Alligatorob's Diary

Today was a pretty good day, but I did not get a lot of exercise in. Mostly just misc yardwork. I am busy getting ready for my trip next week. I did eat well and feel good tonight.
Being able to swap weightloss experience with your doctor sounds like fun - or definitely interesting.
Yes, LaMa, it was both. First time I think I have ever been asked for advice from a doctor. I like him, nice guy.
Yeah, it’s great to share an experience like you did with your doctor. There’s great healing in that.
Yes, it did feel good, thanks Emily.
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Miscellaneous yard work, aka being active all day, is often better for calories burned than working out for an hour and spending the rest of the day on your butt.
A good day, I both did yardwork and a short workout. Ate pretty well too. Both lunch and dinner mostly from the garden, lettuce and broccoli. Yesterday I even had some of our strawberries, but there won't be many of those.
Miscellaneous yard work, aka being active all day, is often better for calories burned than working out for an hour and spending the rest of the day on your butt.
LOL, I have been guilty of that!
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Both lunch and dinner mostly from the garden, lettuce and broccoli.

You already have broccoli ready? That's great--when did you plant that? I don't grow broccoli these days, but used to and always found it kind of a satisfying plant to grow. Nowadays I stick to mostly to leafy greens like kale and chard because they just seem easier all round.
A good day, ate a few more calories than usual, but not bad. I did get just over two hours in at the gym this morning and feel good tonight. Ate more garden things, even had a small bowl of strawberries from the garden with dinner.

Wednesday I leave for an 8 day trip to Florida, more fishing, for grouper and snapper this time. Same as last June. I will do my best whilst traveling, but will have problems keeping up with posting, logging and regular exercise.

You already have broccoli ready? That's great--when did you plant that? I don't grow broccoli these days, but used to and always found it kind of a satisfying plant to grow. Nowadays I stick to mostly to leafy greens like kale and chard because they just seem easier all round.
Yes, but it is almost gone. We have a short broccoli season here, not long from freezing weather to hot. These were planted in April. I miss my Florida garden where I was able to grow broccoli all winter.
Oh, Rob. Yellowfin tuna? YUM!
Yep, I brought home 70 pounds from the Louisiana fishing trip and have been eating it a lot since. Still have more in the freezer.
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Not a bad day, did two hours and about 10 minutes at the gym this morning and it felt good. I was more energetic than I have been on a leg day yet. Looks like I missed logging my exercise on the app, you'll have to take my word for it.

No gym for the next week and a half, headed out on vacation. Not sure how consistently I will be able to log in or what exercise I will get, but I will do my best.
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The Good

I had a good fishing trip. Got out three times. The first time we did an overnight trip, left the dock at 7 am, went out about 100 miles. Fished all day, all night and most of the next day. Got back to the dock at 8 pm so 37 hours on the water, little or no sleep but lots of fish. See the picture.
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Trip 2 was only a one-day trip, about 14 hours same direction but only got about 80 miles out. Trip 3 was freshwater to Lake Okeechobee, fishing was kind of slow for the lake but I did manage to bring back 29 fish, 5 catfish and 24 bluegill and related fish. Much smaller fish than the saltwater trips, but nice ones.
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I came home with about 70 pounds of filets and cleaned fish for the freezer. Had to check 2 coolers as luggage to hold it all. Still have some tuna so we are stocked for a while.

Also got some good medical news whilst on the trip, my biopsy results from the colonoscopy finally came back, and all looks good. No problems there.

The Bad

I ate way too much, binges included. I sort of thought I’d experiment with “intuitive” eating and just eat what I wanted to eat while traveling. Well, the experiment was a failure, and I should have ended it on day one, but I did not. Kept overeating and gained some weight. Maybe the “experiment” was just my excuse to binge without regret, but now I am regretting it.

Funny thing is it did not feel bad physically, in fact I felt better, my digestion and all was better than it has been in a while. I guess my body is made to overeat, or after so many years of doing it adjusted anyway.

Another bad, I fell on the boat day one and hit my face hard when I went down. No sever damage, just bruising and a little bloody. Most of the damage is now healed, however I have a place on my face that I think is infected. It is swollen and hurts, and even more than a week after the accident it’s getting worse, not better… I have a doctor’s appointment today to have it looked at.

A Fork in the Road

I know that is what I face now. I can either continue down this path, it would be the easy way, just doing what comes naturally. No struggling, no deprivation… However, if I will regain most or all the weight and maybe more. Or I can get back on track. I know losing the few pounds I have gained will happen if I get back on track, but I also know it will be hard, and will continue to be. I am a compulsive overeater; my core instinct is to eat everything I can get my hands on. And in the short run anyway it makes me happy. None of that has changed with the weight loss…

I know the rational thing is to get back on track, and keep on struggling to find a way to eat what is healthy and be happy about it. So, I will give that a try, today will be a struggle, the first day always is.

I call this my “fork in the road” after my favorite cookbook by Paul Prudhomme ( I believe Paul was the best Cajun chef ever, and the current popularity of Cajun food is largely to his credit. He was also a compulsive overeater, quite obese much of his life. Something I feel like I share with him. It was during one of his periods of weight loss he wrote this book, it is Cajun and Cajun related recipes that are lighter and healthier. Unfortunately Paul was unable to stay on track and keep his weight off, he eventually died still overweight and morbidly obese, but not at his peak.

All I can do is try, and hopefully do as well or better at my fork than Paul did…
Seems like we're all struggling at the moment. Or maybe it's more that we come here to talk about the stuff we struggle with.

One thing to remember about regaining a lot of weight is that you would be less healthy than you were the last time. You lost weight quickly and (naturally) lost some muscle mass along with the fat. Regaining quickly will likely not give your body enough time to rebuild the muscle you need to control a bigger body.

Another thing to remember is that it's pretty normal to struggle after losing a lot of weight. You're not weak or stupid because of this, your body just has unhealthy desires that not everyone has. Whether they're innate or learned 50 years ago doesn't even matter: you are who you are and your body deserves to be treated well. Dying at 75 from an undisclosed cause is not a nice future.
Welcome back Rob, the forum wasn't the same without you around! Congrats on the biopsy results and wow, what a haul of fish! How long will 70lb last you?

I'm sorry intuitive eating didn't work for you - I fear I'll forever be in that same boat. Even when I'm doing 2000 cal worth of exercise a day, I can still easily eat well over maintenance (and want to).
It is so good to have you back Rob. What a lovely array of fish. YUM!
I hope day 1 isn't as bad as you expect. Claw your way back, Rob to where you were & then think about a new plan. I don't think it will ever be easy but being healthy is worth the effort. Losing weight quickly was a mistake for me too, but I felt that I was never going to lose it any other way & went with it at the time. It will always be a struggle with me. I am not going to give up on myself though & I don't think you will either.
We all know that you are more than capable of setting your mind to something & doing it. Regaining a lot of weight would be awful & very disheartening for you.
Day one went well. I started eating some of the fish, began with bluegill, the first I have had in many years. Bluegill are a small bream, I just scale, head and gut them before freezing. After picking bones I figure I get about 2 ounces of fish meat to eat per fish. So I had 3 for dinner last night. Tried pan frying them the way my mother used to do, but without breading, did not do so well as my mother would have but they were good. Lots more to experiment with.

Thanks LaMa, and I am sure going to try not to regain, I am pretty sure Paul died as the result of his weight, I don't want the same fate. I met him a couple of times in his restaurant in New Orleans, he used to circulate and sit with customers, a very social guy and easy to talk with. His food was amazing, the restaurant took no reservations and I never waited less than an hour in line for a table, always well worth it.
Seems like we're all struggling at the moment.
I guess that is the nature of the beast, I can't say it makes me happy to see others struggling, but there is some comfort in knowing I am not alone in this...

Thanks Err, it is good to be back, I certainly was not the same without it, for the worse unfortunately. I imagine the fish will last 6 months or so, until the next trip. We are still eating tuna, brought home about 60 lbs of that. So are well stocked for fish for a while.
I'm sorry intuitive eating didn't work for you - I fear I'll forever be in that same boat.
Yeah, I guess we have that in common, as do a lot of other folks here. As I said to LaMa, I would not wish this condition on anyone, but there is some help in knowing we are not alone. It helps me anyway.

Thanks Cate, and day one went well, without too much struggle, now into day 2, hope it goes as well. Sounds like you are in that same boat with Err and I (and lots of others) hopefully we can navigate those waters together!
Regaining a lot of weight would be awful & very disheartening for you.
Yes it would, this is not my first rodeo, I have lost and regained before and I know you are exactly right. Difference is this time I lost more than ever before, and managed to maintain longer than ever before... Hope it goes on even longer.
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I think if you look at the picture of you with those fish, and then the video of that amazing chef, you will see that in terms of weight, you are nowhere near that Rob.

It's difficult when our emotions have always guided us to overeating as a salve, so to speak. It's incredibly difficult to move away from that. The fork in the road is maybe more of a fork you can hold, in this case. I would put the holiday eating down to holiday eating, which even people that have never had weight problems struggle with. You binged, you had fun, you felt 'better'. Yeah, because you were on holiday.

I believe that you'll stick with your healthier lifestyle because I know how important it is to you. Remind yourself of that. To lose the amount of weight you've lost means that you had a real mental shift. That hasn't gone away after a fishing trip. Come on. Don't let the food demon whisper sweet nothings anymore. Don't pay him any heed. You've shown him what you're made of.