Facedown Plank on BOSU

Keine Unterer Anteil d. Bauchmuskulatur Seitliche Bauchmuskulatur Rückenmuskulatur Untere Rückenmuskulatur Halsmuskulatur Hüftbeuger Große Oberschenkelmuskulatur Seitliche Sägemuskulatur Vordere Schultermuskulatur

This is an excellent exercise to improve core strength while focusing on the lower back.


  1. Lay on your stomach on the ground resting on your elbows on the BOSU, feet straight out behind you. Rest on your toes. Lift your hips off the ground so that your legs, back, neck and head are all in a straight line. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, rest and repeat the exercise. Be sure to keep tension throughout your core through the entire exercise.

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