Cohen's Lifestyle BabyFatNoMore's Weight Loss Journal

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
I'm sick.... fever, nausea, dizziness. I called hubby and asked him to bring me "something good." I told him, "I'm sick. I have to have something good... chocolate or cheesecake or..." His response? "Take medicine if you're sick, but stick to your program." Oh, so that's what normal people do...
LOL Misty, I'm glad your husband is on the ball!!!! It's great when we have partners that support us 100%. I know I won't ever deviate on this program, but sometimes i'll say 'oh i'd love some of that' and he just looks at me and says ' well you can have a smell, but you're not getting any'...gotta love them.

Keep it up, You're doing so well...
Yes, Minny, we're are so fortunate to have supportive hubbies. Of course, they'll reap the benefits when we're done! ;)

Thanks for the encouragement, Annie. You'd make a wonderful cheerleader! And look at you, with your 16kg... awesome.

Bank restored our money. Yay! I'm still sick, but haven't deviated-- and I won't!!! I'm sooooo thankful for mashed cauliflower w/ cheese. Reminds me of my favorite comfort food-- mashed potatoes. I've had it for lunch the last two days and I feel like I'm cheating! Yum...
Oh Misty, I had missed reading about the bank thing! You have done so well not deviating through all that and sickness too! Well done. You should be very proud of yourself! Your husband sounds as supportive as mine. We're lucky. I have a friend who is on re-feed now (each of us didn't know the other was doing Cohen's!) & her husband called her in to listen to a show on tv that was about the number of people who put all of their weight back on after losing it. It will give her extra motivation of course (might motivate her to leave him!:rolleyes: ) but I don't think it was intended that way! Hope you're feeling better lots better. Keep up the good work, xo Cate.

I am so proud of you for not sneeking or looking for junk food when you know someone has stolen what you have worked so hard for.
I am like you - my final present at the end of this diet is a BREAST LIFT - This is something that I have wanted for a long time... after having kids! HAHA Gotta love them! even after what they do to your body!:p

Keep up the good work and Happy Losing!
aka Fatass
Cate, that is one husband I would have to muzzle! He sounds like some of my friends, you know the whole, "Slow and steady wins the race... anything quick will come right back and then some... quick is unhealthy... blah blah blah!" I need encouragement, not negativity. Once again, we're sooooo lucky to have our at-home support systems, not to mention this forum.

Kelly... kids... gotta love 'em, stretch marks, saggy boobs, and all! :)

Thanks for the support w/ the sickness and the bank. What a week! I'm feeling much better now and at least I know I can handle stress without pigging out!!! What a revelation...
I'm still here, just been feeling crummy lately. Still can't quite shake this fever. At least I haven't deviated, though... that's definitely something. It has taken a lot of energy to get up three times a day and measure out my veggies and cook...

Well, my days of losing a pound a day seem to be over! I knew it couldn't last forever. I guess this is where reality kicks in. Should probably switch to weighing only once a week now so I don't get discouraged. If I really wanted to be adult about it, I'd weigh once a month, but I'm not ready to give up my scale yet!

Here's to another Cohen week. Happy losing everyone...
It happens every time I diet. At about 11-15 pounds lost, a little voice in my head starts to whisper, "One little bite won't hurt." "It's only a little chocolate." And so it's begun. The difference is, I'm not going to give in this time. I'm going to fight it with everything I have. I've dieted soooo many times in the last few years, but I've never lost more than 15 pounds at a time.... because I always give in to the voice!!! It's my downfall... I start out with the best of intentions, believing I really CAN have one bite. Then it's, "Well, today is already shot, so I might as well enjoy it and I'll start clean tomorrow." After that, all momentum is lost and I never get back on track. It's happened with Atkins, Nutrisystem, the Rice Diet, the Hawaiian Diet, etc. Not this time!!!

I'm trying to ignore the voice but listen to my real cravings. If I'm craving mashed potatoes, I whip up some mashed cauliflower. Craving pizza? Cohens pizza it is. It's working so far.

My question is: why do I do it? Do I want to be overweight? Do I find protection in my extra pounds? I don't know and I don't expect anyone to answer that question, but I'm going to ponder it....
When you find the answers to those questions let me know BFNM.. I'm EXACTLY THE SAME.. almost like I'm trying to self sabotage!

Not sure what pouunds are but I get about 7 or 8kg in and then start to self sabotage. I'm strong for the first three weeks and then I cave. I seem to be starting Cohens anew every month which is just ridiculous.

So far so good this week.. but I really do need to get to the root of my obesity. At least I know I'm not alone. Here's to us healing ourselves from the inside out once and for all xxxxooo
Hello IChooseLife,

I think a kg is 2.2 pounds, so it sounds like we start to waver around the same time. It's really strange, isn't it? I really, really want to lose the weight, so can't figure out why I do it. Maybe I feel more invisible with the extra weight, like I can fade in the background, not draw too much attention. Writing it down, it sounds crazy, but I think there might be truth to it. Wow, I need a shrink! :)
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I think we need to focus on one day at a time, and not worry about the end of the week or next month. Do what you need to get through the day.

Weight is a PRISON that stops us from living our full potential, its easier to blame food and weight for things that aren't as we would like them to be. As Dr Phil says you are getting a pay off for your behaviour or else you wouldn't be doing it. Figure out what you pay off is.

We don't know what it is to like our selves, beating ourselves up with guilt because we don't have the will power is more familiar than liking our selves.

Where the head goes the body will follow. If you keep on focusing on the food then you will end up eating. We must focus on why we want to loose the weight and what we want to achieve. Visual what it would be like at goal, what it will be like not to be on a diet.

I too have been the same with past diets but with this one I have just not caved in.. the food i might be craving is not going anywhere, I have a lifetime to eat it..but for now it's cohens food only. Just keep thinking that, it works for me.
Hang in there, don't give in, this diet is sooooooo worth it.
You have done real great so far, keep it up, you can do it, be strong!

Annie Lusion
Thanks, Annie! You're so right that the food will still be there. I'll have to start reminding myself of that when the cravings start. I told myself from the beginning that I would not stray-- not one little bite-- and I meant it. I have invested too much in time, money, and hope to screw it all up over a piece of chocolate! It's kind of empowering to realize that I do have the strength to say no, to not give in. Sounds silly, I'm sure. After all, it's only food. But cravings can be so strong sometimes that they feel like a real need. I've finally realized that if I don't give in, I don't die!!! And the craving doesn't linger until it's fed. Surprisingly, it goes away pretty quickly if it isn't indulged. Yay, Cohens! And, Annie, congrats on staying strong so long! Like you said, it's tough but soooooooo worth it. Thanks for the support.
This is my first PMS on the diet, and it's fierce! Don't know if it's my imagination or not, but my cramps and cravings seem much worse than ever before. Plus my weight has barely moved in a week (yes, I still weigh daily). It's a little discouraging, but I'm pushing through. Deviating is not an option. I'll just be so glad when this period starts so I can start feeling a little better. I've been soooo emotional lately. I actually cried the other night because my husband doesn't think I'm pretty!!! Why? Because I put on a new pair of pajamas-- just baggy pants and a T-shirt-- and he didn't notice! I think I'm losing my mind. I think it's because I feel like I'm doing so great, saying no to cravings and favorite foods, and I'm so ready for it to show! I guess I expect people to fall at my feet, proclaiming my greatness! :) See, told you I'm losing it....
Misty- That is how I was feeling for the 1st 2 months. I was expecting everyone to notice & getting upset that they didn't say anything. Love yourself sweety. That's what really matters. Did your hubby say he didn't think you are pretty or is this your mind (& hormones!) playing tricks. Maybe he loves you & fancies you regardless of size which should feel nice. I was the same. Why do we do this to ourselves? Soon everyone will be noticing & commenting & you will have to learn to cope with all the attention.
Take care & thank you very much for all your support for me, xo & a big hug from me, Cate
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Thanks Cate. No, he didn't say that! Actually, he's been so supportive and complimentary. Then, the first day he DIDN'T have a compliment, I broke down in tears! It's hormones.... and stress, nothing more. He has said from the beginning that he thinks I'm beautiful at any size. I don't quite believe him, but it's nice to hear! Anyway, I finally started, so should be feeling sane soon. :)
Misty let me know when you are feeling sane & I'll let you know when I'm feeling sane & we'll celebrate (but without the bubbly!) We'll get there I'm sure. How lucky we are to have such lovely husbands. If we could learn to love ourselves as much as our husbands love us I'm sure we wouldn't give ourselves so much grief. xo, Cate
p.s. Next week the elephant has to go-swallowed early by the snake!
Hello... still not entirely sane, but getting there. I've gone from thinking about food all the time to forgetting to eat! I'm just not getting hungry. When I get lightheaded, though, that's a pretty good clue I haven't eaten! I guess I'll have to start following a stricter schedule so I can't forget. I know skipping meals isn't good...

My birthday is coming up next Tuesday. I was feeling a little down that I won't be having birthday cake, but how silly is that?! I'm giving myself a much better gift this way... health, energy, and yes... a better appearance. As Annie would say, the cake will still be there when this is over. :)
Misty- It seems we are sharing this journey in more ways than one! It's my birthday next Frid (18th May will be 54!) Cake shmake- give me healthy & happy. That would be a great birthday treat! Here's to us & a great future, xo Cate
I love birthdays ...woooo hooooo double celebration next week!!!
Cate and Misty, hope you enjoy!

Misty, good for you, thats the way ...cake can wait!

19 pounds..way to go thats 8.5 kilos in less than a awesome!

You are doing so well.:jump:

Annie Lusion