


Thanks Dante, like my master said, "a good body is a sickly and a weak body"

I think the movie was about Bale who didn't sleep for a whole year because he was paranoid or was being mentally harassed by people.
the movie was about a guy who didn't sleep for a year because of guilt from an accident that kill somebody but he'd repressed the memory. if i remembeer correctly.

Id like to improve my abs and get them similar to some of the ones of this thread. What excercise have you been doing to get those abs showing like that ?
fuelsofar said:
lol there practically gone.. ive gained about 10lbs in my bulking :-O

Sad to here that, but u can always get them back. What did you do to get your abs like that? They look damn good.

I believe I have a strong set of abs cause I can do many, many sit up no problem. However, I can't get rid of the fat on top of it. The rest of my body is pretty toned (arms, chest, legs) only problem is the ab area. I believe i eat right, lot of small portions of a lot of protein, but still no result after a few months like this. I also do cardio, 30 min runs for 3 times a week. Anyone got any suggestions, fuel?
Well ive got one that i know fuel did, try weighted crunches or do decline situps with 90 lbs on ur chest >_< eh matt lol.

Aout getting rid of the fat, basically eat clean...nice and clean, keep up ur cardio looks good and do abs about 2 times a week. Work em hard!
sexy abs... (sorry but the chest, shoulders,butt, and all have a big part in yummuness...but abs are the sexiest...)
thats me

i didnt do any major situps maybe the odd set once a month. just lots of cardio. i cut my head off because i wasnt looking nice that morning :eek: