You will be successful... if you do this

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Oh god, my title already sounds like an ad. And I am not even trying to sell you anything. Keep your damned money with you! ;)

I just want to share with you; I believe that I will reach my goal weight. Not because of some magical thing that is going to happen. Not because I have some sort of new method or product.

No. I have decided that I will be successful. I have decided to believe that there is nothing that can stop me from reaching that goal. Sure, there are plenty of things that can slow me down, and I expect to struggle with those things from time to time, but there is nothing that can cause me to fail, because I am willing to pay the price. That price is an openness to try new things, a willingness to let go of other things, an eagerness to push your boundaries and a wish to keep challenging oneself.

Belief matters a lot. I have learned this the hard way. For most of my life, I have believed I would be a failure. And that seemed to be my trajectory. Until I (slowly) started to believe in myself again. I see an incredibly strong correlation between my belief in myself in a specific moment, and the outcome. Fortunately, now I see this in the positive way.

I know this topic may sound cheesy, but I just type this to you, in the hopes that one of you may benefit from it. Whatever you want to do in life, don't set goals like "I hope that I can..." or "I will try...", but make them definite. Say "I will do this". Not just empty words, but actually learn to believe in it. Be willing to face your fears, to develop your character. If you are, nothing can stop you, because you'll discover that most of what you fear is not as scary as you imagined, and that you are a lot stronger than you think.
That is very motivating. I remember when you started your journey with like 100kg I think than you came to like 93 or something. When you started losing weight I was at 15push ups now I am at 50. I can confirm that most important thing to lose weight is WILL POWER. ANd your mind. Just never give up!!!!!
Good to see you here Andrej, and thanks for your comment! :) Glad that my OP was motivating to you! It's true, I lose about 7 kg right now in the last 4 months. It's not going extremely fast, but I don't mind, I know that I can keep on going until it's done, even if it takes me a year (though I expect to be "done" (meaning: at my target weight. In reality, I won't be done until I die, I plan on living this lifestyle for the rest of my life) within 6 months from now).

15 to 50 push ups... that's impressive! Awesome job! Very inspiring; in fact, I will start doing push ups today and I will keep practicing, hoping to reach the 50 too!
Yup I totally agree with you. I am going to make exercising my lifestyle too. True it took me 14 months to get from 0 to 50 push ups. and lose weight. Yes its hella long time but I dont regret even single day exercising. It was totally worth it. I can only imagine what I would look like if I had good diet plan.
My views on this topics have changed... I still think that if you want to succesfully make a change, it's important to believe that you can do it and that you commit to it... but I think that before you do all this you need to accept and respect yourself. I used to see the goal of losing weight as a way to "fix" myself. Healthy eating and exercising were like obligations, requirements.

Now I try to accept that I don't need fixing, that I am a fine human being, including my "flaws". Not saying that losing weight does not have any benefits, it certainly does, but my identity and self-worth is not dependent on it. Now that self-respect is my starting point, I let that emotion/belief motivate all my further actions. That means, that losing weight now not longer an obligation, but it's more like a gift to myself. It's not a negative I want to get rid of, it's a positive I want to gain. It may seem like I am just playing with words, but what I am doing here is to guide my emotions in the right direction. Habits based on positive emotions are much more sustainable in the long term than those based on negative emotions. My whole life experience is filled with experiences that confirm that idea!

Similarly, I see the things that I have to do to lose weight (and taking care of my body in general) as acts of self-respect. This includes cooking, avoiding regularly consuming unhealthy foods and exercising.

I notice that this mindset makes a huge difference. I write more about this in my diary.
My views on this topics have changed... I still think that if you want to succesfully make a change, it's important to believe that you can do it and that you commit to it... but I think that before you do all this you need to accept and respect yourself. I used to see the goal of losing weight as a way to "fix" myself. Healthy eating and exercising were like obligations, requirements.

Now I try to accept that I don't need fixing, that I am a fine human being, including my "flaws". Not saying that losing weight does not have any benefits, it certainly does, but my identity and self-worth is not dependent on it. Now that self-respect is my starting point, I let that emotion/belief motivate all my further actions. That means, that losing weight now not longer an obligation, but it's more like a gift to myself. It's not a negative I want to get rid of, it's a positive I want to gain. It may seem like I am just playing with words, but what I am doing here is to guide my emotions in the right direction. Habits based on positive emotions are much more sustainable in the long term than those based on negative emotions. My whole life experience is filled with experiences that confirm that idea!

Similarly, I see the things that I have to do to lose weight (and taking care of my body in general) as acts of self-respect. This includes cooking, avoiding regularly consuming unhealthy foods and exercising.

I notice that this mindset makes a huge difference. I write more about this in my diary.
hey man. I've been following you for long time on your trip and I was on my own trip asswell. I would like to see whats your stats now. I was inactive in this forum for a while. HOlidays, eating and so on :D but Ive done what I wanted in my life. Live healthy look good.
I agree with "I am going to ..."
Not eating too much is a DECISION....a matter of self-respect... a state of mind that can be trained and controlled.
Our brains are stronger than we "think" it is. What we physically do tells our brain what we want to do and then the
brain can strengthen that by following thru with helping us do it.
& :iagree: with you whole-heartedly Tri!

Thanks cate! :)

5 weeks ago:
I notice that this mindset makes a huge difference. I write more about this in my diary.

Interesting to see that the change in mindset that I describe in this post is still having it's effects. So often have I found something that helps me grow or deal with something (or it seemed to), and then I lost it/forgot about it in as little as a few days time, getting me nowhere. It's only since a year or so that I have been able to really stick to things, and find more profound truths about myself and more helpful approaches to problems in life. Not re-inventing the wheel all the time saves a lot of time and energy. And, even better, you can just use that metaphorical wheel to continually make progress! ;)
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