Weight-Loss Ageless Wonders Post here

Good afternoon gals. How's it going today?!
I guess our little Jenny is busy. Hope shes doing good though, she had that fair to go to this weekend. They are killer on food. Well Im doing ok so far here. Managing to stay within my calories and drinking loads of water...oh and got an hour and a half on the treadmill..WOOHOO. Hope everyone else is doing good too.
Good morning girls! Hope you are having a good morning. I have been up since about 6:45... couldn't sleep for some reason and I was surprised because I went to bed about midnight. So... I got up and made my hubby's birthday cake (already figured out how many calories for one piece so I can count it into my daily calorie count) and then I put the pork tenderloin in the crock pot so it could start cooking. We are having an early supper today because we are going to the fair late this afternoon. I figured if I ate supper before we went I wouldn't be tempted to eat any of the bad food while I was there. I will get plenty of walking while I am there so no exercising this morning. I am getting ready to eat breakfast and then am going to have to work a little today. It is still very quiet here since everyone is still sleeping (8:20) so I am going to take advantage of the situation and make the most of it!

Julie, I posted in your diary but just in case you come here first, I hope things are going okay for you. I think about you often during the day wondering how things are going. I am praying for you and your girls!

Trish, if I know you, your bubbley little self is already up and bouncing around! You have so much energy! If I only had half of what you have!!! :)

Hope my girls have a great day!!!!
Good Idea eating dinner before hand sweetie. Fair food is grose when you think about it. You are doing so well hon I am so proud of you. Things are going here dont really know if good or bad they are just goiong...LOL. Trish where are you darlin probobly out running, yep shes an energetic little thing. Gotta love her spunk. I remember when I was young, those were the days...LOL. Hope you are all having a good day so far. One thing to say to you Jenny. DRINK YOUR WATER......LOL.
Jenny - Have fun at the fair!!! Yeah - darn good idea to eat beforehand!! STAY AYAW FROM THE GREASY FOOD!! It is gross ... but for some reason, at the fair ... it's [retty hard for me to stay away from that stuff! haha* Well have fun :) And you'll be walking all day too .. bonus!!!! And also ... good for you for getting up early and making the most out of your quiet time you have to yourself ..
Julie- Oh you are TOO cute lol * I just ran ... about 100 miles this morning!!! lol jk! But I am rather excited to get to the Y today to work out ... .I've been feeling kiinda BLAHHH lately .. I just need an awesome workout and get this booty movin!!! I hope your day is going alright ... I'm gonna go check out your journal :)
Have a fantastic day ladies!! Keep up the good work!
Ok ladies I dont know about you but its monday and Im motivated. I have to make up for the little screw ups on the weekend. So hope everyone else is up and motivated too.
Hello girls! I too am like you Julie, totally motivated! I got on the scale this morning and I am back to my weigh in weight (2lbs from yesterday)!! So, I am on a roll to an actual loss. And I am hoping that since I am on such a roll over the last few days that the numbers will continue to roll right on down, closer to my goal weight!

We had a blast at the fair last night! I did cave in though and had a funnel cake. I wouldn't have if my best friends mother in law didn't stand right next to me with one of those darned things! It smelled SOOOOO good! So needless to say, on the way out of the fair I grabbed one to eat on the way home. That was the only thing that I ate from there though so I did really good I think. I think eating before we left was a good idea. And when I ate the funnel cake it was right around 6:30 so it wasn't like it was really really late when I ate it.

Have tons of errands to run today and Tanner and I are having lunch with two of my best friends (Jen and Paul - both old co-workers). We are having chinese so I HAVE GOT TO DRINK MY WATER!!!! So much salt in chinese food. It is a buffet but I usually don't eat really bad. I always get the steamed rice instead of fried and I get Moo Goo Gai Pan which is chicken w/veggies in a really thin white sauce (nothing breaded in this dish) and I get Hot and Sour soup (don't know how bad that is). So, anyway I won't be around on here much today. It will probably be after 3 p.m. so have a great day girls and get off those butts and get busy!!!!

Everyone is doing great!!
Well good job! It is SOOO hard to resist fair food but it sounds like you were strong =) and funnel cakes ... mmm mmm mmm good, i hope you enjoyed it! They are delicious!
My monday was great ... good workout and water intake too! Hope your Chinese food went well!! Hope you both had a great day and we'll chat tomorrow :) Goodnight!!!
Mornin Girls. Hope everyone is pumped for the day. I see noone is here yet so you are probobly so pumped your all out running laps as we speak..LOL. Hope you both have a great day!!!
haha* oh JULIE! Do you ever stop?! haha* I love it!!! You KNOW i was out running laps around my block! haha*
Good morning girls!!! :) I hope everyone slept great and is feeling refreshed and motivated again today!!! Hope you have a wonderful afternoond!
Well no posts in here today...I hope that means your both out excercising..LOL. Im not but I hope you are. I will though I promise.
Nope, no exercise with me. I have just been working today so I haven't had much time on here. I did see in your post though were your oldest told Katie about you and Dan. How did you handle it with her?? How is Katie handling it? Its a bad situation all around isn't it? The real question is... how are YOU handling it?

Hugs to you and your girls!
Im still numb I think I am not handeling it in any way. Just trying to act as though it doesent bother me to him. Katie bug just had this blank look on her face I said it will all work out baby. Then she smiled and said I wont lose you will I. I told her never and she seemed a little better. Just what she needed on top of a broken arm poor thing.

As far as Excercise I did manage to finally do 30 minutes on the treadmill..so thats a start at 4:30 at night...LOL. Not a very good one.
Like I said before, they will get through this as long as they know that they have you! The love their Mommy!
Good morning!! I'm back :) Yes tomorrow is weigh in!! Woo hoo! Let's keep at it and work these booties!!! Have a fantastic day ladies!!!! I'll be checking in more later when time allows! haha* Have a great afternoon! Drink up!
Sad that this challenge is ending?!?!?

Well come join the next one to keep you on track. The new one will be run the same way as this one, everyone on teams, but there will be no newbies vs. oldies. It will be every team for themselves, you have been warned!!

Come sign up here

Thank you!!!