bluehats diary

I'm glad the cakes are gone. I had looked them up & was wondering how many calories are in each. Do you eat any fruit, Blue or is it too expensive for your budget?
I'm glad the cakes are gone. I had looked them up & was wondering how many calories are in each. Do you eat any fruit, Blue or is it too expensive for your budget?
It says on the box 250 calories each.

Mostly fruits too expensive but
when raspberries are on sale
I do try to get some.
5 songs
Sugar free yogurt and homemade
macaroni tomato soup
2 nutritional drinks
Didn't do weight
And goals the same

Weight- didn't do
Goals- 9 songs and
200 lbs
Food- homemade black bean soup
Leftover sugar free yogurt
Exercise - none (Sundays off)

Likely going to do 5 songs for an extra
week see how the legs are.
Feet seem to be better with the weight loss?
I guess I'm not sure.
I do know they swell a lot in the summer heat
Fingers crossed you'll be able to lose a little more weight by summer and your feet have an easier time this year.
Raspberries are super expensive here but they're so nice!
It's really good that your feet are coping better & with more weight loss they should get even better again. I love that you are dancing & I love raspberries.
Goals- 200lbs.
9 songs
16/8 fasting

Foods- macaroni beef tomato soup homemade
Cherry sugar free yogurt (found yogurt sale)

Exercise - 5 songs

Weight - 261
The fasting I added isn't much more
than I already do.
For many years I haven't been able
to eat before noon. And I don't need
food at night.
So to make it work for me--
I stop eating at 8pm and eat at noon.
Also being able to split the meals
into 2. So eat again sometime before 8pm.
Seems to all go together.
We will see.
Still having trouble with eating too much
and being able to tell how much to heat up.
Bloated/stuffed last night and today so far.
I can't split them in 3 cause my medication
(Insulin) only covers 2. And I don't want to
increase the dose for more food. It makes
me hungry and I only recently got to reduce
the dose. And not ravenous now so much.

I guess just have the 2 cups halved?
3 is too much even split.
I don't want to waste food.
No exercise or weight to note.
Went shopping during my normal
exercise time. Used all my energy
to shop.
Something bothered my stomach
when I was out and I hadn't even
eaten yet.

Foods I did manage to get in--
Leftover macaroni tomato soup.
1 glucerna.

It should all be back on schedule tomorrow
As long as my stomach feels better.
I hope your stomach settles, Blue. Is the glucerna a new thing that you're taking for diabetes?
It's one of the nutritional drinks I use.
Made for diabetics.
I only had a few so soon back to my
regular ones until I find another sale on those.
Goals- same

Foods- 3 cups canned pea soup
1 cup sugar free yogurt

Exercise - 5 songs

Weight - didn't do
So annoying when your stomach is uncooperative. I hope you feel better.
It's better today.
Must have one of those 24 hour things
but for less than the 24hours. Whew.