Big T & MMW: To Keep Lean & Stay Mean ;)

Well, whilst England WERE in the World cup i binge drank a LOT and binge ate a LOT and very rapidly put on nearly 7lbs. Well i worked hard over the last week or so and i'm back down to 219lbs (went up to 225!!)

Still going to keep losing i think now untill the end of summer. **** it i'll allow myself to be weak & skinny for the one time in my life. After that though its all business.
Where are the updates you lazy bugger?

Ok ok i will stop being lazy :D

Erm weight - i have no idea....i'm guessing i've put on a few lbs though which wont be good

Training is going ok, nothing special, just maintaining, and feel skinny and weak.

Update provided :)
Update is similar to the previous. Training fairly average, no more strength losses now, i'm actually very slightly gaining strength in some areas i think.

I'll weigh myself in the morning, i have a feeling i'm going to be near the 16stone mark again :( (224lbs)

My main goal at the moment is i'm trying my hardest to master the ****ing squat, wide stance feels better and helps me not lean forward as much but i'm still nowhere near there.

Deadlifts - i've discovered that the sumo DL is like 1000000000 times easier for me. The wide stance seems to put more emphasis on my hams/glutes and my lower back rounds much less (if not at all). So i'm going to keep going with these and try improve technique.

If i ever get to a day where i can consistently squat & DL without injury i'll be a new man...:D
Actually not half as heavy as i thought, weighed in at 218.5lbs today - its a good motivator to get losing some more before my holiday in 3.5 weeks time! Then after my holiday it's time ;) to bulk.

From now until after my holiday i'm just going to do a 3 day FBW with simple lifting to maintain. This will give time to add in more cardio days.

Think i'll record some numbers tomorrow to show and see where i'm at. All i know is they wont be heavy...
I'm not far behind you then, although I weighed in at 213 yesterday :(
Wierd to think we were about 35lbs apart at the start of July!

What weight are you aiming at for the holiday?