You're Boring And It's Killing You - Fit Jerk

When I write, I tend to put words down that are uncensored. I used to link out, but I figured everyone here is man (or woman?) enough to take it so I'm now offering a choice. This article is something I wrote because it's something I'm passionate about. It's something that resonates with me personally.

Original Location: (Karky: Link removed)

I’ve been on a review roll lately, and while some of you are loving it, I figured it was time to take a break and get back to the **** that is supposed to make this blog complete. I have plenty of other products that are going through their testing phases right now, so know that more hard-hitting and in your face reviews are on their way.

It’s time to talk about an issue that always manages to peek its butt-ugly face every so often, I call it the lame-boring syndrome. There are no pills for it, no organizations to raise money for it and the medical community sure as hell doesn’t know about it (maybe because half of them have it?). Yet, a ****-ton of people suffer from it. You know who you are.

Think about this, why does your job bore you? Why doesn’t your life have excitement? Why can’t you seem to enjoy things that bring joy to others? Why do you have boring friends? Why do you always get sick? Why does your workout suck? Why doesn’t anyone love you? Why don’t you have the body you want? Why can’t you attract the opposite sex?

… It’s because you’re BORING. Your life has no fire, no excitement, no passion or direction. You’re playing it too safe, you’re not taking chances or doing things that push you out of your comfort zone. You gladly accept mediocrity instead of demanding higher standards from life itself. You’re scared to ask for more, you’re too weak to stand up for your beliefs and you’re terrified to fight in order to win. You’re a ****y and will forever remain one… Unless today, right now you decide to change.

Change for the better. I don’t care what you have to do, do what ever it takes and learn to be NOT boring. Do things that are completely out of the ordinary and find some joy in them. Stop giving a **** about what people say and do things that are butt-**** wild. Overload your senses with joy, fear, excitement, pleasure, anger, passion and just send your emotions on one hell of a roller coaster ride. In the end, you’ll be better for it.

What’s more, you can capture those crazy feelings and have your very own feel-good push button for times when life seems dull. This is called “anchoring” and it’s a technique used in NLP. Basically, once you feel yourself going through an emotion you have never experienced, you perform some kind of memorable physical gesture (like say, rubbing your ear lobe) and “anchor” that emotion to it. The next time you want to feel this emotion, just visualize the setting in which you felt it, and rub your ear lobe. Bam. And you thought the Staples easy button was cool. Pfft… Noob.

Now I’m not some NLP expert and nor do I claim to be. In fact, I bet that anchoring is probably a much deeper and complex technique but I’m just telling you what I know. For example, if you see me rubbing my chin… It’s anchored to the times where I felt “heightened” and “excited” after coming up with an awesome idea (happens often). The idea itself doesn’t matter, but the emotion of having a light blub moment is something I wanted to capture. Now if I’m ever in a deep thinking state, or trying to solve a problem… I usually end up rubbing the good ol’ chin. While this doesn’t turn me into an idea pumping factory, it definitely gets me in the proper state of mind and more often than not, I am able to solve most of my problems. It hasn’t failed me yet.

But lets get real. What good is knowing about “anchoring” when you having nothing to anchor? What good is this awesome technique if you’re a boring little rut?!

Exactly, the technique by itself is useless. It’s time for a little change. Go be exciting, accumulate some kick-ass stories to tell people, start demanding a more enjoying and fulfilling life because you know what, in the end you just might find yourself becoming slimmer, happier and more attractive to others around you. Just remember, do it responsibly. I’m not giving you a wildcard to turn into an idiotic party animal that tends to gravitate towards illegal ****. I’m telling you to start living an exciting life… There’s a difference… You lame cupcake.

THE MISSION: Name one exciting thing you’ve done in the past week in the comments below. If you haven’t, go out and DO something exciting then post. Stop thinking, pondering or procrastinating about it and do it. Make **** happen.

Last edited by a moderator: exciting thing...Yeah,today i was hungry and as the first thing i got to eat grapes.That was great.

Anyway when you look at emotions and how people listen to music for hours and fight eachother and look at michael jackson is alive videos,it seems like they want more and more of it the more they do those things.I rank emotions and feelings as narcotics(they are in fact harmful in larger amounts.Watch the end of the documentary called What the bleep do we know?).It doesn`t make you smarter,it doesn`t make you fitter.If you`re strong enough to rid yourself of this weed,you can truly do much more.And waste less hours on listening to music and rubbing your ear lobe.
Last edited: exciting thing...Yeah,today i was hungry and as the first thing i got to eat grapes.That was great.

...It doesn`t make you smarter,it doesn`t make you fitter.If you`re strong enough to rid yourself of this weed...

Yes... I can clearly see that you're an exciting person. That statement alone sums up the lameness that will fulfill your 29,000 days on this planet.

Emotions are a weed, really? Might as well be a robot then, if you aren't already. Hah, to be straight, you clearly missed the f**king point. An unfortunate shame really...

Because you see, there is a HUGE difference between EXPERIENCING emotions vs letting them control YOU. There is a huge difference between enjoying a glass of wine vs being an alcoholic. Emotions aren't weeds, emotions are what make you god damn human.

As for doesn't make you smarter... ever heard of the difference between IQ and EI? (EI... that's emotional intelligence). There is more than one way to be "smart" there buddy. These "weeds" can actually be you TOOL if used right. Think about it...
I really like this fitslug. I seen content like this when I watched David DeAngelos videos.

Thank you for that it was very inspiring and it rings very very true.
I admit, I’m boring! I commute, work, workout, work, commute, play with the kids, TV, bed. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

I will be camping with the scouts for a weekend and seeing a New England Revolution game. Other than that, not much to do. Most things cost and I aint got no cash.

What did you do FitSlug?
Tool or not,i don`t need a chain saw in order to go jogging.

Uh... yes because we all jog with chainsaws, right? Pfft... anyways.

I admit, I’m boring! I commute, work, workout, work, commute, play with the kids, TV, bed. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

I will be camping with the scouts for a weekend and seeing a New England Revolution game. Other than that, not much to do. Most things cost and I aint got no cash.

What did you do FitSlug?

And how can you admit you're boring when you're going camping with the scouts? That's awesome s**t right there. You don't need cash for EVERYTHING.

As for me? I keep things moving...
Our usual martial arts training takes place inside a gymnastics gym. Figured why not it outside and do sparring on dirt? It's quite intense when a roundhouse kick is flying your way... but even more intense when there's a bunch of dirt sand being flung around your eye area.

Drove to Chicago. Wow that was so exciting (not). but it was... different. Once you get there though you realize the drive was worth it... Nice friggin' city. People are awesome and always up for a party. It's my kinda town.

How about grabbing a bunch of friends and hitting the woods for a boot camp style workout. That doesn't cost anyone a dime.

Or how about apple baseball (my invention... thank you very much). Grab a bat, and go find an apple tree. I'm lucky to have one close by. The rest is self explanatory. Why is this fun? Just try hitting an apple with a full out swing and see what happens. Besides punching the ***** out of a heavy bag, it's the next best feeling.

There you go. You need money to live, but not always to have a good time. I should know... I'm one cheap f**ker!
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True, True.

I might take the kids out for firecrappers. Dogpoo + fircrackers = fun fun!

I'm not kidding!

LOL! Damn that cracked me up. See, now THIS man gets what I was talking about. Hey, do me a favor?

... TAPE THAT S.h.i.t (Err... no pun intended there) and get back to me: info [at]

Oh and for those that practice mma or any kind of martial arts, try egg dodging. It's exactly what you think it is. One person whips eggs from a said distance, while the other dodges/blocks/perrys while standing in front of a wall. Even chicks love this one... well the ones I hang with anyway.

If you'd rather use the precious eggs as a protein source then water balloons arent bad either. But not AS fun.
I can never let myself sit, idly, in one place for more than a few minutes. The slightest sign of boredom is poison to me. I'm extremely outgoing and always want to go through new and totally ****ed up experiences - my problem is that none of my current friends are like this (or have given me a clue that they are like this), doing **** alone sucks, it works but when you got someone to share it with it is 10 times more fun. I need to move somewhere wheres there is a little more action. I am on a very tight financial project atm and this prevents me from doing many things and will be tied up for a good 8-10 months. When this is over, I'm turning myself into an uncontrollable dimwit, just for the **** of it. Seriously, I'm going to put myself through the most ****ed up experiences I can manage to find and then some. I'm going to put myself through my biggest fears. I will be in a constant state of "holy **** that was awesome!"

What I did last weekend? Not much, went to the movies, went on an awesome roadtrip, went to the movies a second time, played some video games, worked out twice, helped someone move, went ATVing, studied, went shopping...etc. Oh yeah, it was my dads birthday and I spent 120$ in fireworks.

What I did the past few months? Skydiving, planned to go bungee jumping only to have my friends bail out at the last minute (wasn't really anyones fault). Started crossfit. Went clubbing. Got drunk couple times...etc.

Enough babbling...

Apple baseball? That sounds like a plan for this weekend....

I have one for you: By some dry ice (chipped), buy one or two cases of bottled water. Take a bottle, empty it until there is 3-4 inches of water left in it, put some dry ice in it, squeeze the bottle (to give you time to throw it far far away), close the lid tight, throw and watch. This shouldn't cost you too much - well worth it, IMO.


Just make sure you do this safely (if that's even possible) and I'm not responsible for what happens.

Fun is in the eye of the beholder, don't let anyone tell you what you do is boring if it isn't to you. My 2 cents.
lol, cool

I bungee jumped. Ontario Place, 160 feet from the ankles in my 20's. I was pushing 250lbs. They had to call up to the fellas to ask if it was okay to send me, guess I was right there at the weight limit. They sent me up.

Scary knowing you are at the limit and some dude could kill you with a miscalculation. Yelled all the way down, I did. lol
I'm stuck in a routine (aka boring & lame) too. I think the most exciting thing I've done in the past week was today, when I used a staple instead of a paperclip..pure evil lol. Good post though

Stay with paperclips. You can make deadly things like miniature bows with them and shoot dirty toothpicks at your boss or your worst enemy, both are good victims.
Fitslug or Fitjerk, whichever you prefer. First off good post, it will get some fires brewin in some poeple. But there are different definitions of being exciting or not boring if you will. For example, i did 160 in my car on the freeway last week. Ive done a wheelie at well over 100 on my bike. That is very exhillerating to me. Though these are chances that i probably should not have taken since I have a wife and kid that rely on me.

Are you married and have any kids ? If not, trust me, things change when you do brother. If you do though, more power to you. I just find doin things like playin apple baseball are not the things i want my kids seein me doin. Ive been involved with martial arts aswell since i was a kid, but at the same time, i dont want my wife seein me and my buddies throwin eggs at eachother against the wall of my garage.

Im hoping you see my point here, which is theres different levels of not being boring that you may consider boring but others dont, which i feel greatly relies on the responsibilities one has in life.

Again, good post. You remind me of that financial speaker I see on infomercials.
. I just find doin things like playin apple baseball are not the things i want my kids seein me doin. Ive been involved with martial arts aswell since i was a kid, but at the same time, i dont want my wife seein me and my buddies throwin eggs at eachother against the wall of my garage.

Again, good post. You remind me of that financial speaker I see on infomercials.

First up, respect, glad you got something outa it. Yes wheelies and a blast but like I carefuly stated, I'm not trying to give someone outright permission to kill themselves. How far you push this? Well that's up to you. You know your limitations so set them.

And no apple baseball with kids? Why the ***** not!? If anything they'll love ya for it. It doesn't down-grade you as a father figure or as a man. It just shows you like doing new and fun ****. I don't see anything wrong with this, but that's just me.

And me sounding like the infomercial dude... haha well I duno if that's a good thing or a bad thing but whatever, I'll take it as a compliment. I would look pretty good on TV if I should say so myself ;)
First up, respect, glad you got something outa it. Yes wheelies and a blast but like I carefuly stated, I'm not trying to give someone outright permission to kill themselves. How far you push this? Well that's up to you. You know your limitations so set them.

And no apple baseball with kids? Why the ***** not!? If anything they'll love ya for it. It doesn't down-grade you as a father figure or as a man. It just shows you like doing new and fun ****. I don't see anything wrong with this, but that's just me.

And me sounding like the infomercial dude... haha well I duno if that's a good thing or a bad thing but whatever, I'll take it as a compliment. I would look pretty good on TV if I should say so myself ;)

Ha, ya that was a compliment. I meant it in that it was a good motivational speach.
As far as apple baseball, I thot you meant with your buds only, as you tend to start growin out of that stuff once you have kids and leave those things for the kids. That i have no prob with, actually got apple and pear trees in the yard for my daughter and her friends to swing away on. Misunderstanding.
But are ya married and have any lads ? It does change the way you perceive certain types of fun and some of the things you described start to seem childish. I mean no offense by that, it just happens to us.

Huh, come to think of it, I also feel I would look pretty darn good as one of those T.V. info dudes. I thinks I should go on a cut first so I dont scare nobody with the guns ! :)

Good post though. Johnny
lol, cool

I bungee jumped. Ontario Place, 160 feet from the ankles in my 20's. I was pushing 250lbs. They had to call up to the fellas to ask if it was okay to send me, guess I was right there at the weight limit. They sent me up.

Scary knowing you are at the limit and some dude could kill you with a miscalculation. Yelled all the way down, I did. lol

Ontario Place as bungee jumping? Since when? Holla! Hah I did mine in BC and it was over a river. I even got the pleasure of being dunked. They calculate it so that at the max stretch of the bungee cord you get dipped in the water then get shot back up... too bad his calculations were off (Are they ever right with these tool bags?) and I got dunked to the ankles and then SHOT back up. Was messed up but still fun.


And naw Jonny I don't got kids... but I know I'll keep doing a few childish activities cuz hey, I'm a kid at heart... not question.

P.S - There is a lil give away happening on my blog so come over and check it out. Free to enter so give it a shot, who knows... you might be the lucky one.
yeah, I jumped in 91 or was there then???