The testing is the same here, impossible to get. Home made Veitnamese spring rolls sound delectable! Glad you had such a lovely Christmas and that you're doing well besides worrying for R. I hope the rescue dog works out for him. That would be wonderful. I don't know how I would have made it through the last year without all my cat snuggles!
Hi, M. R's gf, H, is a very resourceful woman. She was up north visiting her sister & I mentioned to her in a message on Saturday that I thought the only way to get one of the rapid antigen tests was to queue up somewhere & say you're a close contact. She messaged me back yesterday to say her & her sister managed to find 2 tests. R messaged me last night to say that he got tested & it's negative. He didn't tell me that H had brought the tests. Well done, H! She's a gem. I had told her how down he was, but I don't think she had believed me. She messaged last night to tell me how awful he had looked when she got there, but he perked up & offered her a glass of wine & cooked for her after they both tested negative. She is good medicine for him. I think the thought of being so isolated had really played on his mind.
I sent the dogs home a message yesterday & the dog that I liked (& R) is still available. They have a system where you can foster a dog for a month to make sure it will work out. It's not easy getting to see them now because of covid. You make an appointment to see one particular dog, whereas I think it would be best to visit the dogs home & see which dog picks you.
I can't imagine life without Archie. He loves a pat!
My current avatar is a drawing our granddaughter did of me when she was only 10. I love the heart! I never wear purple, btw.
That must be a huge relief that R tested negative and has H to cheer him up now. I agree about the dog picking you. When we went to look at our kittens, Lumi instantly bonded with K, and the foster cat mom said she didn't usually like being out for adoption and her behavior was very unusual for her. I like your GD's pic of you - the face is so kind and happy! Hope you had a good day. Ours was sleepy and nice.
Hi, M. I didn’t have a great day & got very grumpy with G. He’s playing so much golf & I really feel I’m way down on his priority list. It’s not worth going into details & I think I’m over it. I’ll come back in the morning & detail my day.
Sorry about your day. I hope G realizes you need some together time and things feel more balanced soon. I definitely know that feeling you are describing. Hugs!!!
:grouphug: Sorry to hear you had a hard day. Great to hear R tested negative and has H with him again though. Fingers crossed the dog is the right fit!
Sorry about your day. I hope G realizes you need some together time and things feel more balanced soon. I definitely know that feeling you are describing. Hugs!!!
Thanks, M. I really was angry with him yesterday & he definitely knows about it. Instead of bottling things up, I have been giving him an earful. It won't hurt him to take a little more notice of me & a little less of his golfing buddies. So many of them are also moving to our local club. I didn't think he could play much more golf than he was before, but I was wrong. He says yes when someone asks & then checks with me because he can never remember that we have medical appointments (or doesn't listen) so then he has to ring them back to say he can't. I have been really sarcastic & snarky lately. I don't like being like that. He's wearing my patience.
:grouphug: Sorry to hear you had a hard day. Great to hear R tested negative and has H with him again though. Fingers crossed the dog is the right fit!
Thanks, LaMa. He seems so much better mentally now. I think it really messed with his mind & he seems SO much better now. H is very good for him. I hope he feels as strongly towards her & she does for him. I want this to work. I'll try to step back about the dog & let him get one in his own time. It would be good if they selected one together.

G has gone off to play golf again & this time I will stay at home with Archie again & just have a relaxing day. I think I'll tackle some more paperwork/photos today. It's very satisfying being able to get rid of things & I think I'm in a good space to let things go. D has his favourite books in 3 large garbage bags in one of our spare bedrooms & it would be good to actually put them in a bookcase. I can always more my albums into a hall cupboard again. I might do that & surprise him when he's here next. I never look at old photos anyway.

Has stalled a bit, but that's understandable really. I had a piccolo of bubbles when I visited G yesterday, but kept to 1200 cals. I had to abort my visit to her quickly when she had 2 granddaughters visit, neither of whom is vaccinated. There are so many young people here who are paying no heed to the health recommendations. Do they think they're bullet-proof? My friend G has had lung cancer & her lungs are seriously compromised. She is struggling for breath. I am really glad my ex DIL, who can be very extreme in her views has made sure both of the younger kids are vaccinated. I double-checked with our older GS yesterday & he has been too.

It looks like it's going to bucket down, so I'm going to quickly take Arch for a walk & then I am emptying out a bookcase & starting that job!
There are so many young people here who are paying no heed to the health recommendations. Do they think they're bullet-proof?
Yes, they do. I know I did when I was younger. Glad your grandkids are all vaccinated though.
He says yes when someone asks & then checks with me because he can never remember that we have medical appointments (or doesn't listen) so then he has to ring them back to say he can't.

Lol, my D had to learn the hard way, he now asks before saying yes to extra rural fire stuff or squash games after I tore strips off him for saying yes to something that clashed with an important meeting.
Do you have a shared calendar, paper or on your phones? If he has the option of checking (without having to ask you, specifically) and just doesn´t that would feel so disrespectful of your time/schedule.
Do you have a shared calendar, paper or on your phones? If he has the option of checking (without having to ask you, specifically) and just doesn´t that would feel so disrespectful of your time/schedule.
He does have that option, LaMa. I'm afraid he is so set in his ways/reliant on me to juggle appointments etc & at the moment it is a point of conflict as it's golf fever time. He has been annoying the living daylights out of me lately.
R went looking at dogs yesterday at the dogs home. H took the day off work as she has been feeling a bit off-colour (& hates her job). They spent 2 hours there & the photos she sent me were adorable. I think R wants a greyhound but H thinks they're "ugly". The dog I had picked out was too boisterous but was adorable. Maybe if he had been on his own he may have picked her or the greyhound. Who knows? I'll talk to him today. He bought a brushcutter yesterday & brush cut his yard so is obviously feeling a lot better physically.
We went into town early this morning as G had to have a fasting blood test before hopefully his last urologist ap't next week. It should be the 5-year all-clear after his prostate cancer. He'll get a letter so that he can re-start giving blood. They won't take mine again :( We used to love going down the coast every 3 months to give blood. We always went out to lunch afterwards & did a little shopping.
I took Archie for his favourite river walk. I walked the longest I have for ages & was aching by the end. We came home & G cooked a delicious mushroom & cheese omelette. It was especially good after the walk. Arch is snoozing & G nodded off for a while. Going for a walk every morning before breakfast would be a wonderful thing. Sometimes I wish we lived in town. Then I come home to peace & quiet & look at the birds & the trees & our lovely house. I just need to drive in there more often.
Weight- same, same.
Mood- pretty good.
BF- was 376 cals, so will eat lighter at lunch. My body prefers that anyway.
My day- I'm not sure what I'll tackle today. Which cupboard? Hmmm.....
Second edit:
We're listening to music while G is cooking. This is one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite Australian singers, Paul Kelly. I haven't watched the video.
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