Before and Current

I finally got the courage to post a few pics. First of all, I want to thank all of the great people on this site for all the great information that has helped me through my journey of getting fit.

This first picture is of me last August. I was 252 pounds at the time.

This second picture is of me today at 198 pounds.

I know I got a ways to go, but I am extremely happy with my progress and I am intensifying my weights and cardio, so I am on my way. My goal now is to add alot more muscle and reduce my bodyfat.
Awesome Falco1. What an amazing change. You must be so proud. Keep it up and you will progress to where you want to be for your next goal :D Great job!!
Daaaaaaaaaamn. That's an amazing improvment. People like you provide the examples for people starting out to know that there are rewards to not giving up and staying on track. Awesome job!

Thanks for all the compliments guys! I am still a work in progress. I will post some better pics as soon as I get more taken.

To answer the last question, I am 5'11".
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Congrats. Amazing progress, you must be really chuffed. Well done!!!!!:)